

Din sökning på "*" gav 531812 sökträffar

Bacteria could become a future source of electricity

Published 26 March 2019 Dmitrii Pankratov, Lo Gorton and Galina Pankratova (Photo: Maryam Saati) In recent years, researchers have tried to capture the electrical current that bacteria generate through their own metabolism. So far, however, the transfer of the current from the bacteria to a receiving electrode has not been efficient at all. Now, researchers from institutions including Lund Univers

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/bacteria-could-become-future-source-electricity - 2025-03-21

Students whip up crispy crackers from waste product

Published 28 March 2019 Anna Nieto, Olivia Arbab and Shubha Vasavada The whisked liquid left over when boiling beans and chickpeas – aquafaba – can replace egg whites in providing the right consistency for mayonnaise, cakes and desserts. It has therefore become a popular alternative among vegans, but within the food industry it is rare to find aquafaba as an ingredient. Now, a group of Masters’ de

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/students-whip-crispy-crackers-waste-product - 2025-03-21

Lund researchers awarded prestigious ERC grants

Published 3 April 2019 Daniel Conley and Anders Rantzer Two researchers at Lund University in Sweden have been awarded almost EUR 5 million in total from the European Research Council. One of the research projects focuses on the early growth of diatoms in the ocean 250 million years ago, and the subsequent global effects of the algae growth. The other grant will go towards research on the automati

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-researchers-awarded-prestigious-erc-grants - 2025-03-21

Remains of a planet found orbiting dead star

Published 5 April 2019 This planetary fragment is orbiting around the white dwarf among the debris from the earlier solar system. The image is an artistic impression. Illustration: University of Warwick/Mark Garlick Astronomers have discovered what appears to be the remnants of a planet orbiting a dead star in a disc of debris formed from destroyed planets. The planetary fragment could offer clues

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/remains-planet-found-orbiting-dead-star - 2025-03-21

New non-antibiotic strategy for the treatment of bacterial meningitis

Published 10 April 2019 Photo: Tirthankar Mohanty With the increasing threat of antibiotic resistance, there is a growing need for new treatment strategies against life threatening bacterial infections. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden and the University of Copenhagen may have identified such an alternative treatment for bacterial meningitis, a serious infection that can lead to sepsis. Th

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-non-antibiotic-strategy-treatment-bacterial-meningitis - 2025-03-21

Access to clean water is not an option for everyone. Lund researchers are helping rural areas in Kazakhstan

By Pia [dot] romare [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Pia Romare) - published 11 April 2019 Living in a community with access to clean water and functioning sanitation is a basic requirement for people’s good health. In Kazakhstan in Central Asia, people cannot depend on a reliable water supply and many are at risk of contracting serious infectious diseases. However, the country now wants to focus on im

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/access-clean-water-not-option-everyone-lund-researchers-are-helping-rural-areas-kazakhstan - 2025-03-21

How to make solar energy more efficient

By Noomi [dot] Egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 11 April 2019 One cannot come up with anything fundamentally new if one focuses only on optimizing what is already consolidated and developed, says Heiner Linke, professor of nanophysics and director of NanoLund. Photo: Kennet Ruona The energy sector is one of the sectors that need to undergo both rapid and far-reaching transf

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-make-solar-energy-more-efficient - 2025-03-21

“The forest is under strain from many directions”

By Pia [dot] romare [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Pia Romare) - published 11 April 2019 The forest trees can be refined into many other products that are now made of oil. But how big is the environmental impact? Photo: Shutterstock Living forests with diverse plants and animals, forests where you can hike, hunt or pick berries and mushrooms – will they still be there when the pressure on forestry pr

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/forest-under-strain-many-directions - 2025-03-21

WATCH: Lund University students develop smart living plant wall

Published 11 April 2019 A team of former Lund University students have developed a smart plant wall, that can be monitored via an app and therefore minimizes the amount of maintenance needed. The smart wall measures things like indoor temperature, humidity and water levels to make sure the plants are thriving - and therefore improving the indoor environment. Erik Wilson, a Lund University Master’s

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-lund-university-students-develop-smart-living-plant-wall - 2025-03-21

How much land do we need to produce enough food, bioenergy and forest? New digital technology provides more reliable prognoses

By Noomi [dot] Egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 12 April 2019 More knowledge of how the climate affects agriculture and vice versa can provide important input into political decisions and legal frameworks, say the researchers in Lund. Photo: Shutterstock Currently, it can take weeks and even months to produce results on how the future climate could affect agriculture. Now,

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-much-land-do-we-need-produce-enough-food-bioenergy-and-forest-new-digital-technology-provides - 2025-03-21

Abnormal proteins correlate with criminal behaviour in dementia

Published 12 April 2019 Madeleine Liljegren Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have together with American colleagues studied deceased patients who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or frontotemporal dementia. They observed a correlation between certain proteins and dementia sufferers’ tendency to commit criminal acts. “This study is unique in that we studied deceased patients, somethi

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/abnormal-proteins-correlate-criminal-behaviour-dementia - 2025-03-21

LU student named "Global Swede 2019"

Published 17 April 2019 Salma Kikhia, a student at Master’s Program in Public Health at Lund University, will be awarded the title Global Swede at a ceremony at the Swedish Institute in May. Congratulations to Salma Kikhia, a student at the Master’s programme in Public Health at Lund University, who will be awarded the title Global Swede at a ceremony at the Swedish Institute in May. Salma Kikhia,

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lu-student-named-global-swede-2019 - 2025-03-21

More evidence that blood tests can detect the risk of Alzheimer’s

Published 23 April 2019 Niklas Mattsson (Photo: Björn Martinsson) A new study confirms that a simple blood test can reveal whether there is accelerating nerve cell damage in the brain. The researchers analysed neurofilament light protein (NFL) in blood samples from patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Recently published in JAMA Neurology, the study suggests that the NFL concentration in the blood co

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/more-evidence-blood-tests-can-detect-risk-alzheimers - 2025-03-21

Geology professor releases new book about… heavy metal

Published 23 April 2019 Mats E. Eriksson Professor Mats E. Eriksson of Lund University in Sweden is now publishing his second book in the somewhat unusual subject combination of geological fossils and heavy metal music. Researching microscopic fossils and attempting to reconstruct several hundred million-year-old ecosystems is Mats E. Eriksson’s day job as a professor of geology at Lund University

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/geology-professor-releases-new-book-about-heavy-metal - 2025-03-21

How lifestyle affects our genes

Published 23 April 2019 Charlotte Ling and Tina Rönn (Photos: Stig-Åke Jönsson and Sara Liedholm) In the past decade, knowledge of how lifestyle affects our genes, a research field called epigenetics, has grown exponentially. Researchers at Lund University have summarised the state of scientific knowledge within epigenetics linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes in a review article published in the

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-lifestyle-affects-our-genes - 2025-03-21

Forskning för hållbarhet

Publicerad 27 november 2018 Cecilia Akselsson, forskare vid Institutionen för Naturgeografi och Ekosystemvetenskap vid Lunds universitet. Forskaren Cecilia Akselsson fick nyligen anslag för forskningsprojekt inom utlysningen "Perspektiv på de globala hållbarhetsmålen". Hon ska forska på hållbar markanvändning och utveckling av landskapsansatser för att nå de globala hållbarhetsmålen. Hej Cecilia!

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/artikel/forskning-hallbarhet - 2025-03-21

Växthusgasmätningar och övervakning av ekosystem i ett föränderligt klimat

Av ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - publicerad 27 november 2018 Vilken påverkan har skogen och andra ekosystem på växthusgasbalansen? Hur mäts detta? Forskare och ingenjörer från institutionen och ICOS var med i radioprogrammet Vetandets Värld. Lyssna på ljudklippet för att få reda på mer. ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) bygger för närvarande en i

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/artikel/vaxthusgasmatningar-och-overvakning-av-ekosystem-i-ett-foranderligt-klimat - 2025-03-21

Vad vi inte vet om Arktis

Av ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - publicerad 6 december 2018 Det är enkelt att komma åt områden via vatten, på Grönland. Men svårare med områden längre inåt land. Foto: Margareta Johansson. Aktiska expeditioner är dyra, tidskrävande och ibland farliga. Forskarna Hakim Abdi och Daniel Metcalfe berättar om ojämnt fördelad forskning. Arktis är ett avlägset och

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/artikel/vad-vi-inte-vet-om-arktis - 2025-03-21

Kan granskogar hjälpa till att minska den globala uppvärmningen?

Publicerad 6 december 2018 Skärmavbild från Reuters-inslaget. VIDEO: Forskare från vår institution mäter mängden terpenpartiklar från granskogar, vilka antas ha en kylande effekt på klimatet. De tror att plantering mer av denna typ av skog skulle kunna minska den den globala uppvärmningen.  – Att plantera granskog kan öka koldioxidupptaget. De skulle avge partiklar som har en kylande effekt på jor

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/artikel/kan-granskogar-hjalpa-till-att-minska-den-globala-uppvarmningen - 2025-03-21

Permafrostens uppvärmning kartläggs

Publicerad 25 januari 2019 Margareta Johansson from Lund University is monitoring permafrost in Abisko, Northern Sweden En studie har genom samarbete globalt kartlagt permafrostens uppvärmning. Resultatet presenterades i online- tidskriften Nature communications. Margareta Johansson från vår institution deltog med forskning i Abisko. Permafrost innebär att marken är o grader Celsius eller kallare

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/artikel/permafrostens-uppvarmning-kartlaggs - 2025-03-21