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Konstnärliga fakultetens val av dekan, prodekan och styrelse är avslutat

Publicerad 28 november 2017 Valperioden hölls mellan 20171109- 20171123 och är nu avslutad. Mandatperioden för dekan och prodekan, samt ledamöter i fakultetsstyrelsen för Konstnärliga fakulteten går ut 2017-12-31. Valet avser således förslag till dekan och prodekan, samt ledamöter till fakultetsstyrelsen för Konstnärliga fakulteten för perioden 2018-2020. De framröstade namnen till dekan respektiv

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/artikel/konstnarliga-fakultetens-val-av-dekan-prodekan-och-styrelse-ar-avslutat - 2025-03-11

Aktuellt om Konsthögskolans flytt

Publicerad 13 december 2017 Illustration: Sydark Konstruera Konsthögskolan som flyttar till sina nya lokaler i juni, befinner sig just nu mitt i byggprocessen. Ombyggnaden av Mazettilokalerna, Dimman och Båghallarna i Sorgenfri är igång och även det nya galleriet planeras för fullt inför invigningen i mars 2018. Bakgrund:I juni 2016 stod det klart att Mellersta Förstadsskolan, där Konsthögskolan h

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/artikel/aktuellt-om-konsthogskolans-flytt - 2025-03-11

Artikel i Lundagård om möte om sexuella trakasserier inom konstnärliga utbildningar

Publicerad 17 januari 2018 foto: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg Den 12 januari höll utbildningsdepartementet ett samtal med de konstnärliga högskolorna för att diskutera kränkningar och sexuella trakasserier i samband med #metoo-rörelsen.Representant från Lunds universitet var Anna Lyrevik, ny dekan vid Konstnärliga fakulteten.Läs hel artikeln i Lundagård här: http://lundagard.se/2018/01/13/samtal-om-sex

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/artikel/artikel-i-lundagard-om-mote-om-sexuella-trakasserier-inom-konstnarliga-utbildningar - 2025-03-11

Disputation Petra Fransson 12/2

Publicerad 12 februari 2018 Disputation vid Teaterhögskolan i MalmöDoktorand Petra Fransson presenterar och försvarar sitt doktorsarbete i Teater den 12 februari.Ämne: Omförhandlingar: Kropp, replik, etikVar: Bryggeriteatern, Teaterhögskolan, Bergsgatan 31B, MalmöNär: Måndagen den 12 februari 2018, kl 14.00Länk till doktorsarbetet i LUCRIS:http://portal.research.lu.se/portal/en/publications/omfoer

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/artikel/disputation-petra-fransson-122 - 2025-03-11

Disputation Kent Olofsson 21/3

Publicerad 8 mars 2018 Disputation vid Kungl. Musikhögskolan i StockholmDoktorand Kent Olofsson presenterar och försvarar sitt doktorsarbete i Musik den 21 mars 2018.Titel: Composing the Performance: An exploration of musical composition as a dramaturgical strategy in contemporary intermedial theatreVar: Kungasalen, Kungl Musikhögskolan, Valhallavägen 105, StockholmNär: Onsdagen den 21 mars, 2018,

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/artikel/disputation-kent-olofsson-213 - 2025-03-11

Stora satsningar på jämställdhetsarbetet vid Konstnärliga fakulteten

Publicerad 20 mars 2018 Konstnärliga fakulteten har tilldelats ca 1,3 miljoner kronor av Lunds universitets medel för jämställdhetssatsningar.  Tilldelade medel är ett resultat av tre olika ansökningar:1. Medel för aktiva åtgärder för att främja jämn könsfördelning bland Konstnärliga fakultetens professorer – 800 000 kr.Under hösten 2017 har sexuella trakasserier mot kvinnor uppmärksammats mer än

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/artikel/stora-satsningar-pa-jamstalldhetsarbetet-vid-konstnarliga-fakulteten - 2025-03-11

Kent Olofsson presenterar sin avhandling 6 april

Publicerad 26 mars 2018 Foto Leif Johansson, Musikhögskolan i Malmö Kent Olofsson presenterar sin avhandling, 6 april på Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö Presentation och diskussion kring Kent Olofssons avhandling Composing the Performance – An exploration of musical composition as a dramaturgical strategy in contemporary intermedial theatreDen 21 mars disputerade Kent Olofsson i konstnärli

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/artikel/kent-olofsson-presenterar-sin-avhandling-6-april - 2025-03-11

Empowering rural communities under climate change and water scarcity

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 21 October 2023 ”The key question is to find a sustainable way for water supply and biodiversity restoration,” says Andrés Palacio. Photo: Center of Research and Innovations for Water, Sustainability and Circular Economy, AnfiBIO Sirculab, Colombia Andrés Palacio, Associate professor in Economic History at LUSEM, recently

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/empowering-rural-communities-under-climate-change-and-water-scarcity - 2025-03-12

Introduction to Causal Machine Learning

By marie [dot] pihl [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Marie Pihl) - published 29 February 2024 Arne Ryde Summer School 19 August – 22 August, 2024, at 10:00 – 15:00 at LUSEM. Instructor: Anthony Strittmatter, Ph.D. (UniDistance Switzerland and Amazon)Introductory, Ph.D.-level course in causal machine learning.No prior knowledge of machine learning is needed.Open for Ph.D. students, postdocs, and faculty

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/introduction-causal-machine-learning - 2025-03-12

Informatics teacher on digital education: ”Learning from each other is the key”

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 7 March 2022 When the restrictions lifted, Blerim was eager to step back into the classroom and meet the students. Photo: Louise Larsson Two years have passed since Swedish universities, LUSEM included, almost overnight went from campus to remote teaching. How did it go? We met up with Blerim Emruli, senior lecturer in

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/informatics-teacher-digital-education-learning-each-other-key - 2025-03-12

Brilliant ideas on sustainability: Students honored by SSCEN

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 17 December 2023 Happy prize winner! Rasmus Roth with the prize for the essay he wrote together with Mikko Ala Porkkunen. Photo: Marianne Loor. With the Öresund as a backdrop, at the top and far end of the Ångbåtsbron bridge in the beautiful new premises of the Chamber of Commerce of Southern Sweden in Malmö, the winners of the S

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/brilliant-ideas-sustainability-students-honored-sscen - 2025-03-12

LUSEM welcomes the EQUIS peer review team

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 5 March 2024 LUSEM is currently in the midst of ongoing accreditation efforts, with a particular emphasis on receiving the peer review team for evaluation. LUSEM is currently hosting the EQUIS peer review team for the next three days, 5 – 7 March. We extend a warm welcome to the team.The members of the peer review team are

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/lusem-welcomes-equis-peer-review-team - 2025-03-12

Konstantinos Mertzianis – alumnus from MSc in Information Systems 2009

By carla [dot] bohme [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (Carla Böhme) - published 8 April 2024 Konstantinos Mertzianis In 2009, Konstantinos graduated with a master's degree in information systems from the Department of Informatics at Lund University. We interviewed him about his successes in the labour market. Tell us about what you do today!“I work at Qlik, which is a software company specializing in bu

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/konstantinos-mertzianis-alumnus-msc-information-systems-2009 - 2025-03-12

Change Maker Future Track highlighted at quality conference

Published 10 October 2022 When invited to the first ever Lund University Quality conference, Martina Oxling accepted. The conference is a good opportunity to tell people about one of the LUSEM flagships, the Change Maker Future Track. Meet Martina and learn more about the track, and her expectations and goals for the future. The Lund University Quality conference was given recently at the School o

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/change-maker-future-track-highlighted-quality-conference - 2025-03-12

LUSEM’s new Dean Joakim Gullstrand on leadership and collaboration

Published 12 March 2024 Joakim Gullstrand is the new Dean of Lund University School of Economics and Management since January 2024. Photo: Charlotte Carlberg-Bärg “We aim to contribute to the broader dialogue between academia and industry, ensuring that our work remains relevant and impactful in addressing contemporary issues.” This is how Joakim Gullstrand, Professor of Economics and the new Dean

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/lusems-new-dean-joakim-gullstrand-leadership-and-collaboration - 2025-03-12

Welcome Mars!

Published 12 March 2024 Photo: Istock/Ekaterina79 We are happy to announce that Mars is our latest partnership company addition at Lund University School of Economics and Management. Very known for their chocolate bars, but what was more of a news flash for some of us  was the company’s strong stakes within pet food, owning brands like Royal Canin, Pedigree, Whiskas and also Ben’s Original rice an

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/welcome-mars - 2025-03-12

Shadow banks and climate change – ally or obstacle?

By talina [dot] sondershaus [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Talina Sondershaus) - published 4 December 2023 Figure 1: Climate change attention index (WSJ)* and exposure to brown loans (Net Purchases)** In a recent research paper, Talina Sondershaus and her co-authors investigate how shadow banks, which are bank-like institutions that are only lightly regulated, behave in the context of climate change.

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/shadow-banks-and-climate-change-ally-or-obstacle - 2025-03-12

How does violent conflict affect the spread of Covid-19?

By mohammad [dot] sepahvand [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Mohammad Sepahvand) - published 7 November 2023 A few days after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the former Dutch Ambassador to Ukraine told BBC that his parents-in-law did not dare to go to a refugee shelter because they were afraid to contract Covid-19. This vivid example links violence and forced displacement

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/how-does-violent-conflict-affect-spread-covid-19 - 2025-03-12

Closures of primary care practices lead to reduction in doctor visits

By marie [dot] pihl [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Linn Mattisson) - published 1 September 2023 Continuity in healthcare can improve health outcomes of patients by ensuring that patient-specific information is not lost in translation between providers, and by improving the appropriate follow-up care. Yet, little is known about how patients cope with the sudden and permanent loss of a main provider in

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/closures-primary-care-practices-lead-reduction-doctor-visits - 2025-03-12