

Din sökning på "*" gav 532727 sökträffar


know06.dvi Eholhi/ Phwkrgrorj| dqg Nqrzohgjh Ylqfhqw Ihood Khqgulfnv Ghsduwphqw ri Sklorvrsk| Xqlyhuvlw| ri Frshqkdjhq Qmdovjdgh ;3 GN 5633 Frshqkdjhq V/ Ghqpdun ylqfhqwCfrfr1lkl1nx1gn Vwlj Dqgxu Shghuvhq Ghsduwphqwv ri Sklorvrsk| dqg Pdwkhpdwlfv Xqlyhuvlw| ri Urvnlogh S1 R1 Er{ 593 GN 7333 Urvnlogh/ Ghqpdun vdsCuxf1gn Pd| 7/ 4<<< Lq Krqru ri Shwhu Jçughqiruv* 83wk Eluwkgd| S hwhu Jçughqiruv*v dff

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/decision/hendricks_pedersen.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - Hochberg.pdf

Microsoft Word - Hochberg.pdf 1 The Revival of Causal Realism From Husserl to the Present: Some Recent History and a Critical Commentary by Herbert Hochberg University of Texas Abstract: The paper considers the problems posed by the recent revival of causal realism in the 1970s by a number of philosophers--principally D. M. Armstrong's version. It points to basic flaws in the view and attempts to

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/decision/hochberg.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - Persson/Sahlin

Microsoft Word - Persson/Sahlin A fundamental problem of causation (with no solution)i Among many other things, Peter Grdenfors has attempted to explore the nature of causal beliefs. The idea in Knowledge in Flux is that - by looking at the contraction with respect to the cause of the given epistemic state - we can apply the simple criterion that the occurrence of C raises the probability of the o

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/decision/persson_sahlin.pdf - 2025-02-24


Gardenforsfest.pdf ARE FULL BELIEFS AN ABSTRACTION FROM CREDAL STATES? ISAAC LEVI Columbia University March 13, 1999 1. States of Full Belief, Confirmational Commitments and Credal States An account of belief change appropriate to providing a systematic understanding of well conducted inquiry presupposes a characterization of changes of belief state that are open to the inquiring agent to make in

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/dynamics/levi.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - Belief.handsatt.doc

Microsoft Word - Belief.handsatt.doc Ilkka Niiniluoto BELIEF REVISION AND TRUTHLIKENESS 1. Introduction In December 1977, a conference on ÓThe Logic and Epistemology of Scientific ChangeÓ was organized in Helsinki (see Niiniluoto and Tuomela, 1979). Employing tools from logic, set theory, and probability theory, the participants developed three different approaches to scientific change. One group

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/dynamics/niiniluoto.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - OLSSON2.DOC

Microsoft Word - OLSSON2.DOC 1 Recovering From Tennant's Attack on Recovery Erik J. Olsson1 I was introduced to the AGM theory of Peter Grdenfors and his associates, Carlos Alchourrn and David Makinson, via Sten Lindstrm, who gave a series of lectures at the philosophy department in Uppsala on Peter's book Knowledge in Flux shortly after it appeared. At the time I was still an undergraduate studen

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/dynamics/olsson.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - Spohn, for Peter

Microsoft Word - Spohn, for Peter Ranking Functions, AGM Style Wolfgang Spohn Fachgruppe Philosophie Universität Konstanz D - 78457 Konstanz Ranking functions, having their first appearance under the name „ordinale Konditionalfunktionen“ in my Habilitationsschrift submitted in 1983, had several precursors of which I was only incompletely aware, among them Shackle’s functions of potential surprise

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/dynamics/spohn.pdf - 2025-02-24


JZ.Rev2.dvi JZBR - Iterated Belief Change for Conditional Ranking Constraints An early report Emil Weydert Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbrucken, Germany emil@mpi-sb.mpg.de Abstract We present JZBR, an extension of Spohn's iterated revision methodology which allows the handling of new information expressed by conditional rank- ing measure constraints. This is

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/dynamics/weydert.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - williams.docx

Microsoft Word - williams.docx Aesthetics and the Explication of Surprise Mary-Anne Williams Information Systems, University of Newcastle, Australia maryanne@infosystems.newcastle.edu.au Abstract. Art is related to explanation, in fact according to Leyton [11] the aesthetic response is the mind’s evaluation of explanation, and furthermore the level of aesthetic response to works of art is proporti

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/dynamics/williams.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - Stjernberg

Microsoft Word - Stjernberg 1 NOT SO EPIPHENOMENAL QUALIA OR HOW MUCH OF A MYSTERY IS THE MIND? Fredrik Stjernberg Vxj University In recent philosophy of mind, physicalism - in one form or another - has been the dominant position. And this is no surprise. The obvious alternative, dualism, is still struggling to come to terms with a problem that was already presented to Descartes: If the material w

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/language/stjernberg.pdf - 2025-02-24

No title

The Value of Limited Altruism* by Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert, and David Donaldson August 1998 revised December 1998 Charles Blackorby: University of British Columbia and GREQAM Walter Bossert: University of Nottingham David Donaldson: University of British Columbia * Research support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged. The paper was

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/moral/blackorby_bossert_donaldson.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - Tannsjo.doc (mina −ndr.)

Microsoft Word - Tannsjo.doc (mina −ndr.) 1 Morality and Personal Identity Torbjörn Tännsjö (Gothenburg University) 1. INTRODUCTION The problem of the nature of our personal identity may seem to belong exclusively to metaphysics. However, if one inspects the actual discussion about the notion of personal identity, one gets the impression that the problem does not only have a metaphysical aspect, b

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/moral/tannsjo.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Peter Gärdenfors Peter Gärdenfors intervjuas av Peter Sylwan Peter Sylwan och Smilla ► Lyssna på intervjun Alternativt: kopiera länken nedan och klistra in den i webbläsaren: https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS- SE/prelude/intervju-peter-sylwan.mp4 ______________________________________________ Spinning Ideas, Electronic Essays Dedicated to Peter Gärdenfors on

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/prelude/intervju-peter-sylwan.pdf - 2025-02-24

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http://www.tfhs.lu.se http://uav.lu.se Learn to apply drone technology in your field of study. The possibilities are endless, and the development is rapid. Innovations and societal applications are continually evolving. A new European regulatory framework for unman- ned aviation has gained legal force, affecting sectors such as transport, construction, logistics, infrastructure, forestry and agric

https://www.lusa.lu.se/fileadmin/tfhs/doc/FLYF20_Dronetechnology_20210203.pdf - 2025-02-24

Applied and Computational Mathematics

Applied and Computational Mathematics Applied and Computational Mathematics Gustaf Söderlind Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Sciences What are mathematical sciences? I Mathematics I Statistics I Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing I Applied Mathematics I . . . G Söderlind, 2014-10-01 Applied and Computational Mathematics Fractal G Söderlind, 2014-10-01 Applied and Computational Mathema

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kandidatprogram/Kandidatdagen/GustafSoderlindPresentation.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Hanna Wu 01/10/2014 Today’s Agenda •  Briefly about Nordea •  My background •  Some final thougths • 01/10/2014 2 • fdf Nordea = Nordic ideas •  Largest financial group in Northern Europe •  AA credit rating •  Created through a string of mergers of Nordic banks. •  Approximately 800 locations worldwide •  11 million customers •  Approx. 10 billion EUR in full year income (2013). 3 • fdf Map of me

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kandidatprogram/Kandidatdagen/HannaWuPresentation.pdf - 2025-02-24

Statistics in Climate and Environment

Statistics in Climate and Environment Extreme Values Time Series Data Air Pollution Statistics in Climate and Environment Johan Lindström 1 October 2014 Johan Lindström - johanl@maths.lth.se Statistics in Climate and Environment 1/17 Extreme Values Time Series Data Air Pollution Waves Extreme Value Theory Goeree-Overflakkee, Netherlands, February 1953 Johan Lindström - johanl@maths.lth.se Stati

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kandidatprogram/Kandidatdagen/JohanLindstomPresentation.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Zero-dimensional Stochastic Modeling of Chemical Kinetics Simon Bjerkborn Outline   About the company   Chemical kinetics   The 0D Stochastic Reactor Model   Mathematical applications   Growing up   The employer’s perspective   Shameless promoting 2 Bjerkborn – Zero-dimensional Stochastic Modeling of Chemical Kinetics About the company   Founded in 2005 by prof. Fabian Mauss as a spin-off

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kandidatprogram/Kandidatdagen/SimonBjerkbornKD2013.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Economics in Lund The introductory course •  Microeconomics (11 hp) •  Macroeconomics (9 hp) •  Financial economis (5 hp) •  International economics (5 hp) An economist’s approach •  Theory (usually expressed in mathematical terms) •  Empirical analysis Specialisations, bachelor level •  Financial economics •  International economics and development economics •  Macroeconomics •  Public, health an

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kandidatprogram/Kandidatdagen/nationalekonomi_matematikprogrammet_ht14.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - MATK11Fall2020.odt

Microsoft Word - MATK11Fall2020.odt Analysis of Bachelor degree project in Mathematics/Numerical Analysis MATK11/MASK11/NUMK11 Fall semester 2020 Number of Bachelor theses: 6 Number of questionnaires returned: 1 Report on the course evaluation: See separate file. Summary of the course evaluation. With only one questionnaire returned no significant conclusions can be drawn. Responsible and date of

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/HT2020/BachelorDegreeProjectHT20CA.pdf - 2025-02-24