

Din sökning på "*" gav 526291 sökträffar

Tillsyn av ISO 14001-certifierade verksamheter

ISO 14001 är en internationell miljöcertifiering för företag som vill arbeta mer effektivt med sina miljöpåverkande aspekter. Även om det inte går att fastställa att ISO 14001-certifierade företag faktiskt minskar sin miljöpåverkan, visar tidigare studier att certifierade företag uppfyller miljölagkrav bättre än icke-certifierade företag. Ett av kraven som ställs på företag när de certifieras är aEven though there is little evidence that ISO 14001 certified companies actually reduce their environmental impact, previous studies show that certified companies comply to environmental regulatory demands better than non-certified companies. The purpose of this study is to examine the regulatory compliance of ISO 14001 certified companies in the south of Sweden. The empirical data is based on ins

Helikopterskidåkning i Åre. En utvecklingsprocess ur ett nätverksperspektiv.

Bakgrund: Helikopterskidåkning ter sig som en mer och mer populär aktivitet i Sverige. Det finns dock ingen forskning eller information om hur utvecklingen har sett ut. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera och diskutera hur utvecklingsprocessen av helikopterskidåkning har sett ut ur ett nätverksperspektiv. Frågeställningar: Hur har utvecklingen av helikopterskidåkning sett ut i Åre ur e

Ett totalitärt paradigmskifte

This essay explores the paradigm shift in linguistics taking place in the Soviet Union in 1950. Marrism was then the current paradigm which was based on a peculiar interpretation of marxism in lingustics. Unable to explain the new problems of Stalins postwar nationalistic turn it was subject to open discussion in Pravda. Using the theories of Thomas Kuhn the essay deals with the discussion taking

Sustainable Practices in the Purchase of Services

This study takes an in-depth look at sustainable procurement criteria used in the procurement of indirect services. A gap is identified in the literature analysis in the knowledge of sustainable procurement strategies and practice methods for the purchase of services and indirect spend categories. The author uses a case study method to investigate how sustainable procurement of indirect services i

Construction of the Berkeley Innovation Index: A Higher-Order Item Response Theory Model Approach

The Berkeley Innovation Index (BII) is a tool developed for assessment of individual innovation capability. The index is based on responses to a survey that constitutes of questions linked to domain abilities, i.e., sub-traits, that are hypothesized to govern an individual's overall innovation ability. The underlying algorithm for the BII produces a score representing the test-takers' prof

Post-human Intersections - Place-writing, Species & Enabled Landscapes

Post-humanistiska teorier ifrågasätter det med mänskligheten centraliserade perspektiv med vilket vi människor lever och upplever, beskriver och utformar världen. I ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv är natur kultur. Jord och djur är mer än resurser. Alla arter, och alla individer inom alla arter, är aktörer och subjekt. Modern djurhållning är en ofta onaturlig, ibland brutalt oetisk, konstruktion i

Indicator model for benchmarking the transition to a low carbon urban mobility system: Application results from three Scandinavian cities

Cities today consume over 80% of the world’s energy and are responsible for 75% of the total GHG emissions. Over 80% of the population in Europe live in Urban areas. The mobility system, being at the heart of urban activities is responsible for the movement of people, goods and services and is responsible for attracting investments into cities. Playing such a key role in urban development, the sec

Pig Ear Tagger Concept

This thesis consists of the development of a concept for a new product, the primary purpose of which is to quickly and easily attach legally required tags to the ears of livestock pigs. The project was undertaken at Attention, a product development company based in Copenhagen. For reasons of food safety, EU regulation stipulates that all pigs that are moved from their place of birth must be tagged


Dating back to the ancient times, people used simple marks to tell their stories and write their history when languages were not created. As time passes by, there are more and more ways we could choose like writing dairies, taking photos, or using mobile devices to share the stories with friends. We could record almost every second in life easily. On the other hand, we are now facing a huge amount

Implementing a Deposit Refund System for P.E.T bottles in the Maldives: An Ex-ante Analysis of Political Feasability Based on the Models of Kiribati and Palau

PET waste is the most visible environmental threat in the Maldives, a Small Island Developing State (SIDS). The thesis aims to propose the deposit refund system as a policy intervention, and evaluates the feasibility of introducing the system in the Maldives. In order to see how other SIDS have implemented the policy, the research uses policy evaluation framework to analyse the implementation mech

Product Service System for Volvo Trucks: Finding new business value compliant with IFRS 16 leasing regulations.

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in January 2016 published International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS 16), new guidelines on leasing standards with an effective date of January 1st, 2019. IFRS 16 sets out the principles for the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of leases for both parties to a contract, i.e. the customer (‘lessee’) and the supplier (‘le

How a ship´s bridge knows its position - ECDIS assisted accidents from a contemporary human factors perspective

The technological artifacts used in ship navigation have undergone substantial changes during the last decades, and real-time digital navigation is a reality with the introduction of the ECDIS. Despite the obvious merits of this new navigation mode, and the imagined improvement in safety that it theoretically should bring, ECDIS has in recent years been associated with several accidents. The term

Utvärdering av odränerad skjuvhållfasthet på för lermorän ur hejarsondering

The aim of the study is to find a relation between the tip pressure produced by ram sounding and CPT in order to improve the possibilities of determining the shear strength of clay till. CPT is a pressure probe and mainly used to get a good picture of the statigraphy and the soil condition. CPT has shown to be useful regarding the evaluation of key parameters such as shear strengh and angle of fri

En tidsstudie, planering och schemaläggning av verksamheten på ett företag inom plastindustri med medicinska produktionskrav

Background: Nolato MediTech AB has an experience-based knowledge of the amount of man-hours needed for its products. In order to calculate the correct cost price for the products and thus the correct price towards its customers, Nolato would like to know the exact amount of man-hours needed for each product. Since resources are expensive and the company is implementing a lean philosophy they would

Dynamic Soil-structure Interaction of Portal Frame Bridge Walls for High-speed Railways

I Sverige är höghastighetsjärnvägar ett debatterat ämne. Undersökningsarbeten har startat för det första steget i ett höghastighetsnät – Ostlänken mellan Järna och Linköping – som planeras vara trafikerad år 2028. Höghastighetsjärnvägen är avsedd att tillåta hastigheter på 320 km/h. Vid så höga hastigheter blir dimensioneringskraven för brobanans vibrationer strängare. Tidigare studier har visat aIn Sweden, high-speed railways is a subject for public debate. The first stage of a high-speed train network, Ostlänken between Stockholm and Linköping, is under investigation, and is planned to be trafficked in 2028. The high-speed railway is intended to hold traffic with speeds up to 320 km/h. At such speeds, the design requirements of the accelerations of the bridge superstructure become more s

The International Negotiation Practices of the European External Action Service

Putnam’s seminal work on two-level game theory has been used widely in international negotiation research. The European Union is often argued to be a tough negotiating partner and its complex system of preferences poses a challenge to many of the fundamental assumptions of the two-level game model. The establishment of the European External Action Service (EEAS) in 2011 introduced another core sta

Lojalitet och effektivitet - en rättsekonomisk analys av prekontraktuellt ansvar vid avbrutna avtalsförhandlingar

Många avtal, speciellt sådana som rör komplicerade frågor eller stora ekonomiska värden föregås av omfattande förhandlingsmoment. Om förhand-lingarna strandar kan parterna drabbas av förluster – dels i form av utebliven vinst från det tilltänkta avtalet, och dels i form av nedlagda kostnader som inte längre kan komma till nytta. Eftersom denna situation inte omfattas av ett bindande avtal blir deBefore entering into a contract, the parties thereto are often involved in extensive preliminary negotiations, especially if the contract in question concern complicated issues or a large economic value. If the negotiations fail, costs and expenditures incurred during the negotiations are no longer useful, and the parties stand to lose the expected profit of the prospective contract. Since this si

Det nödvändiga lidandet? - En tvärvetenskaplig utredning av avvägningen mellan människans och djurens intressen i livsmedelsindustrin

Livsmedelsindustrin är en industri som till viss del använder sig av levande varelser, djur. En följd av att djur utgör både egendom och levande varelser är att de ligger i ett gränsområde där de i enlighet med lagen kan utnyttjas för mänskliga ändamål. Samtidigt erkänner lagen att de är levande varelser med egna intressen vilket leder till en intresseavvägning mellan mänsklig nytta och djurvälfärThe food industry is an industry that to some extent uses living beings, animals. A consequence of the fact that animals are both property and living beings is that they are in a borderland where they in accordance with the law can be used for human purpose. At the same time the law acknowledges that they are living beings with their own interests which leads to a balancing of interests between hu

Vetenskap > Moralpanik - En analys av svensk narkotikapolitik

Sverige har Europas näst högsta narkotikadödlighet trots en nolltolerans mot droger. När resten av Europa införde skadereducerande program gick Sverige emot strömmen och tillät inga åtgärder som inte innebar en helt drogfri samhällsbild. Vad var orsaken till att Sverige inte gjorde som andra europeiska länder? Fick moralpanik och populism väga tyngre än vetenskap och forskning? I denna uppsats undSweden has the second highest drug-induced mortality rate in Europe despite having a zero-tolerance policy against drugs. When the rest of Europe introduced harm reduction programs, Sweden went against the trend and banned every policy which didn’t include a vision of a completely drug free community. What caused Sweden not to follow the example of other european countries? Did moral panic and pop