

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Ny in vitro-analys prövad: Blödningstid fortfarande bästa metod för test av den primära hemostasen

The need is great for a simple, cheap and readily accessible method for the evaluation of primary hemostasis in work-ups at both out-patient clinics and units caring for surgical or intensive care patients. PFA-100 is a recently introduced instrument for in vitro testing of platelet function. We report experiences from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo of PFA-100 measurements performed on samples fr

Molecular cloning of rat C4b binding protein alpha- and beta-chains : structural and functional relationships among human, bovine, rabbit, mouse, and rat proteins

The C4b binding protein (C4BP) functions as a regulator of the complement system by interacting with the activated form of the fourth complement component, C4b. Human C4BP also interacts with the anticoagulant protein S and the serum amyloid P component (SAP). It is composed of seven identical 70-kDa alpha-chains and one 45-kDa beta-chain. The alpha-chain contains a binding site for C4b, whereas t

Skill-biased acquisitions? Human capital and employee mobility in small technology firms

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between acquisitions and mobility of knowledge workers and managers in small technology companies and how individual skills and capabilities moderate this relationship. Relying on the matched employer–employee data of the Swedish high-tech sectors from 2007 to 2015, we find that acquisitions increase the likelihood of employee departures

Temporal relations in North Sámi ECM constructions

The embedded verb in North Sámi ECM-constructions can appear in one of three different forms: past participle, progressive and infinitive. The existing descriptions of North Sámi say that the past participle places the embedded event before the higher event, that the progressive (traditionally called aktio essive) expresses temporal coincidence with the higher event, and that the infinitive normal

Teori och politik : straffrätt i omvandling

Något har hänt med kriminalpolitiken. Brott och straff står högt på den politiska agendan hos såväl regeringen som oppositionen. Kriminalpolitiken tillhör väljarnas viktigaste frågor. Brottsligheten får ett allt större utrymme i media. Reformtakten på det straffrättsliga området har accelererat. I den här boken tar tolv yngre svenska straffrättsforskare pulsen på den samtida kriminalpolitiken. Gen

Adaptive Variational Nonlinear Chirp Mode Decomposition

Variational nonlinear chirp mode decomposition (VNCMD) is a recently introduced method for nonlinear chirp signal decomposition that has aroused notable attention in various fields. One limiting aspect of the method is that its performance relies heavily on the setting of the bandwidth parameter. To overcome this problem, we here propose a Bayesian implementation of the VNCMD, which can adaptively

Compound-internal anaphora : evidence from acceptability judgements on Italian argumental compounds

The particular properties of argumental compounds in Italian pose interesting theoretical challenges, and investigations of possible syntactic operations within this type of complex words have resulted in conflicting conclusions. Regarding compoundinternal anaphora, some researchers exclude the possibility that pronouns can refer to the non-head, while others do not. However, these findings have b

Entrepreneurial leadership in the academic community : A suggested research agenda

This paper considers the concept and practice of entrepreneurial leadership in the academe. After a small introduction to the research in the emerging field of entrepreneurial leadership, we note many substantial differences between academic entrepreneurs and the general class of entrepreneurs so as to motivate our focus on the academic community. We then provide a brief narrative on some strands

The role of inter-individual intolerance in group cohesion and the transition to sociality in spiders

Conspecific tolerance is key for maintaining group cohesion in animals. Understanding shifts from conspecific tolerance to intolerance is therefore important for understanding transitions to sociality. Subsocial species disperse to a solitary lifestyle after a gregarious juvenile phase and display conspecific intolerance as adults as a mechanism to maintain a solitary living. The development of in

The Evolution of Capabilities Underpinning Business Model Innovation for Sustainability in Large Incumbent Firms

Many studies in traditional business model (BM) literature acknowledge that it is hard for incumbent firms to change their business models, a finding echoed in the business model innovation for sustainability (BMIfS) literature. Large incumbent firms often lack or have weak capabilities needed for sustainability-driven business model innovation. This paper addresses how capabilities for such innov

Oaktsamhetsbrotten i svensk (och finsk) rätt – ett halvsekel senare

När Carl Elwing 1963 i JFT skrev en artikel om oaktsamhetsbrotten i svensk rätt var brottsbalken visserligen beslutad men hade ännu inte trätt i kraft. Mer än ett halvt sekel har passerat och det kan väl därför vara på sin plats med en uppdatering. Även den finska strafflagstiftningen har genomgått en stor revision och utan anspråk på egentlig fördjupning skall ändå en viss utblick även till Finla