

Din sökning på "*" gav 535414 sökträffar

Law, Evidence and Cognition (LEVIC)

LEVIC är en tvärvetenskaplig forskargrupp med forskare från juridik, filosofi, kognitiv psykologi och matematisk statistik. Vår forskning handlar om bevisvärdering, framförallt bevisvärdering i brottmål. Vi undersöker empiriskt hur bevisvärdering görs i domstolarna, och vi är särskilt intresserade av kognitiv bias, t.ex. olika typer av matematiska tankefel i de sannolikhetsbedömningar som uppkommeLEVIC is a cross-disciplinary research group with researchers from law, philosophy, cognitive psychology and statistics. Our research concerns legal fact-finding, especially criminal evidence. We investigate empirically how legal decision-makers (judges or jurors) evaluate evidence, and we are particularly interested in cognitive bias and probabilistic fallacies. We do research that aims to improv

Psykisk hälsa, aktivitet och delaktighet

Med vår forskning vill vi förstå och främja människors psykiska hälsa, aktivitet och delaktighet och bidra till att människor kan leva ett så meningsfullt liv som möjligt och delta i samhället trots psykisk ohälsa. Att utveckla, utvärdera och implementera återhämtningsinriktade insatser som ger stöd i olika livssituationer och miljöer är därför centralt. Vi vänder oss till olika målgrupper såsomWith our research, we want to understand and promote persons’ mental health, activity and participation and as a result help them to live as meaningful lives as possible and participate in society despite mental ill health. Developing, evaluating and implementing recovery-oriented interventions that help in different life situations and in different environments is therefore critical. We address


Pufendorfinstitutet är ett tvärvetenskapligt institut med syfte att stimulera till samarbete mellan forskare från olika discipliner inom Lunds universitet. I "Teman" och" Advanced Study Groups" ges forskare från alla universitetets fakulteter möjlighet att tillsammans utforska vetenskapliga problem .The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies is an interdisciplinary institute with the aim to stimulate collaboration between researchers from different disciplines within Lund University. In "Themes" and "Advanced Study Groups", researchers from all faculties of the university are given the opportunity to jointly explore scientific issues.

MAX IV, Administrativa divisionen

MAX IV Administration stödjer organisationen i administrativa uppgifter och processer och ser till att dessa utförs effektivt, professionellt och på ett juridiskt korrekt sätt. MAX IV Administration består av Finance, Human resource, Facility Manager och CommunicationMAX IV Administration supports the organisation in administrative tasks and processes and ensures that these are carried out efficiently, professionally and in a legally correct manner. MAX IV Administration consists of the group Finance & Office Services and the functional teams Human Resources, Facility Manager and Communication. The Administrative division functions as the MAX IV Faculty Offic

Fysiska institutionen

Fysiska institutionen är en av Lunds universitets största institutioner med cirka 350 anställda. Vid institutionen finns sju forskningsavdelningar och ett antal större centrumbildningar. Forskningen vid institutionen täcker ett brett spektrum av modern fysik.The Department of Physics is with a staff of about 350 scientists and educators one of the largest departments within Lund University. There are seven research divisions and a number of research centra within the department. The research activities at the department cover a broad spectrum of modern physics.

Health Law

Health Law Research Centre startades 2018 och är en tvärvetenskaplig forskningsmiljö vid Juridiska fakulteten. Forskningsmiljöns verksamhet innefattar forskning, undervisning och samverkan inom ämnet health law i bred bemärkelse. Health Law Research Centre samlar såväl etablerade som mer juniora forskare i medicinsk rätt, offentlig rätt, socialrätt, barnrätt, äldrerätt, disability law, mänskliga rHealth Law Research Centre started in 2018 and is an interdisciplinary research environment at the Faculty of Law. The research environment's activities include research, teaching and collaboration in the subject of health law in a broad sense. Health Law Research Centre brings together established and junior researchers in medical law, public law, social law, children's law, elder law, disability

Kemisk biologi med inriktning mot läkemedelsutveckling

Injectable Bioresorbable Organic Bioelectronics Neuropharmacology—our ambition is to supplement classical biochemical signaling with the modulation of bioelectricity using both ionic and electronic processes. We focus on organic electronics that self-assemble directly inside or near the nervous system to form electronic circuits that mimic its structure and organization, enabling seamless integratInjectable Bioresorbable Organic Bioelectronics Neuropharmacology—our ambition is to supplement classical biochemical signaling with the modulation of bioelectricity using both ionic and electronic processes. We focus on organic electronics that self-assemble directly inside or near the nervous system to form electronic circuits that mimic its structure and organization, enabling seamless integrat

Christianity and Nationalism

This research platform gathers scholars from a number of disciplines to interrogate the complex ideological, historical, and practical interactions between Christianity and nationalism. The platform understands both terms broadly; it investigates various forms of Christianity and different shapes of nationalism — through political, economic, sociological, historical, theological and philosophical

Andfåddhet och kronisk andningssvikt

Gruppen driver forskning kring mätning och behandling av svår kronisk andnöd (dyspné) samt behandling av kronisk andningssvikt. Gruppen har nära samarbete med ledande forskare nationellt och ett internationellt forskningsnätverk kring klinisk dyspnéforskning. Studier inkluderar epidemiologiska analyser, Cochrane meta-analyser, kliniska kohortstudier samt randomiserade kontrollerade behandlingsstudThe research group focuses on the mechanisms, measurement and treatment of severe chronic breathlessness (dyspnea) and management of chronic respiratory failure. The research is conducted in close collaboration with leading researchers nationally and an international research network. Studies include epidemiological analyses, Cochrane meta-analyses, clinical cohorts and randomized controlled trial

Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Joint injury research group

Vårt fokus är forskning på ledskada, huvudsakligen i knäleden. Risken att drabbas är störst inom idrotten och den allvarligaste knäskadan är en korsbandsskada. I det korta perspektivet medför dessa skador smärta, svullnad, instabilitet samt nedsatt förmåga till fysisk aktivitet. Detta leder till försämrad livskvalitet. I det längre perspektivet ökar dessa skador kraftigt risken för artros (ledsvWe focus our research on joint injury, mainly of the knee. Sports is a common cause of knee injury with the most severe injury being cruciate ligament injury. I the short perspective, these injuries cause pain, swelling, instability and decreased activity level which often result in decreased quality of life. In the longer term, joint injury severely increases the risk of osteoarthritis although

Säkerhet och miljö

Avdelningen arbetar inom områdena säkerhet, brandskydd, kemikaliesäkerhet, strålsäkerhet och miljö och upprättar bland annat styr- och stöddokument inom dessa områden. Avdelningen är universitetets kontaktyta gentemot myndigheter, kommuner och andra intressenter. Målgrupper för avdelningens arbete är chefer, arbetsmiljö- och miljösamordnare, skydds- och brandskyddsombud.The division works in the areas of security, fire safety, chemicals safety, radiation safety and environment, for all of which it produces policies and support documents. The division is the University’s contact interface with other public authorities, municipalities and other stakeholders. The target groups for the division’s work are managers, work environment and sustainability coordinators, he

LU-ATMP: Lunds universitets centrum för avancerade terapier

Sweden's ATMP ecosystem is rapidly expanding, solidifying its place as a key player in Europe. Currently ranking among the top three countries among the EU9 for identified therapeutic ATMP companies, Sweden's strategic investments are further reinforcing its leadership (MSC 2020). This includes ongoing initiatives to establish industrial-scale ATMP manufacturing capabilities, enhancing the countrySweden's ATMP ecosystem is rapidly expanding, solidifying its place as a key player in Europe. Currently ranking among the top three countries among the EU9 for identified therapeutic ATMP companies, Sweden's strategic investments are further reinforcing its leadership (MSC 2020). This includes ongoing initiatives to establish industrial-scale ATMP manufacturing capabilities, enhancing the country