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Inline integration for real-time simulation

Introduktion Simuleringsmetoder är något som numera förekommer i en mängd olika sammanhang. De förekommer i olika former vid produktutveckling i industrin samt för att t ex studera komplexa system inom vetenskapen. Utöver detta förekommer det även i spel-och filmindustrin. I det stora hela handlar det om att skapa en förenklad dator-representation av verkligheten, så att man kan studera vissa föIn this thesis, an implementation of inline integration is described and examined. Inline integration is a mixed symbolic and numerical method for simulating fully implicit ordinary differential equations (DAE:s) whereby discretizations are introduced symbolically at model level. A generalized solution to the discretized model containing tailored iterative solving schemes and symbolic solutions is

Cold Moderator Hydrogen Flow and Cooling

In this master thesis, cold moderator flow concepts have been developed on behalf of the European Spallation Source, ESS AB in Lund. The function of the cold moderator is to slow down neutrons, generated in the spallation process. The moderation is done in liquid para-hydrogen at 15 bar and 17 K. Moderating neutrons is the primary function of the liquid hydrogen, but it also removes nuclear heat l

Statistical Methods for Classification of Wooden Boards

The quality inspection of wooden boards is experiencing a large change. By the use of camera and laser technology board characteristics and defects can be instantly identified and measured. This thesis investigates how the information from a quality inspection system can be used to classify boards into different quality classes, by the use of statistical classification models. Two types of classif

A Gender Game

One could argue that the responsibility of a designer increases the more consumptionbased society gets. When we focus on norms and stereotypes such as gender in the design process, it’s easy to create exclusion. By having a discussion around gender in design education, we do not only highlight the issue, we can also start to create new ways of thinking around design. With the help of my product wh

Update and Evaluate Vehicular Simulation Framework for LTE and 802.11p in OMNeT++

Today, the car industry has become one of the greatest users of both wireless and cellular technologies and is increasingly dependent especially in the area of wireless communication. Communication among vehicles is offering a lot of benefits and has testified improvement on safety, efficiency and possible automation of the traffic. A lot of research has been focused on measurement campaigns, by i

BIDding on cities: Applying the Business Improvement District model for urban sustainability

There is a growing expectation in the field of sustainable development that cities are the most suitable scale for addressing global environmental issues, particularly through their ability to mobilize local actors. Business improvement districts (BIDs) are a form of public-private partnership (PPP) in cities typically established by associations of private actors that aim to generate value in com

Rainbows and closets : A study on sexual minorities’ experiences in a changing Japanese society

Sexual minorities have been largely ignored in Japanese politics until very recently. The past couple of years have seen a change where LGBT issues have been brought to attention in both politics and in media. This thesis explored what impact these changes have on the lives of individuals, and the research was a qualitative study based on fieldwork in Japan and secondary sources. The study drew on

Arabidopsis genes involved in the protection against toxic exudates of the fungal symbiont Trichoderma uncovered

Save the world with Trichoderma Today a lot of people are talking about the health benefits of consuming probiotics and the importance of having a good gut biome, but did you know that this is also be true for plants? A lot of people may have heard about the beneficial effect of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen fixing bacteria, but few have heard about Trichoderma. The fungus Trichoderma is a her

Impact of Repression of Trade Unions on Working Conditions: A Bangladesh Perspective

The focal quest of this research is to find whether the repression of trade unions is the proximate cause of inability to improve conditions of work in RMG sector of Bangladesh. This research goes deep with several corresponding quests on inquiring about the international obligation of Bangladesh to protect trade union, the scope of international legal system that offered its advice, trade union’s

Det digitaliserade samhället – så har det påverkat Dubrovniks turismaktörers arbete med marknadsföring

Metod: Denna studie har utgått från en kvalitativ metod. Det har använts två metoder eftersom det bidragit till att studien skapat en mer korrekt bild av området som undersökts. De metoder som använts är kvalitativa intervjuer och iakttagelser. Teorier: Olika teoretiska ansatser har diskuteras i koppling till begreppet förtroende. Teorierna har delats upp i fysiska marknadsföringskanaler och digi

The effect of agricultural intensification on bees in India

Bin i södra Indien Vilda bin är mycket viktiga för både vilda blommor och grödor, eftersom de hjälper till att pollinera dem så att de kan bilda frön och sätta frukt. Över hela världen har dock antalet vilda bin minskat vilket kan innebära problem för både ekosystem och jordbruket. En stor orsaken till minskningarna är att jordbrukslandskap har intensifierats, vilket har gjort att landskapet har 1. Wild bees are very important for pollination of both wild flowers and agricultural crops, benefitting seed set and yields. However, declines in bee populations have been observed across the world and it has been proposed that the intensification of agriculture including landscape simplification by loss of natural habitats, is a major reason for these declines. India is undergoing large-scale ag

Digital kontroll som lösning när stigmatiseringen av alkoholism skapar hinder för att tillfriskna

Digital teknik inom beroendevården och användarnas upplevelser av dessa är ett relativt outforskat område och då stigmatisering av substansberoende, i detta fallet alkoholism, utgör ett hinder för individer att både söka hjälp och upprätthålla en nykterhet. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilken roll det digitala vårdverktyget TripleA fyller i åtta användares liv i relation till deras missbDigital technology in the addiction care sector and the user’s experiences of this is a relatively unexplored area, and stigmatization of substance dependence, in this case alcoholism, constitutes an obstacle for individuals to seek help and to maintain sobriety. This study aims to investigating the role of the digital care tool TripleA in the lives of eight users in relation to their addiction, a

Is there Something Rotten in the State of Denmark? A WPR Analysis of Immigration and Integration Policies in Denmark

In 2015, Denmark saw a historic number of refugees and asylum seekers, many of whom were of Middle Eastern heritage, reach its borders,. As a response to this, the Danish government began tightening its immigration and integration policies, and restricting entry to the country. Many of these restrictions have been criticized both domestically and internationally. This thesis analyses four Danish i

Like an Office.

Like an Office is a project about leaving the school premises and meeting people with a different perspective on design. We have been working for local entrepreneurs and organizations to explore what non-designers expect from us as prospective professionals. We started off by taking on smaller tasks that were delivered to clients on an agreed deadline. As the project progressed we developed the “

Provdragning av dragstag i kalkberg

This master’s dissertation aims to investigate testing of anchors in general, and anchors installed in limestone in particular. A detailed study of the various types of anchors has been completed, as a study of the European standard – EN 1537 – of anchors and the testing of such constructions. A case study has been conducted where three anchors were installed in the limestone in Malmö, and then te

Feminism as a product of its environment: A comparative study on feminist organisation and activism in China and Sweden

This case study attempts to analyse the dynamics, focus and progress of the feminist movements in Sweden and China today in order to pinpoint possible differences and similarities, and reasons behind them. This is done by comparing the agendas and actions of feminist networks in the two countries, as well as response in mainstream media and politics. I have also met and talked to a number of polit

Stormwater treatment – Sorption of organic biocides from paints and renders

Sorption av organiska biocider i dagvatten Regnvatten har länge ansett vara rent men detta är inte sant. Giftiga ämnen läcker från färgen och putsen på våra hus och påverkar de organismer som lever i våra sjöar och åar. Hur ska man göra för att få bukt med detta problem? Regnvatten, eller dagvatten som det kallas efter att det hamnat på marken, har länge ansetts vara rent. Detta är inte sant In recent years, the fact that stormwater is not as clean as previously assumed have been addressed. A variety of chemicals have been pointed out as more problematic than others. This report will focus on organic biocides found in paints, renders and flat roofs in an urban milieu. It will aim to assess sorption as a local treatment method and to develop and test a model for source identification.

Operator Simulation - Mapping and Modelling of Operators in Production Line for Utilisation and System Throughput Analysis

The purpose of this study is an understanding of operator work in a production line and its connection and translation into simulation. A mapping of operator work in the production line was performed, after which tasks and were analysed for their relevance for simulation. A model draft was developed in the software FlexSim. The mapping and the derived model provides insight into operator work in t

Prudent Valuation & Model Risk Quantification

This paper is a master's thesis by Erik Kivilo and Carl Olofsson at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University. The research and writing took place during the fall of 2014 under the supervision of Magnus Wiktorsson at the Division of Mathematical Statistics at Lund University, and Per Thastrom at EY, Copenhagen. The thesis concerns prudent valuation of fair-valued nancial instruments