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Inbjudan sweah frukostmote okt 2020 digitalt 2

__________________________________________________________________________________________ SWEAH - Nationella forskarskolan om åldrande och hälsa; Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper; Lunds universitet www.sweah.lu.se INBJUDAN FRUKOSTMÖTE PÅ TEMAT ÅLDRANDE OCH HÄLSA Välkommen till ett frukostmöte arrangerat av Nationella forskarskolan om åldrande och hälsa (SWEAH), med möjlighet att närvara i Stock

https://www.sweah.lu.se/sites/sweah.lu.se/files/inbjudan_sweah_frukostmote_okt_2020_digitalt_2.pdf - 2025-03-17

Inbjudan sweah frukostmote okt 2020 digitalt 4

__________________________________________________________________________________________ SWEAH - Nationella forskarskolan om åldrande och hälsa; Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper; Lunds universitet www.sweah.lu.se INBJUDAN Välkommen till ett online-möte om kompetensförsörjning arrangerat av Nationella forskarskolan om åldrande och hälsa (SWEAH) Varför behöver Sverige fler forskare inom området

https://www.sweah.lu.se/sites/sweah.lu.se/files/inbjudan_sweah_frukostmote_okt_2020_digitalt_4.pdf - 2025-03-17

Invitation to mentors klick 0

Brevmall Postal address PO Box 157, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Baravägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 19 42 E-mail stina.elfverson@med.lu.se Website www.sweah.lu.se MENTORSHIP TRAINING COURSE Take the chance to reflect, develop and learn - Become a mentor today! Did you have a mentor as a post doc early in your career who supported you in the tough choices you went through then? If so you know what a

https://www.sweah.lu.se/sites/sweah.lu.se/files/invitation_to_mentors_klick_0.pdf - 2025-03-17

Licentiatavhandling julie johannesson 2018

Nutritional perspectives in a health-promoting program for community-dwelling older adults Julie Johannesson ISBN 978-91-629-0288-9 (PRINT) ISBN 978-91-629-0289-6 (PDF) Printed by BrandFactory, Gothenburg N utritional perspectives in a health-prom oting program for com m unity-dw elling older adults | Julie Johannesson SAHLGRENSKA ACADEMY INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE LICENTIATE THESIS SAHLGRENSKA ACADEMY

https://www.sweah.lu.se/sites/sweah.lu.se/files/licentiatavhandling_julie_johannesson_2018.pdf - 2025-03-17

Report 1 sweah eab feb 2018

1 Feedback report from SWEAH External Advisory Board February 2018 Søren S.E. Bengtsen, Dorly Deeg, Lars Geschwind Introduction This is the first feedback report from the SWEAH (National Graduate School on Ageing and Health) External Advisory Board. The aim is to provide SWEAH Board and Management with reflections and recommendations for ongoing and future work. The report is based on interviews d

https://www.sweah.lu.se/sites/sweah.lu.se/files/report_1_sweah_eab_feb_2018.pdf - 2025-03-17


SWEAH-doktorander på IAGG-konferens i San Francisco 23-27 juli Under några dagar i juli samlades 6000 forskare i San Francisco från mer än 75 länder vid en tvärprofessionell konferens om gerontologi och geriatrik. Konferensen anordnas vart fjärde år av International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG). Årets konferenstema var - Global Aging and Health: Bridging Science, Policy, and Pr

https://www.sweah.lu.se/sites/sweah.lu.se/files/reseskildring.docx - 2025-03-17

Sweah verksamhetsberattelse 2019

Nationella forskarskolan om åldrande och hälsa Fastställd av SWEAH:s styrelse 2020-03-16 Verksamhetsberättelse 2019 Nationella forskarskolan om åldrande och hälsa www.sweah.lu.se Nationella forskarskolan om åldrande och hälsa Verksamhetsberättelse 2019 2 Innehållsförteckning sida Styrelse 3 Partners 4 Forskarskolans ledning och administration 4 ◦ Pedagogisk arbetsgrupp 5 Anslutna doktorander 5 Dis

https://www.sweah.lu.se/sites/sweah.lu.se/files/sweah_verksamhetsberattelse_2019.pdf - 2025-03-17

2020-08-31 1ilm postdoc scholarship in cancer biology

Brevmall Facul ty o f Medic ine Department o f Labora tory Medic ine, Lund Announcement: Postdoc scholarship in Cancer Biology Scholarship A postdoc scholarship is available for a highly motivated candidate with a strong background in cell and molecular biology as well as cancer biology. The successful candidate will focus research efforts on elucidation of molecular mechanisms regulating the deve

https://www.tcr.lu.se/sites/tcr.lu.se/files/2020-08-31_1ilm_postdoc_scholarship_in_cancer_biology.pdf - 2025-03-17

03022018 679 70 mp45 krischer diab care 2017

Genetic and Environmental Interactions Modify the Risk of Diabetes-Related Autoimmunity by 6 Years of Age: The TEDDY Study Genetic and Environmental Interactions Modify the Risk of Diabetes-Related Autoimmunity by 6 Years of Age: The TEDDY Study https://doi.org/10.2337/dc17-0238 OBJECTIVE Wetested the associations between genetic backgroundand selected environmental exposures with respect to islet

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/03022018_679_70_mp45_krischer_diab_care_2017.pdf - 2025-03-17

05072019 679 102 mp62 jacobsen peddiab 2019

Predicting Progression to Type 1 Diabetes from Ages 3 to 6 in Islet Autoantibody Positive TEDDY Children: Predicting Progression to T1D in TEDDY OR I G I N A L A R T I C L E Predicting progression to type 1 diabetes from ages 3 to 6 in islet autoantibody positive TEDDY children Laura M. Jacobsen1 | Helena E. Larsson2 | Roy N. Tamura3 | Kendra Vehik3 | Joanna Clasen3 | Jay Sosenko4 | William A. Hag

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/05072019_679_102_mp62_jacobsen_peddiab_2019.pdf - 2025-03-17

06032016 679 01 nyas 2006

nyas_imd_049.tex TEDDY–The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young An Observational Clinical Trial WILLIAM A. HAGOPIAN,a ÅKE LERNMARK,b MARIAN J. REWERS,c OLLI G. SIMELL,d JIN-XIONG SHE,e ANETTE G. ZIEGLER,f JEFFREY P. KRISCHER,g AND BEENA AKOLKARh aPacific Northwest Research Institute, Seattle, Washington 98122, USA bUniversity Hospital MAS, 20522 Malmö, Sweden cUniversity of Colora

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/06032016_679_01_nyas_2006.pdf - 2025-03-17

06032016 679 05 moyers ijmi 2008

doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2006.12.003 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f m e d i c a l i n f o r m a t i c s 7 7 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 58–67 journa l homepage: www. int l .e lsev ierhea l th .com/ journa ls / i jmi Trans-Atlantic data harmonization in the classification of medicines and dietary supplements: A challenge for epidemiologic study and clinical research Susan Moyers ∗, Rachel Richesson, Jef

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/06032016_679_05_moyers_ijmi_2008.pdf - 2025-03-17

06032016 679 06 teddy study group nyas 2008

The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) Study IMMUNOLOGY OF DIABETES V The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) Study TEDDY Study Group The etiology of type 1 diabetes (T1D) remains unknown, but a growing body of evidence points to infectious agents and/or components of early childhood diet. The National Institutes of Health has established the TEDDY

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/06032016_679_06_teddy_study_group_nyas_2008.pdf - 2025-03-17

06032016 679 09 bonifacio jcem 2010

J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2010 95:3360-3367 originally published online May 5, 2010; , doi: 10.1210/jc.2010-0293   and Beena Akolkar Kerstin Adler, Anette G. Ziegler, Patricia W. Mueller, Desmond A. Schatz, Jeffrey P. Krischer, Michael W. Steffes Ezio Bonifacio, Liping Yu, Alastair K. Williams, George S. Eisenbarth, Polly J. Bingley, Santica M. Marcovina,   Diseases Consortia Autoantibody Assays

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/06032016_679_09_bonifacio_jcem_2010.pdf - 2025-03-17

06032016 679 10 johnson ped diab 2010

pedi_686.dvi Pediatric Diabetes 2010 doi: 10.1111/j.1399-5448.2010.00686.x All rights reserved © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Pediatric Diabetes Original Article The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) Study: predictors of early study withdrawal among participants with no family history of type 1 diabetes Johnson SB, Lee H-S, Baxter J, Lernmark B, Roth R, Simell T for the TED

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/06032016_679_10_johnson_ped_diab_2010.pdf - 2025-03-17