

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar


B e h o v K U N D B e h o v T il lf re d s s tä ll e ls e K U N D T il lf re d s s tä ll e ls e Planera & hantera ekonomi & bokslut Stödja utbildning Hantera examen Hantera löner & andra ersättningar Hantera säkerhetsfrågor KompetensutvecklaStödja anställda Stödja vid konferenser & kongresser Processa inköp Lokalförsörja Attrahera Stödprocesser Lunds universitet - huvudprocesskarta Rätt studenter

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/huvudprocesskarta.pdf - 2025-02-08

Industridoktorandavtal mall - 2019-10-10

Uppdragsavtal PAGE 1(4) [Denna mall reglerar förutsättningarna om anställning som industridoktorand. Blir det aktuellt med ett samarbetsprojekt mellan LU och företaget ska en sådan situation regleras i ett separat samarbetsavtal.] Avtal om finansiering av industridoktorand Mellan Lunds universitet , institutionen för …….. vid Lunds tekniska högskola, härefter benämnt LU, och [företagets namn, orga

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/industridoktorandavtal_mall_-_2019-10-10.doc - 2025-02-08

Joiman template jp 150317

GUIDE FOR DEVELOPING AND MANAGING JOINT DEGREES AT BACHELOR- AND MASTERLEVEL AT UiB 1 GUIDE TO DEVELOPING AND RUNNING JOINT PROGRAMMES AT BACHELOR AND MASTER’S LEVEL - A template pers-pte Maskinskriven text pers-pte Maskinskriven text pers-pte Maskinskriven text Lund University pers-pte Maskinskriven text pers-pte Maskinskriven text pers-pte Maskinskriven text pers-pte Maskinskriven text pers-pte

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/joiman_template_jp_150317.pdf - 2025-02-08

Karta over restauranger och cafeer

Lund_campuskarta_2015_cafe_o_restaurang ny.ai Vattentornet FB FB station Central- Länsbussar FB Länsbussar Stadsbussar Domkyrkan Allhelgonakyrkan Kuvösen Forskningsbyn Beta Alfa Gamma (Water tower) olm s P-hus P-hus P-hus IDEON G rå br öd er sg at an S to ra Clemenstorget buses) (County Lilla Gråbröders- gatan (Cathedral) Kyrkogat a Kyrkogat a (County buses) Kraf ts- (City buses) Lilla Magle Magle

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/karta_over_restauranger_och_cafeer.pdf - 2025-02-08


Ledamo¨ter UK 2018-2021 - 190828.xlsx Ledamöter (exkl studenter) i universitetskollegiet (UK)  Reviderad 2019‐08‐28 AU = ingår i universitetskollegiets arbetsutskott   Namn Fakultet/Övriga  verksamheter Lärare/ Övriga/Stud Anders Mattsson K TA Catarina Carlsson J TA Catharina Sternudd LTH Lärare Catrin Malmström N TA Cecilia Lundberg (AU) M Lärare Christer Löfstedt N Lärare Elsa Trolle Önnerfors J

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/ledamoter-uk-2018-2021-190828-exl-stud.pdf - 2025-02-08


List of rights FOR STUDENTS AT LUND UNIVERSITY 2 The list of rights for students at Lund University details rights and obligations relating to admission requirements and selection, the study environment, syllabi and timetables, tests and examinations, degree projects and course evaluations. The aim of the list is to help students complete their studies, receive their student finance on time and re

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/list-of-rights-folder-web2.pdf - 2025-02-08

Lokalvardstjanster 190123 lr

Visitkort Basstädning och övriga tjänster Lokalvårdens utbud och priser LOKALSERVICE | LU SERVICE | LUNDS UNIVERSITET | 2019-01-23 Skicka alla frågor, reklamationer, förändringar i leveransöverenskommelsen och uppsägningar till vår gemensamma e-postadress: lokalservice@service.lu.se Hej. Här kan du läsa om vilka tjänster som Lokalservice erbjuder. Lokalservice är en del av LU Service som är en enh

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lokalvardstjanster_190123_lr.pdf - 2025-02-08


Microsoft Word - Lund-University-Information-sheet-2017-2018.docx           INFORMATION SHEET 2017/2018 University-wide exchange agreements Contact Information Official website www.lunduniversity.lu.se Website for exchange students http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/exchange-studies Postal address Lund University, External Relations, P.O. Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Visiting address (for courier

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lund-university-information-sheet-2017-2018.pdf - 2025-02-08

Lund-university-infosheet-2018-2019 final

LUND UNIVERSITY INFORMATION SHEET UNIVERSITY-WIDE EXCHANGE AGREEMENTS 2018/2019 LUND UNIVERSITY WEB www.lunduniversity.lu.se EXCHANGE STUDIES www.lunduniversity.lu.se/exchange-studies Nomination and application procedures NOMINATION PERIOD Nomination of students is done online by the student’s home university. Instructions are sent shortly before the nomination period. Autumn and academic year: 15

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lund-university-infosheet-2018-2019_final.pdf - 2025-02-08


Brevmall Vice-Chancel lor Lund University Language Policy Approved by the Vice-Chancellor 19 June 2014 Introduction The Swedish parliament has adopted a Language Act (2009:600) which addresses the responsibility of public authorities for the Swedish language. In addition to its role as a Swedish public authority, Lund University is an international environment with activities and collaborations co

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lund-university-language-policy.pdf - 2025-02-08


Microsoft Word - Lunds universitets föreskrift för tillfällig upplåtelse av lokal - eng.docx Vice-chancellor DECISION 16 January 2020 STYR 2020/71 1 Lund University regulations concerning temporary leasing of premises to democratically constituted students’ associations Background The present regulations concern the University’s position on temporarily leasing premises to political organisations f

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lund-university-regulations-concerning-temporary-leasing-of-premises-to-democratically-constituted-associations.pdf - 2025-02-08


Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Paradisgatan 5C Telefon 046-222 41 59, vxl 046-222 00 00 Fax 046-222 44 00 E-post claes.nilen@bygg.lu.se Univers i t y Board Lund University’s policy for sustainable development The achievement of sustainable development that satisfies today’s needs without jeopardising future generations’ opportunities to satisfy theirs, requires society to ad

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lund-universitys-policy-for-sustainable-development.pdf - 2025-02-08


Brevmall Postadress Box 117 Besöksadress Paradisgatan 5B Telefon 046-222 00 00 Rektor Lund University’s regulations for the release of official documents in electronic form The present regulations are to be applied when releasing official documents in electronic form throughout Lund University, except in the case of the release of information from Ladok, to which separate rules apply1. The issue o

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lund-universitys-regulations-for-the-release-of-official-documents-in-electronic-form.pdf - 2025-02-08


Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Sölvegatan 18 B Telefon 046-222 47 04 E-post camilla.jonsson@stu.lu.se Vice-Chancel lor Lund University’s regulations on managing contract education in Ladok Background The Government has issued an ordinance on contract education at higher education institutions (SFS 2002:760). A higher education institution may conduct contract education only

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lund-universitys-regulations-on-managing-contract-education-in-ladok.pdf - 2025-02-08

Lunds-universitets-foreskrifter-om-bisysslor - 2019 01 10

Brevmall Sektionen HR Postadress Box 117, 223 50 Lund Besöksadress Byrålogen, Paradisgatan 5 C Rektor Lunds universitets föreskrifter om bisysslor Fastställda av rektor 2019-01-10 Med stöd av 2 kap. 5 § högskolelagen (1992:1434) föreskriver Lunds universitet följande. Bakgrund En bisyssla är varje uppdrag, anställning eller egen verksamhet som en anställd har vid sidan av sin ordinarie anställning

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lunds-universitets-foreskrifter-om-bisysslor_-_2019_01_10.pdf - 2025-02-08


Blad1 Appendix 1: Personal details Please fill in the form, attach the file to your application, and submit to: Asa.Thormahlen@pers.lu.se First name Surname Sex Personal identity number Employment If you have a fixed-term appointment, indicate when your employment at LU will end: (year, month, date) Public defence of PhD thesis (year, month) Previous courses/equiv. at LU (e.g. leadership, teaching

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/lupod-antagningsformular-eng-160216.xlsx - 2025-02-08

Mall intressentanalys

INTRESSENTANALYS Vem påverkar och har intresse i projektet? Och hur gör du en plan för att hantera dem på bästa sätt? Intressenter är alla som påverkas före, under och efter projektets genomförande. Det kan vara exempelvis målgrupper, politiker, kollegor, samarbetspartners, myndigheter, leverantörer, konkurrenter etc. I en intressentanalys lägger du en plan för hur alla intressenter ska hanteras i

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/mall_intressentanalys.docx - 2025-02-08

Modellavtal forfattare forlag

Licence to publish Licence to publish between ………………………….., hereinafter referred to as the Author and ……………………………, hereinafter referred to as the Publisher § 1 Grant of license The Author hereby grants, with the exception for what is stated in § 2, to the Publisher the exclusive right to reproduce and / or distribute the article including abstract……………….. (name of the article), hereinafter referre

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/modellavtal_forfattare_forlag.pdf - 2025-02-08


Parkeringspolicy Vice-Chancel lor Parking policy for Lund University Lund University adopts the following regulations, applicable from 1 July 2001. Purpose Lund University shall supply car parking spaces for employees and students within the area of the university. Current demand will be the deciding factor in the planning, organisation and operation of the university’s parking facilities. The par

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/parking-policy-for-lund-university.pdf - 2025-02-08

Pm vem har ratt till undervisningsmaterial vid undervisning pa distans eng

Who owns the rights to teaching material in remote education? The transition to remote teaching has placed considerable demands on the organisation, not least through the need to adapt and produce teaching material for use in virtual learning environments and other digital tools. In such a situation, questions may arise about who owns the rights to the material. As always, what applies is that the

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/pm_vem_har_ratt_till_undervisningsmaterial_vid_undervisning_pa_distans_eng.pdf - 2025-02-08