

527404 sökträffar

An Inquiry Into The Determinants of Research Sector Productivity

This paper constitutes an inquiry into the determinants of research sector productivity. Three variables thought to be relevant in determining the productivity of the research sector of an economy are proposed and examined on the basis of Paul Romer’s (1990) model of endogenous economic growth. The productivity of the research sector in the aforementioned model of economic growth is conceived to b

A Sustainable Future: Economic Decoupling, Democracy, and the Kyoto Protocol

This thesis aims to analyze the relationship between growth in CO2 per capita and growth in GDP per capita and whether they can grow in different directions- a concept referred to as eco-economic decoupling. By using the latest data and an extensive dataset with econometric analysis techniques, the thesis shows that while there currently is no absolute decoupling - global, economy-wide, and durabl

Högskoleexpansionens inverkan på landsbygden -Konsekvenser för den lokala arbetsmarknadsregionen

Denna rapport undersöker högskoleexpansionens effekter på den lokala arbetsmarknadsregionen med fokus på landsbygdskommuner. Den högskolepolitik som förts sedan 1990-talet har inneburit en expansion av regionala högskolor fördelade över landet, vilket har lett till att högre utbildning tillgängliggjorts för en större andel av befolkningen. Ett av målen med etableringen av regionala högskolor är at

LIBOR: The end of an error

LIBOR has been the dominant benchmark rate in the American market for pricing financial instruments. In 2012, the manipulation of LIBOR rates was uncovered, necessitating a change. SOFR was introduced as an alternative reference rate to replace LIBOR as the standard for pricing financial instruments. SOFR has been introduced as a more robust rate less susceptible to manipulation due to its sole re

"Lever vi i en demokrati eller?" - Hur de nya bestämmelserna om dygnsvila har påverkat kärnverksamheten på ett äldreboende

Hösten 2023 kom Artikel 3 från EU:s arbetstidsdirektiv (2003/88/EG) att implementeras i det centrala kollektivavtalet ’Allmänna bestämmelser’ (AB), som sluts av arbetsgivarorganisationen SKR (Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner). Artikel 3, även implementerad i den svenska arbetstidslagen (1982:673), stadgar att arbetstagare ska ha minst 11-timmars dygnsvila, men arbetsgivare har kunnat göra avvikelser

The Rate of Asystolic Reflex Syncope Is Not Influenced by Age

BACKGROUND: The head-up tilt test (HUT) and other evidence suggest that the vagal effect on the heart decreases with age.OBJECTIVES: The main aim of the study was to assess whether this age effect also affects the rate of asystole in spontaneous reflex syncope (RS).METHOD: We performed an analysis of pooled individual data from 4 studies that recruited patients ≥40 years of age affected by certain

Vad karaktäriserar den tidiga utvecklingen av autism?

Logoped Maja Rudling disputerade i mars 2023 inom psykologi på Uppsala universitet. Avhandlingen ”Facilitators of communication and the development of autism” handlar om tidig utveckling av autism, med fokus på sociala och kommunikativa aspekter under de första två levnadsåren. Arbetet med avhandlingen var en del av den longitudinella småsyskonstudien ”Projekt Småsyskon” och sammantaget belyser de

Dirty soil and clean consciences : Examining communication of contaminated soil

The identification and remediation of contaminated sites in Europe is a continuous undertaking that includes different aspects. There are many variables to take into consideration such as the nature of the contaminants, the risks they pose, the location of the site and possible future usages. Also, possible negative effects on the local residents or the environment have to be considered. Within th

Swift Prosodic Modulation of Lexical Access : Brain Potentials From Three North Germanic Language Varieties

Purpose: According to most models of spoken word recognition, listeners probabilistically activate a set of lexical candidates, which is incrementally updated as the speech signal unfolds. Speech carries segmental (speech sound) as well as suprasegmental (prosodic) information. The role of the latter in spoken word recognition is less clear. We investigated how suprasegments (tone and voice qualit

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Because of varied topography and landscape heterogeneity,Tianshan Mountain has extremely complex hydrological processes. Considering that the climate change poses a great threat to the water security,it’s necessary to simulate the change of water elements quantitatively and systematically along with elevation. In this study,we applied the modified FLEXG-Δh model to four classic river basins in Tia

Gendered futures, constrained choices: undergraduate perceptions of work and family

Debates about the gendered division of labour tend to focus on negotiation and decision-making by couples in the present, and assume that individuals make rational choices based on present circumstances when deciding questions about workforce engagement, domestic labour and childcare responsibilities. As a result, they overlook the fact that choices made in the present are shaped by past choices.

Uppföljning av projektet Resursteam Heder Skåne 2021-2023

Resursteam Heder Skåne – RTH Skåne - är ett projekt initierat av Länsstyrelsen i Skåne 2021-2023 inom området hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, med Malmö stad som huvudman. Verksamheten har riktats till kommuner som erbjudits konsultationer, verksamhetsnära utbildningar och workshops samt omvärldsbevakning till operativa chefer. Grunden till pilotsatsningen RTH Skåne kommer ifrån av Länsstyrelsen

Fear of Being Replaced: The Dark Side of Employee Ambassadorship on Social Media

Purpose: Starting from a power perspective, the study problematizes the prevailing normative and management-dominated view of self-initiated employee ambassadorship on social media. The aim is to provide a more nuanced and critical understanding of the negative aspects of this phenomenon.Design/methodology/approach: The empirical material encompasses qualitative interviews with employees from 14 o