

Din sökning på "*" gav 530339 sökträffar

Peter Gärdenfors invited as the 2023 Jin Yuelin Lecturer at Tsinghua University

Peter Gärdenfors invited as the 2023 Jin Yuelin Lecturer at Tsinghua University Peter Gärdenfors invited as the 2023 Jin Yuelin Lecturer at Tsinghua University Published 8 October 2023 The Jin Yuelin Lectures at Tsinghua University The Lecture Series is named after Jin Yuelin (in Chinese: 金岳霖), a pioneering philosopher and logician in China. After his study at Columbia University in the United Sta

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/peter-gaerdenfors-invited-as-the-2023-jin-yuelin-lecturer-at-tsinghua-university/ - 2025-03-17

Peter Gärdenfors receives the Jean Nicod Prize 2025 (The Institut Jean Nicod)

Peter Gärdenfors receives the Jean Nicod Prize 2025 (The Institut Jean Nicod) Peter Gärdenfors receives the Jean Nicod Prize 2025 (The Institut Jean Nicod) Published 20 October 2024 The Institut Jean Nicod is honored to present the Prix Jean Nicod 2025 Peter Gärdenfors and to welcome him for a series of lectures. Jean Nicod Lectures and Prize 2025 After a PhD in theoretical Philosophy at Lund Univ

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/peter-gaerdenfors-receives-the-jean-nicod-prize-2025-the-institut-jean-nicod - 2025-03-17

Philip Pärnamets recipient of Glushko Dissertation Prize.

Philip Pärnamets recipient of Glushko Dissertation Prize. Philip Pärnamets recipient of Glushko Dissertation Prize. By 21 - Published 10 October 2016 The 2016 recipients of the Robert J. Glushko Prizes for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertations/theses in Cognitive Science are: • Lang Chen, University of Wisconsin – Madison. PhD thesis: “White matter connectivity explains category-specific brain activa

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/philip-parnamets-recipient-of-glushko-dissertation-prize/ - 2025-03-17

Project funding from the Crafoord Foundation

Project funding from the Crafoord Foundation Project funding from the Crafoord Foundation Published 17 April 2024 MoMa brief summary Robots are not simply computer with a body. They have capacities and possibilities that allow them to interact with humans in meaningful, engaging ways, for example as conversational partners or in joint tasks. Movements are an important for building social interacti

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/project-funding-from-the-crafoord-foundation/ - 2025-03-17

Two open PhD position at LUCS Apply by March 1, 2021

Two open PhD position at LUCS Apply by March 1, 2021 Two open PhD position at LUCS Apply by March 1, 2021 By 21 - Published 28 January 2021 Two vacant PhD positions are open for applications at LUCS (Lund University Cognitive Science). Last application date is March 1, 2021 . ► Announcement [in English] ► Utlysning [på svenska] Share http://www.lucs.lu.se?id=68072&tx_news_pi1[news]=3357 Latest New

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/two-open-phd-position-at-lucs-apply-by-march-1-2021/ - 2025-03-17

Peter Gärdenfors intervjuas om yra apor och berusningens ursprung

Peter Gärdenfors intervjuas om yra apor och berusningens ursprung Peter Gärdenfors intervjuas om yra apor och berusningens ursprung Published 24 March 2023 Photo of gorilla by University of Birmingham. Professor Peter Gärdenfors intervjuad i Dagens Nyheter i samband med en ny studie på våra närmaste släktingar som tyder på att lusten att mixtra med yrsel och sinnesupplevelser går långt tillbaka i

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/yra-apor-ger-ledtraadar-om-berusningens-ursprung/ - 2025-03-17


Uppsatsformat Formatering av Uppsats Christian Balkenius christian.balkenius@lucs.lu.se Detta är summering (abstract) av hela uppsatsen. Summer- ingen ska vara en miniversion av hela uppsatsen. Det ska inte referera till texten i uppsatsen utan ska fungera på egen hand. Summeringen är i samma typsnitt som brödtexten men i kursiv stil och bör vara max en halv sida lång. 1 Introduktion Marginalerna

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Uppsatsformat.pdf - 2025-03-17

Utbildningsplan Masterprogram i kognitionsvetenskap

Utbildningsplan Masterprogram i kognitionsvetenskap Lunds universitet Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna HAKOG, Masterprogram i kognitionsvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng Master's Programme in Cognitive Science, 120 credits Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på avancerad nivå / Second cycle degree programme requiring previous university study Beslutsuppgifter Utbildnin

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/fil/dokument/pdf/Utbildningsplan_HAKOG_2022.pdf - 2025-03-17

Choice Blindness: You Don't Know What You Want

Choice Blindness: You Don't Know What You Want       This is the final published version of:  Hall, L & Johansson, P. (2009). Choice Blindness: You don’t know what you want.  New Scientist, Issue 2704, 26‐27.      Keywords: Choice Blindness, Decision Making, Introspection, Self‐Knowledge, Consumer Choice,  Confabulation, Self‐Report      For an overview of our research, and access to our publicati

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2011/01/Hall-Johansson-2009-Choice-Blindness-You-Dont-Know-What-You-Want.pdf - 2025-03-17

Lifting the Veil of Morality Choice Blindness and Attitude Reversals on a Self-Transforming Survey

Lifting the Veil of Morality Choice Blindness and Attitude Reversals on a Self-Transforming Survey This is the final published version of: Hall, L., Johansson, P., & Strandberg, T. (2012). Lifting the veil of morality: choice blindness and attitude reversals on a self-transforming survey. PloS one, 7(9), e45457. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045457 Abstract: Every day, thousands of polls, surveys, and

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2011/01/Hall-Johansson-Strandberg-Lifting-the-Veil-of-Morality-Choice-Blindness-and-Attitude-Reversals-on-a-Self-Transforming-Survey.pdf - 2025-03-17

Recomposing the Will: Distributed Motivation and Computer

Recomposing the Will: Distributed Motivation and Computer This is a preprint version of: Hall, L., Johansson, P., & de Léon, D. (2013). Recomposing the Will: Distributed motivation and computer mediated extrospection. In T. Vierkant, A. Clark & J. Kiverstein (Eds.) (2013). Decomposing the will. Oxford University Press: Philosophy of Mind Series. pp. 298-324. Abstract: In this chapter we trace the

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2011/01/Hall-Johansson-de-Leon-2013-Recomposing-the-Will-Distributed-Motivation-and-Computer-Mediated-Extrospection.pdf - 2025-03-17

Magic at the marketplace: Choice blindness for the taste of jam and the smell of tea

Magic at the marketplace: Choice blindness for the taste of jam and the smell of tea   This is the final published version of:  Hall, L., Johansson, P., Tärning, B., Sikström, S., & Deutgen, T. (2010). Magic at the  marketplace:  Choice  blindness  for  the  taste  of  jam  and  the  smell  of  tea.  Cognition, 117(1), 54–61. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2010.06.010    Abstract: We set up a  tasting ve

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2011/01/Hall-et-al.-2010-Magic-at-the-Marketplace-Choice-Blindness-for-the-Taste-of-Jam-and-the-Smell-of-Tea.pdf - 2025-03-17

Failure to Detect Mismatches Between Intention and Outcome in a Simple Decision Task

Failure to Detect Mismatches Between Intention and Outcome in a Simple Decision Task This is the final published version of: Johansson, P., Hall, L., Sikström, S., & Olsson, A. (2005). Failure to detect mismatches between intention and outcome in a simple decision task. Science (New York, N.Y.), 310(5745), 116–9. doi:10.1126/science.1111709 Abstract: A fundamental assumption of theories of decisio

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2011/01/Johansson-et-al.-2005-Failure-to-Detect-Mismatches-Between-Intention-and-Outcome-in-a-Simple-Decision-Task.pdf - 2025-03-17

Microsoft Word - Reply to Hernández-Conde.docx

Microsoft Word - Reply to Hernández-Conde.docx Convexity is a testable prediction in the theory of conceptual spaces: Reply to Hernández-Conde Peter Gärdenfors1 Abstract This article is a rejoinder to Hernández-Conde's (2016) criticism of the convexity criterion in the theory of conceptual spaces. His arguments in general claim that the convexity criterion could be false and that it therefore is p

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2011/11/Convexity.pdf - 2025-03-17

ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム 原稿執筆の手引き

ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム 原稿執筆の手引き Choice blindness and trust in the virtual world Petter Johansson*1*2, Lars Hall*3, Agneta Gulz*4, Magnus Haake*4 and Katsumi Watanabe*1*5 Abstract - Choice blindness is the experimental finding that people may miss changes to the outcome of their actions. This effect has been demonstrated in decision tasks concerning attractiveness of faces, as well as smell and taste o

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2013/09/johansson_hall_gulz_haake_watanabe_report_2007.pdf - 2025-03-17

No title

This article is the final published version of: Aardema, F., & Johansson, P. (2014). Choice Blindness, Confabulatory Introspection, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: A New Area of Investigation. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 7(1), 83–102. Abstract: The current study is the first to investigate confabulatory introspection in relation to clinical psychological symptoms utilizing the C

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2014/03/Aardema-et-al-2014-Choice-blindness-confabulatory-introspection-and-OCD.pdf - 2025-03-17

Auditory feedback of one's own voice is used for high-level semantic monitoring: the "self-comprehen

Auditory feedback of one's own voice is used for high-level semantic monitoring: the "self-comprehension" hypothesis Auditory feedback of one’s own voice is used for semantic monitoring  This article is the final published version of:  Lind, A., Hall,  L.,  Breidegard,  B.,  Balkenius,  C., &  Johansson,  P.  (2014). Auditory  feedback  of  one’s own voice  is used  for high‐level, semantic monito

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2014/04/Lind-et-al.-Auditory-feedback-of-one%E2%80%99s-own-voice-is-used-for-high-level-semantic-monitoring.pdf - 2025-03-17

Pre Test Excerpt

Pre Test Excerpt Modelling moral choice as a diffusion process dependent on visual fixations Philip Pärnamets (philip.parnamets@lucs.lu.se) Lund University Cognitive Science, Lund University, Kungshuset, Lundagård, 222 22, Lund, Sweden Daniel C. Richardson (dcr@eyethink.org) Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK Christian Balkenius

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2015/03/P%C3%A4rnamets-Balkenius-Richardson-Modelling-moral-choice-as-a-diffusion-process-dependent-on-visual-fixations-2014.pdf - 2025-03-17

Modeling Match Results in Soccer using a Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model

Modeling Match Results in Soccer using a Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model Modeling Match Results in Soccer using a Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model Rasmus Bååth, Lund University Cognitive Science, rasmus.baath@gmail.com Abstract This technical report is a slightly modified version of my submission to the UseR 2013 Data Analysis Contest which I had the fortune of winning. The purpose of the c

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2015/07/baath_2015_modeling_match_resluts_in_soccer.pdf - 2025-03-17

Pre Test Excerpt

Pre Test Excerpt Memory distortions resulting from a choice blindness task Philip Pärnamets (philip.parnamets@lucs.lu.se) Lars Hall (lars.hall@lucs.lu.se) Lund University Cognitive Science, Lund University, Box 192, S-221 00, Lund, Sweden. Petter Johansson (petter.johansson@lucs.lu.se) Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Linneanum, Thunbergsvägen 2, S-752 38 Uppsala, Sweden. Lund University Cogn

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2015/08/P%C3%A4rnamets-Hall-Johansson-Memory-distortions-resulting-from-a-choice-blindness-task-2015.pdf - 2025-03-17