

Din sökning på "*" gav 528059 sökträffar

Mdc 5yr physical activity

Name 1 MDC 5yr Physical activity 2015-11-26 Contents: Physical activity during leisure according to question 5 in the questionnaire. Number of minutes per week per season per activity (including to and from work), one type of activity per line. # lines: 74 880 records of 20 742 individuals # variables: 7 Selection: All individuals who had participated in the MDC baseline screening, who were alive

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mdc_5yr_physical_activity.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mdc 5yr questionnaire

Name 1 MDC 5-year Questionnaire 2017-09-25 Contents: Factors which are likely to have an effect on the emergence of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, such as occupation, physical activity, tobacco and alcohol consumption, dietary habits, health, diseases in the family, use of contraceptive pills, hormonal replacement therapy etc. # lines: 22 369 (three individuals lack questionnaire data but hav

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mdc_5yr_questionnaire.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mdc cellcounter

Name 1 MDC Cellcounter 2015-01-08 Contents: Cell counter (Sysmex K-1000) values. Cell counting was performed with a Sysmex K-1000, with related computer part DA 1000, Toa Medical Electronics, Japan, purchased in 1991. Data were generated from four main qualifiers (type of sample), all individuals have results from whole blood (QUAL=0). # lines: 76 305 (30 362 individuals) # variables: 19 Reference

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mdc_cellcounter.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mdc family disease heredity

Name 1 MDC Family disease heredity 2017-03-09 Contents: Family disease heredity according to question 65 (version 1), questions 124 to 133 (version 2) or questions 86 to 95 (version 3) in the questionnaire. The accounted diseases are: cancer, heart infarction, stroke and diabetes (only version 1). # lines: 119 649 records of 28 459 individuals # variables: 11 Misc: Versions 2 and 3 of the question

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mdc_family_disease_heredity.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mdc pharmacological agents - drug based

Name 1 MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based 2017-04-18 Contents: Intake of prescribed and non-prescribed drugs (with brand, atc code, dose, disease and starting year). The data file contains one drug per line, an individual may have multiple lines. # lines: 76 946 records of 20 508 individuals # variables: 19 Sources: Data have been derived from two sources: 1) the questionnaire (questions 62 a

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mdc_pharmacological_agents_-_drug_based.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mpm rescreening 2002-2006 with varnames

Malmö Förebyggande Medicin Återundersökning v_d pat_ wais hip syst_bp + Resultat av undersökning i Förebyggande Medicin Projektet. Datum: _ _ År Månad Dag Pat id: Midja: cm Längd: cm Stuss: cm Vikt: kg Blodtryck, liggande: / , / mm Hg Sys . 1 t Diast. 1 Syst. 2 Diast. 2 Puls: , 1 2 ate id height t weight dias_bp1 1 dias_bp2 syst_bp2 hr2hr1 Prov Värde Normalt Triglycerider Mmol/L 0,4-2,2 Kolesterol

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mpm_rescreening_2002-2006_with_varnames.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mpp baseline questionnaire anthropometry laboratory data

Name 1 MPP Baseline questionnaire, anthropometry, laboratory data 2017-04-28 Contents: The aim of the Malmö Preventive Project was to find high-risk individuals for preventive intervention on cardiovascular risk factors, alcohol abuse, impaired glucose tolerance, and breast cancer. The risk factor screening included a physical examination, a panel of laboratory tests, a glucose intolerance test, a

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mpp_baseline_questionnaire_anthropometry_laboratory_data.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mpp cardiovascular endpoint report 2017

The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study Malmö Preventive Project Department of Clinical Sciences Skåne University Hospital, Malmö Lund University Malmö Preventive Project Cardiovascular Endpoints End of follow-up: 31 December 2016 Report: 4 April 2018 Anders Dahlin Bo Hedblad (coronary events and stroke) Gunnar Engström (heart failure) Olle Melander (atrial fibrillation and flutter) Gustav Smith (CABG, PC

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mpp_cardiovascular_endpoint_report_2017.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mpp diabetes endpoint report 2017

The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study Malmö Preventive Project Department of Clinical Sciences Skåne University Hospital, Malmö Lund University Malmö Preventive Project Diabetes Endpoints End of follow-up: 31 December 2016 Report: 12 April 2018 Anders Dahlin Peter Nilsson 2 General information An individual with diabetes can be characterized as either prevalent or incident with respect to diabetes onset

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mpp_diabetes_endpoint_report_2017.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mpp fob60-90

Name MPP FoB 60-90 2015-06-08 Contents: Uppgifter om församling, ålder, civilstånd, vigselår, sammanboende, medborgarskap, födelseland, invandringsår, socioekonomisk indelning, sysselsättning, utbildning, yrke, yrkesställning, sammanräknad inkomst, antal bilar, ägarkategori, trångboddhet. # lines: 33 346 # variables: 93 Source: Folk- och bostadsräkningar (FoB) 1960-1990, Statistiska Centralbyrån.

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mpp_fob60-90.pdf - 2025-01-17

Mpp vital cancer endpoint report 2017

The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study Malmö Preventive Project Department of Clinical Sciences Skåne University Hospital, Malmö Lund University Malmö Preventive Project Vital Status – Cancer Endpoints End of follow-up: 31 December 2016 Report: 16 November 2017 1. Cohort 2. Lost to follow-up 3. Vital status 4. Time of follow-up 5. Cause-of-death 6. Cancer endpoints Anders Dahlin Jonas Manjer 2 1. Cohort

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/mpp_vital_cancer_endpoint_report_2017.pdf - 2025-01-17

Variabellista - mfm 2017-05-17

Swe Name Type Label N_obs File Comment Select (x) MFM bas (1974-1992) Frågeformulär, antropometri, laboratoriedata MFM_chrt Numeric MFM kohort 33346 MFM_bas_chrt1_n33346.sav lopnrMFM Numeric Sequence number for baseline examination in the MPP cohort 33346 MFM_bas_chrt1_n33346.sav labnrMFM Numeric Sequence number for baseline laboratory samples in the MPP cohort 32293 MFM_bas_chrt1_n33346.sav SCRDA

https://www.malmo-kohorter.lu.se/sites/malmo-kohorter.lu.se/files/variabellista_-_mfm_2017-05-17.xls - 2025-01-17

Info och ansokan om apparatanslag fran malmo cancer center 2019

Ansökan om apparatanslag från MCC 2019 Malmö Cancer Center is through support from MAS Cancer (Allmänna Sjukhusets i Malmö stiftelse för bekämpande av cancer) able to announce an opportunity to apply for support for purchase of equipment during 2019. Please submit your application using the enclosed form before April 26, 2019. The following principles are being considered by the priority committee

https://www.mcc.lu.se/sites/mcc.lu.se/files/info_och_ansokan_om_apparatanslag_fran_malmo_cancer_center_2019.pdf - 2025-01-17

Info och ansokan om apparatanslag fran malmo cancer center 2020

Ansökan om apparatanslag från MCC 2020 Malmö Cancer Center is through support from MAS Cancer (Allmänna Sjukhusets i Malmö stiftelse för bekämpande av cancer) able to announce an opportunity to apply for support for purchase of equipment during 2020.    Please submit your application using the enclosed form before April 24, 2020 .   The following principles are being considered by the priority com

https://www.mcc.lu.se/sites/mcc.lu.se/files/info_och_ansokan_om_apparatanslag_fran_malmo_cancer_center_2020.docx - 2025-01-17

Information och ansokan om apparatanslag fran malmo cancer center 2020

Ansökan om apparatanslag från MCC 2020 Malmö Cancer Center is through support from MAS Cancer (Allmänna Sjukhusets i Malmö stiftelse för bekämpande av cancer) able to announce an opportunity to apply for support for purchase of equipment during 2020. Please submit your application using the enclosed form before April 24, 2020. The following principles are being considered by the priority committee

https://www.mcc.lu.se/sites/mcc.lu.se/files/information_och_ansokan_om_apparatanslag_fran_malmo_cancer_center_2020.pdf - 2025-01-17

Malmo cancer center retreat programme 2019

Malmö Cancer Center Retreat 29-30 August 2019 Thursday Day 1 08.00 Departure by bus from CRC, SUS Malmö, Jan Waldenströms gata 35 09.00 Arrival and coffee 09.30 Welcome address 09.30-10.30 MCC Special Guest Lecture 1 Chairperson: Anita Sjölander Sohail Tavazoie, Rockefeller University, New York, USA “Molecular regulation of metastatic progression and therapeutic implications” 10.30-10.45 Short Bre

https://www.mcc.lu.se/sites/mcc.lu.se/files/malmo_cancer_center_retreat_programme_2019.pdf - 2025-01-17

Registration form mcc retreat 2020

Registration form Malmö Cancer Center Retreat 27-28 Aug 2020 Name: Research group: ”Kostnadsställe”: ”Verksamhetsgren”: ”Aktivitet”: Supervisor (PI) ´s name: PhD/MD: ☐ PhD student: ☐ Other: ☐ Female: ☐ Male: ☐ Bus transportation from Malmö and back: ☐ Participate both days: ☐ Participate August 27: ☐ Participate August 28: ☐ Abstract attached: ☐ Accommodation required: ☐ Name of preferred roommate

https://www.mcc.lu.se/sites/mcc.lu.se/files/registration_form_mcc_retreat_2020.docx - 2025-01-17


FRS & RS v 25.xlsx Beslut på rektorssammanträdet 20 juni 2019 Närvarande vid sammanträdet utöver föredragande: Rektor Torbjörn von Schantz Förvaltningschef Susanne Kristiensson (p 1-16, 18-21) Stf förvaltningschef Cecilia Billgren (p 17) Vice ordförande LUS Alexander Nymark Utredare Carina Wickberg (sekreterare) 1 Anställning som adjungerad professor i klinisk onkologi (PA 2018/2718) – Robert Norr

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/sites/medarbetarwebben.lu.se/files/00-beslut-rs-190620-.pdf - 2025-01-17