

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Circulating triglycerides are associated with human adipose tissue DNA methylation of genes linked to metabolic disease

Dysregulation of circulating lipids is a central element for the metabolic syndrome. However, it is not well established whether human subcutaneous adipose tissue is affected by or affect circulating lipids through epigenetic mechanisms. Hence, our aim was to investigate the association between circulating lipids and DNA methylation levels in human adipose tissue. DNA methylation and gene expressi

Sambandet mellan CSR och varumäkeslegitimitet

Research question: How does the communication of CSR strategies impact the legitimacy of fashion brands from a consumer perspective? Purpose: The purpose of the report is to examine whether the communication of CSR strategies influences the legitimacy of fashion brands from a consumer perspective. Methodology: The study utilizes a qualitative research approach based on three conducted focus grou

A not-for-profit world beyond capitalism and economic growth?

At the heart of the failing growth-based, capitalist system is the ‘for-profit’ way of doing business. It is based on the idea that humans are mostly selfish and competitive, so the best way to motivate economic activity is to appeal to individual self-interest. Most approaches to resolve capitalism’s tendency to increasingly create socioeconomic inequality and ecological devastation entail either

”Det är ju vissa som inte hängt med online riktigt” En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar av digitalisering inom försörjningsstöd

The aim of this study was to enhance my understanding of the effects of digitalization within the Swedish social service department for social assistance, as perceived by social workers. Additionally, the study aimed to explore the ways in which social workers believe that the ongoing digitalization impacts their interactions with individuals receiving social assistance. The two questions addresse

Investigating the Mechanism of Action of DNA Damage Response Inhibitors

Investigating the Mechanism of Action of DNA Damage Response Inhibitors Cancer is a complex, heterogenous, systemic disease. It is considered to be a leading cause of death worldwide. Currently, there is limited treatment for this disease and the field of oncology presents the highest percentage of failed trials (32%) for drugs in phase II and phase III, mainly due to lack of efficacy or safety.

Prospects for the Development of a One-Stop-Shop Business Model for Energy-Efficiency Renovations of Detached Houses in Sweden

The building sector is the biggest energy user in the European Union (EU) and therefore, has an important role to play in meeting the energy and climate goals ofEU. In Sweden, more than 80% of the two million detached houses are more than 35 years of age. Energy efficiency renovation of those old houses can reduce primary energy use by 65% to 90%. However, the current low rate of energy renovation

Physical vs. aesthetic renovations : Learning from Swedish house owners

In this paper, we identify the socio-economic attributes and attitudes that have influenced house owners in renovating their homes in the past. Our study is based on responses to an online questionnaire survey of 971 house owners living in Kronoberg County in Sweden. Results showed that the interest and willingness of the house owners to perform a renovation varied depending on their demographic b

Two point four million cataract surgeries : 30 years with the Swedish National Cataract Register, 1992-2021

The present review summarizes data collected by the Swedish National Cataract Register (NCR), which by the end of 2021 contained data for more than 2.4 million cataract surgeries between 1992 and 2021. During these 30 years, the cataract surgery rate rose from 3700 to 12 800. The coverage of NCR is very high including 93% of all cataract procedures in Sweden between 2010 and 2021. Independently of

Mani-fest : 15 svenska arkitekturmanifest

Kan arkitekter använda det skrivna ordet till att förändra världen?MANI-FEST bjuder in ett antal unga svenska arkitektkontor till att formulera sig i korta och slagkraftiga meningar. Har manifestet någon betydelse för dagens och framtidens arkitekter? Vilka frågor engagerar en ung svensk arkitekt just nu? Detta är en reflektion över ordets makt, manifestets möjligheter och vad som är viktigt för d

Correlating cathodoluminescence and scanning transmission electron microscopy for InGaN platelet nano-LEDs

Structural defects are detrimental to the efficiency and quality of optoelectronic semiconductor devices. In this work, we study InGaN platelets with a quantum well structure intended for nano-LEDs emitting red light and how their optical properties, measured with cathodoluminescence, relate to the corresponding atomic structure. Through a method of spectroscopy-thinning-imaging, we demonstra

DFA as a window into postural dynamics supporting task performance : Does choice of step size matter?

Introduction: Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) has been used to investigate self-similarity in center of pressure (CoP) time series. For fractional gaussian noise (fGn) signals, the analysis returns a scaling exponent, DFA-α, whose value characterizes the temporal correlations as persistent, random, or anti- persistent. In the study of postural control, DFA has revealed two time scaling region

Beräkningar av energi och klimatpåverkan kopplat till stomval och köldbryggor vid anslutningar.

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Energi- och klimatberäkningar kopplat till olika byggmaterial och värmeförluster som uppkommer i anslutningar där byggdelar möts. Klimat och miljö har under de senaste åren blivit alltmer uppmärksammat och äntligen följer Boverket med! Med den nya lagen som trädde i kraft under 2021, om att undersöka klimatpåverkan hos nybyggda hus har man satt byggbranschens mConsidering the current energy and climate crisis, it is important to examine how the impact on these can be managed and reduced within the building sector. One of the objectives of this study is to analyze the impact of several typical thermal bridges for a single-family house on the energy use and show how these vary depending on the choice of framing system. The framing systems studied are CLT,

Konsten att värma sig i biblioteksrummet : En studie av aktiviteten i det fysiska rummet på två integrerade skol- och folkbibliotek

This master's thesis presents a qualitative analysis of the activity played out by the users in the physical library room. The study focuses users different activities and therefor also some of the activities made by librarians. The aim of this study is to put light on the activity played out by the user of the physical room at the local library. More precisely two smaller library rooms locat

Straightforward Regeneration of Reduced Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide Required for Enzymatic Tryptophan Halogenation

Flavin-dependent halogenases are known to regioselectively introduce halide substituents into aromatic moieties, for example, the indole ring of tryptophan. The process requires halide salts and oxygen instead of molecular halogen in the chemical halogenation. However, the reduced cofactor flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH 2 ) has to be regenerated using a flavin reductase. Consequently, coupled

Library Managers’ Use of Digital Technologies in Everyday Work Practices: : An Application of Human Activity Systems Modelling

As has been argued by systems thinking scholars, science and scientific thinking can be seen as socially constructed systems of institutionalized sets of activities through which systems thinking emerged. In this paper, the development of systems approaches is discussed to argue for the research approach adopted. Further, main concepts of systems thinking such as complexity, worldview, and human a