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Cross laminated timber at in-plane shear loading : Strength and Fracture analysis of shear mode III
Theoretical investigations of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) at in-plane shear loading conditions are presented with focus on shear failure mode III, relating to shear stresses acting in the crossing areas between orthogonally bonded laminations of different layers. Failure criteria for structural design, test configurations and material parameters are discussed. Full 3D finite element (FE) analyses
Urban laboratories : towards an STS of the built environment
Introduction : situating smart cities
This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book illustrates how urban innovation is being negotiated and interpreted in a wide range of contexts, while also raising more fundamental questions about the rapidly evolving relationship between society and information and communication technologies (ICT). It describes how smart urba
Samarbete för energieffektivitet
Poly(p-terphenyl alkylene)s grafted with highly acidic sulfonated polypentafluorostyrene side chains for proton exchange membranes
Molecularly well-designed proton exchange membranes (PEMs) with a high local concentration of strongly acidic groups have the potential to fulfill the strict requirements for fuel cell operation under high temperature and low humidity. Here, we have prepared a series of well-defined and tunable PEMs based on poly(p-phenylene alkylene) backbones functionalized with sulfonated polypentafluorostyrene
Air sampling of SARS-CoV-2 in a hospital setting
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Practicing civic professionalism through inter-professional collaboration : Reconnecting quality with equality in the Nordic music school system
This chapter argues that encouraging teachers to strive towards civic professionalism is the key to equipping music schools with the tools to align with societal changes. All of the case descriptions highlight the practical use of inter-professional collaboration across sectors in problem-solving, this being one possible element in realising civic professionalism in practice. Social innovations ca
The occupation of the Antequera Depression (Malaga, Spain) through the 1st millenium BC : A geographical and archaeologícal perspective into Romanisation
Aspects of PET-CT in prostate cancer. Protocol optimization, diagnostic accuracy, and dosimetry.
PET-CT är baserad på positronemissionstomografi kombinerat med datortomografi. Före en PET-CT-undersökning injiceras ett radioaktivt spårämne (även kallat radiofarmaka) intravenöst i patienten. PET avbildar fördelningen av detta spårämne genom att detektera dess sönderfall. Under de senaste åren har PET-tekniken utvecklats och förbättrats inom hårdvara och mjukvara. Dessutom har nya radioaktiva spThe PET-CT imaging modality is based on positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography. Before a PET-CT examination, a radioactive tracer (also called a radiopharmaceutical) is intravenously injected into the patient. PET technology images the distribution of this tracer element by detecting the decay. In recent years, PET technology has been developed and improved in hardware and
Preparation and thermophysical property analysis of nanocomposite phase change materials for energy storage
Paraffin wax and various nanoparticles (CuO, Al2O3 and Fe3O4) were used as matrix and heat conduction enhancer of phase change materials (PCMs), respectively. The dispersant Span 80 was added into the nanocomposite to provide stable PCMs. Based on analyses of melting and freezing curves and infrared thermal imaging tests, the phase change latent heat, viscosity, and thermal conductivity of the nan
Decadal-scale subaerial beach and dune evolution at Duck, North Carolina
Thirty-nine years of high-resolution data from 1981 to 2019 surveyed by the Field Research Facility (FRF) of the US Army Corps of Engineers at Duck, North Carolina, in the United States, were analyzed for temporal and spatial characteristics of beach morphology evolution employing a range of statistical methods. In the study, emphasis was put on the response of the subaerial part of the beach prof
Life cycle assessment for identification of critical aspects in emerging technologies for the extraction of phenolic compounds from spruce bark
Polyphenolic compounds in bark are resources of great interest to produce renewable chemicals and several different technologies are available or under early development for the extraction of these types of compounds. Since critical environmental effects of a product are often set during the design phase, it is important to use life cycle assessment (LCA) to identify the steps resulting in the lar
A sustainability index within water and wastewater management in Sweden : An evaluation of eight case studies
A sustainability index (SI) is a benchmark for guiding the activities of municipal water and wastewater (W and WS) utilities toward sustainability. The SI has been used in Sweden since 2014 as an internal benchmark management tool facilitating the strategic work of organizations. This study assesses how the SI was applied in practice by eight utilities (Orgs 1–8) from 2015 to 2019. The study was p
The business model in sustainability transitions : A conceptualization
Business models direct a firm’s activity to move in coherence with the objectives of the business. Current literature suggests business models can act as vital forces to facilitate sustain-ability transitions and highlights the urgent research call to understand the role of business model innovations in stimulating sustainability transitions. This paper addresses this research need by investigatin
Fyra starka trender efter NPM
Patient-reported physical and psychosocial significance of abdominal scarring in anorectal malformations
Background Abdominal scarring in patients with anorectal malformations (ARM) is a permanent visible sign of a chronic congenital condition. The study's aims were to assess the physical and psychosocial significance of abdominal scarring in ARM and to propose a scar treatment approach. Methods A patient- and observer reported cross-sectional study of ARM patients with previous colostomies surgicall
MAFA and MAFB regulate exocytosis-related genes in human β-cells
AIMS: Reduced expression of exocytotic genes is associated with functional defects in insulin exocytosis contributing to impaired insulin secretion and type 2 diabetes (T2D) development. MAFA and MAFB transcription factors regulate β-cell physiology, and their gene expression is reduced in T2D β cells. We investigate if loss of MAFA and MAFB in human β cells contributes to T2D progression by regul