

Din sökning på "*" gav 539760 sökträffar

The impact of people-signage interaction on way-finding evacuation behaviour

A Virtual Reality (VR) experiment with 60 participants was carried out to investigate the effect of signage on the compliance with its indicated direction in case of evacuation. Participants experienced a VR underground square scenario including different signage configurations. Variables linked to the signage placement/type were investigated, namely (1) the installation position, i.e., proximity

Banal religion and national identity in hybrid media : “heating” the debate on values and veiling in Sweden

Religion has become a hot topic in Sweden, often perceived as the most secularized corner of the world. This article analyzes how Islam and Lutheran Christianity come to be used in the construction of national identity, through discourse analysis of an opinion piece by the Christian Democrats in 2021 on banning veils in elementary schools, and the following discussion on Twitter1. The concept “ban

Exploring a novel β-1,3-glucanosyltransglycosylase, MlGH17B, from a marine Muricauda lutaonensis strain for modification of laminari-oligosaccharides

The marine environment, contains plentiful renewable resources, e.g. macroalgae with unique polysaccharides, motivating search for enzymes from marine microorganisms to explore conversion possibilities of the polysaccharides. In this study, the first GH17 glucanosyltransglycosylase, MlGH17B, from a marine bacterium (Muricauda lutaonensis), was characterized. The enzyme was moderately thermostable

Uppsåt och vapenattrapper - Om otjänliga försök och NJA 2023 s. 393

Denna uppsats undersöker NJA 2023 s. 393 (”Vapenattrappen”), och dess konsekvenser för såväl gällande rätt som domstolarnas rättstillämpning. Domen kom under våren 2023 att kritiseras hårt. I målet stod två män åtalade för försök till vapenbrott, eftersom de påstods ha försökt inneha vapen. Vapnen byttes emellertid ut mot en ofarlig attrapp av polis ca. fyra månader innan de tilltalade dök upp, vaThis paper examines NJA 2023 s. 393 ("The Dummy Weapon"), and its consequences for both current law and practical legal application. The verdict would come to be heavily criticized during the spring of 2023. Two men were prosecuted in the case. They were charged with attempted exceptionally aggravated weapons offence, since they had allegedly tried to possess firearms. The firearms had,

Informationsgivning vid andelsbaserad gräsrotsfinansiering i privata aktiebolag - En utredning av regleringsbehovet

Andelsbaserad gräsrotsfinansiering i privata aktiebolag saknar för närvarande en reglering som ställer krav på informationsgivning i svensk rätt, då befintlig reglering endast omfattar publika aktiebolag. Då det inte ställs krav på informationsgivning finns det få incitament för det kapitalsökande bolaget och investeringsplattformen att vid gräsrotsfinansiering dela med sig av information som riskEquity crowdfunding in private limited liability companies currently lacks a regulation on information obligations in Swedish law, as the existing regulation only covers public limited liability companies. Since there are no information-sharing requirements among these companies, there are practically no incentives for either the capital-seeking company or the investment platform to share informat

Två sidor av ett mynt - kontroll i ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Två sidor av ett mynt - kontroll i ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2024 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Anna Depui Ekdal, Beatrice Jensen och Alba Aliu Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Nyckelord: Tillit, kontroll, tillitsbaserat ledarskap, distansarbete, chefskap Forskningsfrågor: “Abstract Title: Two sides of the same coin - control in trust-based leadership. Seminar date: January 11th 2024 Course: FEKH49 - Bachelor’s degree thesis in Management and Organization, 15 credits Authors: Anna Depui Ekdal, Beatrice Jensen och Alba Aliu Supervisors: Nadja Sörgärde Keywords: Trust, control, trust-based leadership, remote work, managerial work. Research question: “How do manage

The Paradox of Gender Equality and Female Entrepreneurship

Title: The Paradox of Gender Equality and Female Entrepreneurship; A study seeking to elucidate the perceptions and value systems that underlie entrepreneurial activity among women in Sweden Seminar date: January 10th, 2024 Course: FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Stella

”De rikas konsumtion föröder naturen” : REPLIK

Det är den minoritet av världens befolkning som är rik som främst påverkar statusen för jordens livsuppehållande system genom sin konsumtion. Det skriver två forskare i en replik.This is a response to another article that argues that population growth is the main problem. Jennifer and her co-authors write: "In the environmental debate, it is often said that the issue of population growth is taboo. We disagree. In most of the contexts in which we operate, the population issue is discussed. The reason why it is not emphasized more is that the statistics speak for themselves:

Improved lipid saponification for chromatographic quantification of fatty acids in porcine erythrocytes - an important lipidomic biomarker of the effectiveness of dietary fat supplementation in pigs as a large animal model for human studies

The objectives of our study were to enhance and evaluate an improved saponification method for the quantification of fatty acids (FA), with a specific focus on highly-unsaturated long-chain polyunsaturated FA (LPUFA) that are easily peroxidised in pig erythrocytes. These erythrocytes serve as a valuable large animal model for human studies. We implemented a modified saponification procedure, invol

Prognostic nomogram for acute-on-chronic hepatitis B liver failure

BACKGROUND & AIMS: To establish an effective prognostic nomogram for acute-on-chronic hepatitis B liver failure (ACHBLF).MATERIALS AND METHODS: The nomogram was based on clinical data of 203 ACHBLF patients who admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University from 2009 to 2014. The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) and calibration curve were car

The association between meteorological factors and the prevalence of acute-on-chronic liver failure : A population-based study, 2007–2016

Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect(s) of meteorological factors on the prevalence of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) based on 10-years’ worth of population data. Methods: We retrospectively collected ACLF case data from January 2007 to December 2016 from three major hospitals in Fuzhou City, China. Climatic data, including rainfall, mean temperature, dif

The effects of daily meteorological perturbation on pregnancy outcome : follow-up of a cohort of young women undergoing IVF treatment

Background: Human reproduction follows a seasonal pattern with respect to spontaneous conception, a phenomenon wherein the effect of meteorological fluctuations might not be unique. However, the effect of seasonal variations on patients who underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment is unclear. We aimed to evaluate the effects of meteorological variation on the pregnancy rate in a cohort und

Bara sport? En konkurrensrättslig analys av den europeiska idrottsmodellen

Uppsatsen behandlar den europeiska idrottsmodellens förhållande till EU:s konkurrenslagstiftning. I synnerhet problematiseras de europeiska idrottsförbundens monopolställning och detta ska vägas mot intresset av att beakta idrottens specifika karaktär, som uttrycks i artikel 165 FEUF. Uppsatsen belyser de centrala aspekterna av den europeiska idrottsmodellen samt de mål som präglar EU:s idrottspolThis essay examines the relationship between the European sports model and EU competition legislation. Specifically, it addresses the monopolistic position of European sports federations, weighing this against the need to consider the specific characteristics of sports as expressed in Article 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The essay illuminates the central aspec

Barnfridsbrottet - ändamålsenligt utifrån barnets bästa?

Fysiskt och psykiskt våld förekommer i många hem i Sverige. Allt för många barn växer upp med att få se, höra och uppleva detta våld. Under de senaste åren har forskning tydligt visat att barn som bevittnat våld inom familjen påverkas väldigt negativt. De känner ofta en känsla av maktlöshet, övergivenhet och skam. För att stärka barnets rättsliga ställning har det tidigare införts en straffskärpnPhysical and psychological violence exist in many homes in Sweden. Far too many children have grown up with witnessing, hearing and experience the violence. In recent years research has shown that children who witness violence within the family gets profoundly affected. They often feel a sense of powerlessness, abandonment, and shame. To strengthen the legal position of the child, a basis for aggr

Brinnande ord och yttrandefrihetens gränser - En undersökning av koranbränningarnas rättsliga ställning i svensk rätt

Regeringsformen (RF) 2 kap. 1 § ger inte tydlig ledning i fråga om vad som utgör legitima inskränkningar av yttrandefriheten. Lagtextens vaga utform-ning, samt skiftande praxis i förhållande till bestämmelsen gör det komplicerat att bestämma yttrandefrihetens omfattning i svensk rätt. Problematiken gör sig gällande i fråga om förhållandet till legitima inskränkningar, såsom bestäm-melsen om hets mThe second chapter, section 1 of the instrument of Government does not pro-vide a clear interpretation of what constitutes legitimate restrictions on free-dom of expression. This causes issues concerning the interpretation of free-dom of expression in Swedish law. The vague legal text, along with varying practices in relation to the provision, result in uncertainty regarding the extent of the free

Ansiktsigenkänning eller personlig integritet - vilket väger tyngst? En undersökning av intresseavvägningen mellan den personliga integriteten och brottsbekämpning.

I uppsatsen utreds hur intresseavvägningen mellan personlig integritet och brottsbekämpning, i form av kamerabevakning med ansiktsigenkänning, ser ut. För att ta reda på detta har uppsatsen utrett vad ansiktsigenkänningsteknologin är, vad integritet är och hur den regleras, samt hur en begränsning av den personliga integriteten får göras enligt lag. Personlig integritet är ett inte helt definieraThe essay explores the balancing of interests between personal privacy and crime prevention, specifically focusing on surveillance with facial recognition technology. To investigate this, the essay examines what facial recognition technology is, the concept of privacy and its regulation, as well as how limitations on personal privacy can be legally justified. Personal privacy is a somewhat undefi

Försök till grooming? En rättsdogmatisk undersökning av möjligheterna att straffbelägga sexuell grooming på försöksstadiet

Brottet kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte regleras i 6 kap. 10a§ BrB och tar sikte på situationen när en vuxen, i kontakt med ett barn under 15 år, föreslår eller stämmer träff med barnet i syfte att begå vissa i paragrafen uppräknade sexualbrott. Bestämmelsen har visat på en bristande förmåga att resultera i lagföring. En förklaring till detta är svårigheterna att upptäcka brottet vid en tidpunkThe crime of contact with a child for sexual purposes is governed by Chapter 6, paragraph 10a of the Swedish Criminal Code and regulates the situation when an adult, in contact with a child under the age of 15, proposes or agrees to meet with the child for the purpose of committing certain sexual offenses listed in the paragraph. The provision has shown a lack of ability to result in prosecution