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Program rev4 aug

Program rev4 aug THE INDIVIDUAL CONFRONTS THE MASSES: LIFE IN MASS DICTATORSHIPS IN LITERATURE AND CINEMA PROGRAM Wed 25 Aug Arrival foreign participants Thu 26 Aug 15.00 Coffeе, check in Hovs Hallar 16.00 Welcome 16.15-17.30 Key-note address, Karеn Petrone: Soviet Culture, State Power, and the Formation of Subjectivities under Stalin 19.00 Dinner Fri 27 Aug 8.30-10.00 Chair: Kyu-Hyun Kim Discussa

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Program_rev4_aug.pdf - 2025-03-03


Programme PROGRAMME —————————————————————————— TRADITION IS THE NEW RADICAL: REMAPPING MASCULINITIES AND FEMININITIES IN THEOLOGY December 12th 13.00-14.00 Registration opens, Entrance of the LUX building 14.00-14.30 Opening of the conference, LUX C216 14.30-16.00 Plenary session I: Key-note by Tina Beattie, "Maternal Matters: Eve, Woman and the Genesis of Gender”, LUX C126 16.00-16.30 Coffee 16.3

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Programme-Tradition_is_the_New_Radical.pdf - 2025-03-03

Raaheim et al

Raaheim et al The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Together for better learning. Transforming patterns of teaching and learning through work placement for students. Results from four case studies A. Raaheim1, M. Ulvik1, I. Helleve1, B. Å. Brøske2, J. H. Sætre2, T. Hole1, G. Velle1, A. Bærheim1, and T. Grimeland1, 1University of Bergen, 2Norwegian Academy of Music ABSTRACT: "Stu

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Raaheim_etal.pdf - 2025-03-03


Reinhold_etal_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Quality of Academic Writing for Engineering Students at Lund University I. Reinhold, K. Batstone, I. M. Gallardo González, A. Troian, and R. Yu, Lund University ABSTRACT: The development of good writing skills is fundamental not only to publish scientific results, but also to have a deeper understanding of complex subjects.

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Reinhold_etal.pdf - 2025-03-03


Reshetnikov_Kurowska_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Interpretivist Methods in an International Relations Classroom: Teaching and Learning Tools A. Reshetnikov and X. Kurowska, Central European University ABSTRACT: In the recent years, the discipline of International Relations has been freeing itself from scientism that haunted its early evolution and is gradually embr

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Reshetnikov_Kurowska.pdf - 2025-03-03

Microsoft Word - Riegler-20170515.docx

Microsoft Word - Riegler-20170515.docx The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Helping students conceptualize definition P. Riegler, Ostfalia University ABSTRACT: Definitions are core to science. Despite their importance and ubiquity many students have characteristic difficulties with reading, understanding and applying definitions. This contribution gives a categorized overview o

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Riegler.pdf - 2025-03-03

svebe33 – Hartama-Heinonen

svebe33 – Hartama-Heinonen Ritva Hartama-Heinonen Helsingfors universitet Finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen Nordica/Svensk översättning DET ALLMÄNNA OCH DET SPECIFIKA I ÖVERSÄTTNINGSFORSKNING Även om översättning och tolkning i form av medierande praktik har tämligen långa anor är forskningen kring översättnings- och tolkningsrelaterade fenomen – översättningsforskning eller översätt

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Ritva_Hartama-Heinonen.pdf - 2025-03-03


Robinson The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden HumAn Learning: Transforming Patterns in the Cultures of College with Learning Analytics and SOTL J. M. Robinson, Indiana University ABSTRACT: “HumAn Learning: Transforming Patterns in the Cultures of College with Learning Analytics and SOTL” presents research that uses learning analytics to triangulate on student success in multi-s

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Robinson.pdf - 2025-03-03


Sarv_Volmer The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Is it possible to educate professionalism with the help of a learning portfolio? A. Sarv and D. Volmer, University of Tartu, Estonia ABSTRACT: Background: Portfolios are used to provide evidence about learning and development. In healthcare professions learning portfolios are important tools for promoting reflective practice and

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Sarv_Volmer.pdf - 2025-03-03


Scannell_McCarthy The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden The role of the Qualified Dental Nurse in the development of Student Nurses in clinical training P. Scannell, and M. McCarthy, School of Dentistry, University College Cork Ireland ABSTRACT: This research was undertaken in the Cork Dental School and Hospital during the academic year of 2015/2016 as part of my postgraduate ma

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Scannell_McCarthy.pdf - 2025-03-03


SMITHetal_7_REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Exploring Metacognition as a Support for Learning Transfer L. Scharff, United States Air Force Academy, J. Draeger, SUNY Buffalo State, D. Verpoorten, IFRES- University of Liège, M. Devlin, Newcastle University, S. Dvorakova, University of Queensland, J. Lodge, University of Melbourne, and S. Smith, Leeds Beckett University A

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Scharff_etal.pdf - 2025-03-03

No title

Day 1: 17 June 2015 7:30-8:30am Check-in (Main Atrium) 8:30-8:45am Welcome and Introductions (Auditorium, Humhör) 8:45-9:45am Keynote 1 (Auditorium, Humhör) Larsen-Freeman Language Policy and Planning from a Complexity Theory Perspective 9:45-10:15am Break Parallel Sessions H135a H135b H140 H239a H339a L123 10:15-10:45am Bhalla & Wiley Investigating Language Policy Development and Implementation a

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Schedule_08.pdf - 2025-03-03


Sjöberg The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden ‘Active Student Participation’ – a conflict of interest as far as Teaching and Learning is concerned J. Sjöberg, Halmstad University ABSTRACT: There is little doubt that the complexity of student active participation highlights the need for more extensive research into the practices of teachers in higher education. The concept of ’ac

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Sjo__berg.pdf - 2025-03-03


Sockalingam_Pey The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden SOTL based Strategic Pedagogical Development Initiatives in a Millennial University: The SUTD Experience N. Sockalingam, and K. L. Pey, Singapore University of Technology and Design ABSTRACT: Singapore University of Technology and Design in the 4th autonomous university in Singapore and was founded in 2010, in collaboration w

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Sockalingam_Pey.pdf - 2025-03-03


stenalt_lassesen_ver2 The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden An exploratory study of undergraduate law students’ experience of online peer and self-grading: Towards an experiential perspective M. H. Stenalt and B. Lassesen, Center for Teaching and Learning, Aarhus University, Denmark ABSTRACT: Many studies have reported on the use of online technology in teaching and learning to

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Stenalt_Lassesen.pdf - 2025-03-03


Suethice_HO Johanna Akujärvi CBXI, Lund 9/11 2012 Suethice. 19th century Swedish university translations of ancient literature Total: 270 dissertations Greek: 172; Latin: 98 Total: 841 dissertations Greek: 647; Latin: 194 Poetry: 618; Prose: 223 Table 1. Chronological distribution 1790’s 00-09 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 GR+LA 2 16 144 192 244 157 59 22 4 – 1 GR 2 13 134

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Suethice_HO_01.pdf - 2025-03-03


Supple_Fennell_McCarthy_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Reviewing reflective teaching portfolios about online learning: What are they telling us? B. Supple, C. Fennell, M. McCarthy, University College Cork, Ireland ABSTRACT: This paper sets out to explore reflective teaching portfolios of university staff, focussed on their engagement as students in a fully online prof

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Supple_Fennell_McCarthy.pdf - 2025-03-03


MNT PAPER TEMPLATE The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Academic Development Programme for Teaching Assistants: Its Influence on Teaching Mindset and Impact on Learning Experiences M.G.S. Tan, R.D. Mendoza, F.S. Lim, P.D. Looker, Nanyang Technological University ABSTRACT: Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU) runs a semester-long Teaching Assistants Programme (TAP) a

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Tan_etal.pdf - 2025-03-03


workshop_varfor_sprakvetenskap Workshop: Varför språkvetenskap? David Håkansson och Anna-Malin Karlsson Uppsala universitet 1988 utkom antologin Nordistiken som vetenskap, som kom att bli ett centralt inslag på forskarutbildningar i nordiska språk och svenska under decennier därefter. Även om mycket av det som sägs i boken fortfarande är relevant ser dagens språkvetenskapliga landskap på många pun

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Varfoer_spraakvetenskap__01.pdf - 2025-03-03

No title

Varför språkvetare? Om varför-frågor och forskningsetiska principer Victoria Johansson & Anna W Gustafsson I vårt föredrag kommer vi med utgångspunkt i våra hemmahörigheter i nordiska språk respektive lingvistik att diskutera relationen mellan empiristyrd och teoristyrd forskning, dvs. forskning som arbetar bottom-up respektive top-down. Vi kommer att diskutera hur forskning som bedrivs i ett bott

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Victoria_Johansson_Anna_W_Gustafsson.pdf - 2025-03-03