

Din sökning på "*" gav 533079 sökträffar

Positive predictive value of sarcoidosis identified in an administrative healthcare registry: a validation study

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 22 March 2021 International classification of disease (ICD) codes used to study sarcoidosis have previously been validated in only one study. We aimed to determine the accuracy of ICD codes to identify true sarcoidosis diagnoses in Sweden. Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/positive-predictive-value-sarcoidosis-identified-administrative-healthcare-registry-validation-study - 2025-02-27

Forskningsprojekt från covid-19-utlysningen 2020

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 24 March 2021 Image from pixabay / pearson0612 Varför drabbas vissa av svårare covid-19 än andra och hur fungerar munskydd i olika miljöer? Projekten som fick bidrag i Vetenskapsrådets covid-19-utlysning i juni 2020 undersöker allt från riskfaktorer och spridningsmekanismer till behandling och immunitet. Läs mer på https://www

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/forskningsprojekt-fran-covid-19-utlysningen-2020 - 2025-02-27

New calls for proposal

Published 20 April 2018 Calls from The Swedish Research Council and the European Commission Idag öppnar två utlysningar hos Vetenskapsrådet, projektbidrag för digitalisering och tillgängliggörande av kulturarvssamlingar samt bidrag till tvärvetenskapliga forskningsmiljöer. Utlysningarna är öppna för sökande till den 22 maj. Läs mer här.Den 16 maj är det deadline för ansökningar till den öppna utly

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/new-calls-proposal - 2025-02-27

RQ20 - Lund University's research quality evaluation 2020

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 12 April 2021 Fotograf: Mikael Risedal RQ20 (Research Quality Evaluation 2020), the major research quality evaluation at Lund University, is part of a cycle of assessments done in the last two decades. RQ20 differs from the former evaluations in that it assesses the preconditions for research quality and the potential areas of

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/rq20-lund-universitys-research-quality-evaluation-2020 - 2025-02-27

A Validated Register-Based Algorithm to Identify Patients Diagnosed with Recurrence of Malignant Melanoma in Denmark

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 14 April 2021 Information on cancer recurrence is rarely available outside clinical trials. Wide exclusion criteria used in clinical trials tend to limit the generalizability of findings to the entire population of people living beyond a cancer disease. Therefore, population-level evidence is needed. The aim of this study was

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/validated-register-based-algorithm-identify-patients-diagnosed-recurrence-malignant-melanoma-denmark - 2025-02-27

Zoom with us!

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 15 April 2021 Pixabay / Alexandra Koch Get online with LUPOP Tuesdays at 10am and ask your population research questions! During the Spring semester 2021 (January-May), we will do our drop-ins online. If you have questions regarding population research, join us on Zoom Tuesdays between 10 and 12 am!

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/zoom-us - 2025-02-27

The Swedish Interdisciplinary Graduate School in Register-Based Research (SINGS)

Published 16 April 2021 New call 2021 - application period is 14 April–17 May (at 14.00). Programme begins end of November 2021 The Swedish Interdisciplinary Graduate School in Register-Based Research (SINGS) has a truly interdisciplinary profile and is of relevance to all quantitative research fields that use registers in research, such as epidemiology, public health, sociology, demography, psych

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/swedish-interdisciplinary-graduate-school-register-based-research-sings - 2025-02-27

CASE webbdagar – sociala rättigheter och boende för den åldrande befolkningen

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 19 April 2021 Välkommen till CASE webbdagar som arrangeras tre dagar i maj – 3, 10 och 17 maj. Tv-profilen Johan Wester guidar deltagarna genom webbdagarna på temat sociala rättigheter och boende för den åldrande befolkningen. Läs mer på https://www.case.lu.se/case-webbdagar.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/case-webbdagar-sociala-rattigheter-och-boende-den-aldrande-befolkningen - 2025-02-27

Validity of Routinely Collected Swedish Data in the International Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Database

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 26 April 2021 Pixabay / ColossusCloud This validation of the Swedish part of the international ERAS database suggests high patient coverage in EIAS and high agreement and limited missingness in clinically relevant variables. This validation approach or a modified version can be used for continued validation of the Internationa

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/validity-routinely-collected-swedish-data-international-enhanced-recovery-after-surgery-eras - 2025-02-27

Birthweight data completeness and quality in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 27 April 2021 From Wikimedia Commons Substantial data gaps remain for birthweight data in household surveys, even amongst facility births. Improving the accuracy and recording of birthweights, and better communication with women, for example using health cards, could improve survey birthweight data availability and quality. Re

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/birthweight-data-completeness-and-quality-population-based-surveys-en-indepth-study - 2025-02-27

Öppen tillgång till forskningsdata - presentationer från seminariet

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 29 April 2021 Nu kan du se presentationerna från seminariet "Öppen tillgång till forskningsdata - utmaningar och möjligheter" arrangerat av Sveriges universitets- och högskoleförbund (SUHF), Sveriges universitetslärare och forskare (SULF) och Vetenskapsrådet (VR). Se presentationerna på https://suhf.se/aktiviteter/oppen-tillga

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/oppen-tillgang-till-forskningsdata-presentationer-fran-seminariet - 2025-02-27

Researchers to develop first ever Europe-wide survey to track children’s wellbeing as they grow up

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 3 May 2021 Photo from Manchester Metropolitan University The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) at Manchester Metropolitan University leads international project to help policy makers improve child and youth wellbeing Read more at https://www.mmu.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/story/13895/

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/researchers-develop-first-ever-europe-wide-survey-track-childrens-wellbeing-they-grow - 2025-02-27

Workshop series on the SDG's

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 4 May 2021 The Strategic Research Areas, in collaboration with Sustainability Forum, is arranging a series of workshops with focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, during 2021. The goal is to increase capacity for sustainability related research and co-creation, exchange experiences and strengthen the collaboration betwee

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/workshop-series-sdgs - 2025-02-27

Creation and validation of a citywide pediatric asthma registry for the District of Columbia

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 5 May 2021 A population-level pediatric asthma registry captures more children and adolescents with asthma in DC then a BRFSS-derived estimate, and provides city-wide measures of asthma-related utilization. The registry allows for stratification by primary care practice locations and asthma characteristics, supporting the desi

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/creation-and-validation-citywide-pediatric-asthma-registry-district-columbia - 2025-02-27