

Din sökning på "*" gav 530330 sökträffar

Measuring the noticing of an unexpected event in Magical Garden with a Teachable Agent using Eye-Tra

Measuring the noticing of an unexpected event in Magical Garden with a Teachable Agent using Eye-Tracking Measuring preschoolers’ noticing of an unexpected event in Magical Garden with a Teachable Agent using Eye-Tracking Ludvig Londos Div. of Cognitive Science, Lund University 1. Anticipate 2. Look back at 3. Look at button / Look at thought-bubble 4. Look at TA Eye movements of interests Unexpec

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2015-conference-SweCog-poster.pdf - 2025-03-17

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No child behind nor singled out! Adaptive instruction combined with inclusive pedagogy in early math software Why early math intervention and why via adaptive instruction? A child that is weak in early numeracy at school start is likely to continue to stay be- hind all through school. More children than we think are too weak in early numeracy and lack the concep- tual foundations for numbers at sc

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2015a-conference-AIED-poster.pdf - 2025-03-17

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“thesisx” — 2016/5/2 — 17:07 — page i — #1 Faculty of Arts and Sciences FiF No. 118 Adding Challenge to a Teachable Agent in a Virtual Learning Environment by Camilla Kirkegaard Department of Computer and Information Science Linköping University SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden Linköping 2016 “thesisx” — 2016/5/2 — 17:07 — page ii — #2 This is a Swedish Licentiate’s Thesis Swedish postgraduate educatio

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2016-thesis-IDA-LiU.pdf - 2025-03-17

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•  The behavior of the agent did not affect how the students experienced it. •  The strong correlation between per- ceived intelligence and the protégé effect does, however, indicate that either there is an underlying cause or that they strengthen each other reci- procally. The underlying cause might however just be the students´ general attitude towards the agent or the setting. •  This correlati

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2017-conference-SweCog-poster.pdf - 2025-03-17


posterAIED2018_kmmh_v2 • The behavior of the agent did not affect how the students experienced it. • The strong correlation between per- ceived intelligence and the protégé effect indicates that either there is an common underlying cause or that they strengthen each other reciprocally. The underlying cause might, however, only be the students´ general attitude to- wards the agent or the setting. •

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2018-conference-AIED-poster.pdf - 2025-03-17


Poster_ICLS2018_emtag Visualizing knowledge in the era of instructional software and gamification – Challenges in design, method, and practical use Eva-Maria Ternblad & Agneta Gulz LUCS (Lund University Cognitive Science) Summary Experiment Results Discussion Further reading Greeno, J., Collins, A. & Resnick, L. (1996) Cognition and Learning. in Berliner, D. & Calfee, R. (eds.) Handbook om Educati

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2018-conference-ICLS-poster.pdf - 2025-03-17

Microsoft Word - det-oumbarliga-klassrummet_agneta-gulz.docx

Microsoft Word - det-oumbarliga-klassrummet_agneta-gulz.docx 1 Das unverzichtbare Klassenzimmer Die Erfahrung in Schweden zeigt: Das virtuelle Lernen funktioniert nur als Ersatz TEXT: AGNETA GULZ — VOM 21.10.2020 Schwedish Det oumbärliga klassrummet Text: Agneta Gulz, 2020 Under coronakrisen har lärare och elever världen över upplevt att undervisning och lärande i skolans lokaler ställts in och de

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2020-article-Falter-swe.pdf - 2025-03-17

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73 Iyer, S. et al. (Eds.) (2022). Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computers in Education. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education ‘I know that I clicked but not if I read’: An Exploratory Study Comparing Data Traces and Self-Reports on Feedback Engagement Eva-Maria TERNBLADa*, Agneta GULZa,b & Betty TÄRNINGa a Dept of Cognitive Science, Lund University, Sweden bDept of

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2022-conference-ICCE-2-full-paper.pdf - 2025-03-17

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What do our eyes say about our estimation strategies? Numerical estimation, measured with the Number Line Estimation Task (NLET; Figure 1), is related to mathematical competence [1] and development of numerical knowledge [2]. MAYBÍ MORELL RUIZ, MAGNUS HAAKE & AGNETA GULZ Research and development Numerical estimation Eye-tracking Results • Subjects make more estimation errors when they solve the ta

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/etg2022-conference-SweCog-poster.pdf - 2025-03-17

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2013-09-20 Agneta Gulz : "Does one size fit all?" - kognitiv variation och IT etjanst.hb.se/bhs/ith/2-99/ag.htm 1/11 »Does one size fit all?« - kognitiv variation och IT av Agneta Gulz Abstract In this article it is proposed that the development of IT interfaces, from a cognitive perspective, has taken the first of two important steps. Command-based IT interfaces, representing a technology centere

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/gulz-1999-journal-HumanIT.pdf - 2025-03-17

Spatially Oriented and Person Oriented Thinking—Implications for User Interface Design

Spatially Oriented and Person Oriented Thinking—Implications for User Interface Design Education and Information Technologies 7:1, 67–80, 2002. # 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Spatially Oriented and Person Oriented Thinking—Implications for User Interface Design AGNETA GULZ Department of Cognitive Science, Lund University, Kungshuset, Lundagard, S-222 22 Lund,

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/gulz-2002-journal-EIT.pdf - 2025-03-17

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Benefits of Virtual Characters in Computer Based Learning Environments: Claims and Evidence Agneta Gulz, Lund University Cognitive Science, Kungshuset, Lundagård, S-222 22 Lund, Sweden. Agneta.Gulz@lucs.lu.se Abstract. Pedagogical theory of today gives high priority to social components of learning. Within the field of computer supported learning there are many attempts to acknowledge this. One ap

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/ETG-pub/gulz-2004-journal-IJAIED.pdf - 2025-03-17


KKEG_VT25_Uppgift_1_m_granskningspar_och_seminariegrupper KKEG :: Kommunikation, Kognition, Etik & Genus :: VT-2025 Uppgift 1: Tänka kring etik Obligatorisk uppgift. Syftet med uppgiften är att: - hjälpa dig i läsandet av kursboken (av Papanek) och i ditt tänkande kring etik, - du i processen med ditt kandidatprojekt ska reflektera också utifrån etiska perspektiv. Ett mer övergripande och långsikt

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/KKEG-25/kkeg25_inlamningsuppg-1_granskningspar-o-seminariegrupper.pdf - 2025-03-17


KKEG25_Uppg3GemensamText KKEG :: Kommunikation, Kognition, Etik & Genus :: VT-2025 Uppgift 3: Gemensamt skrivande Obligatorisk uppgift Syftet med uppgiften är att ni ska: – bearbeta kursmaterial (texter & föreläsningar) genom att diskutera och formulera er utifrån detta kursmaterial; – utveckla er förmåga att kommunicera via text och få ytterligare inblickar i olika sätt att arbeta med text genom

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/KKEG-25/kkeg25_inlamningsuppg-3_gemensam-text.pdf - 2025-03-17


KKEG25_Uppgift2TxtBild KKEG :: Kommunikation, Kognition, Etik & Genus :: VT-2025 Uppgift 2: Reflektion & kommunikation och arbete med formgivning av text & bild Syftet med uppgiften är att du: - i processen med ditt kandidatprojekt ska reflektera kring aspekter som rör etik, kognition, kommunikation och/eller genus, - ska träna att i skriftlig form problematisera och diskutera sådana teman i relat

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/KKEG-25/kkeg25_inlamningsuppgift-2_text-o-bild.pdf - 2025-03-17

Microsoft Word - IJSDES020305 PAGE

Microsoft Word - IJSDES020305 PAGE Int. J. Sustainable Design, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2014 265 Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Product attachment and replacement: implications for sustainable design Tom Page Electronic Product Design, Loughborough Design School, Loughborough University, LDS.1.18, LE11 3TU, UK E-mail: T.Page@lboro.ac.uk Abstract: This research investigated a number of main a

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/KKEG-25/kkeg25_littsem-2/kkeg25_littsem-2_product-attachment-and-replacement-implications-for-sustainable-design.pdf - 2025-03-17

This paper deals with a discursive explorative student project that explored the relation between ge

This paper deals with a discursive explorative student project that explored the relation between gender and design Engaging Artifacts 2009 Oslo www.nordes.org 1 This paper deals with an explorative student project which was conducted as part of a consumer research project on gender in design. In the project master students in design explored and reflected on gender issues through practice, and th

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/KKEG-25/kkeg25_littsem-3/kkeg25_littsem-3_gender-bending-through-design.pdf - 2025-03-17