

Din sökning på "*" gav 534703 sökträffar

Serial evaluation of serum thymidine kinase activity is prognostic in women with newly diagnosed metastatic breast cancer

The rapid development of new therapies in metastatic breast cancer (MBC), entails a need for improved prognostic and monitoring tools. Thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) is involved in DNA synthesis and its activity correlates to outcome in cancer patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum TK1 activity (sTK1) levels in MBC patients as a tool for prognostication and treatment monitoring. 142 women

Muscle mass and plasma myostatin after exercise training : a substudy of Renal Exercise (RENEXC)-a randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND: Sarcopenia increases as renal function declines and is associated with higher morbidity and mortality. Myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle growth. Its expression in response to exercise is unclear. In this prespecified substudy of the Renal Exercise (RENEXC) trial, we investigated the effects of 12 months of exercise training on sarcopenia, muscle mass and plasma myostatin and

The Generation and Identity of Human Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells

Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are cells of myeloid lineage with a potent immunosuppressive capacity. They are present in cancer patients as well as in patients with severe inflammatory conditions and infections. MDSCs exist as two main subtypes, the granulocytic (G-MDSCs) and the monocytic (Mo-MDSCs) type, as defined by their surface phenotype and functions. While the functions of MDSCs

Corona är ett hot mot Sveriges säkerhet

En infektionssjukdom som covid-19 hotar både den mänskliga säkerheten och den nationella säkerheten. En politisk instabilitet till följd av en dålig ekonomi, minskat förtroende för samhällsinstitutioner, generell demoralisering samt rädsla, kan också ge konsekvenser som direkt hotar Sveriges säkerhet, skriver Ardavan Khoshnood, läkare och kriminolog.An infectious disease such as COVID-19 threatens both human security and national security. Political instability as a result of poor economy, diminished confidence in institutions, general demoralization and fear can also have consequences that directly threaten Sweden’s security, writes Ardavan Khoshnood, physician and criminologist.

Stalin's Double Edged Game : Soviet Bureaucracy and the Raoul Wallenberg Case 1945-1952

Raoul Wallenberg, the courageous Swedish financier and trade executive turned diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944, was arrested in January 1945 by the Soviet military counterintelligence, incarcerated in the Lubianka prison in Moscow, and later executed for reasons that remain obscure to this day. Drawing on recently declassified Soviet encrypted cables and a wide array of Sovi

Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy, natural menopause, and breast cancer risk: an international prospective cohort of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

BACKGROUND: The effect of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) on breast cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers is uncertain. Retrospective analyses have suggested a protective effect but may be substantially biased. Prospective studies have had limited power, particularly for BRCA2 mutation carriers. Further, previous studies have not considered the effect of RRSO in the context

Joint species distribution modelling with the r-package Hmsc

Joint Species Distribution Modelling (JSDM) is becoming an increasingly popular statistical method for analysing data in community ecology. Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC) is a general and flexible framework for fitting JSDMs. HMSC allows the integration of community ecology data with data on environmental covariates, species traits, phylogenetic relationships and the spatio-t

5-hydroxytryptamine in the endocrine pancreas

The presence of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) in pancreatic endocrine cells is well established. Nevertheless, recent advances are only now unraveling the signaling network involving 5-HT that partly regulates the release of hormones emanating from the islets of Langerhans. It is widely accepted that failure of the pancreatic β-cell to release sufficient amounts of insulin is the main cul

Valid Exposure Protocols Needed in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Genotoxic Research

Several in vitro and in vivo studies have investigated if a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination can cause DNA damage in human blood cells. However, the electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure that the cells received in the MR scanner was not sufficiently described. The first studies looking into this could be regarded as hypothesis-generating studies. However, for further exploration into th

Kristina Borg

Tidningsutgivare, rösträttskvinna, fredsaktivist