

Din sökning på "*" gav 530122 sökträffar

Injury patterns in Swedish elite female and male ice hockey – A cross-sectional comparison of past-season's injuries

Objectives: To describe and compare seasonal prevalence, anatomical location, severity, and onset of injuries between female and male elite ice hockey players. Design: Cross-sectional survey study. Setting: Elite ice hockey. Participants: Swedish elite ice hockey players (170 females & 190 males). Main outcome measures: Past season injuries reported on a modified version of the Oslo Sports Tra

Introduction to the special issue : Studying Populism, Religion and Media – a Nordic Perspective

This special issue contributes to the emerging research field of religion and populism in contemporary media contexts. With a shared focus on how Protestant Nordic contexts align with populist practices in specific ways, the articles provide illustrative examples of how the entanglement between religion, populism and media needs to be taken into account when dealing with contemporary public and po

The Role of Microfibers and Liquid Aluminum in the Reaction between Boron Nitride and Tantalum Nitride

The results of thermodynamic modeling of superhard materials based on cubic boron nitride (cBN) with a tantalum nitride (TaN) binder and additions of aluminum, as well as microfibers of various physicochemical nature (oxide (Al2O3, Mg2B2O5) and non-oxide (SiC, Si3N4)), are presented. The theoretically calculated chemical interactions between the components of superhard composite materials are expe

Domstolens roll och processens ram

Detta arbete avser utreda vad mark- och miljödomstolen får göra, måste göra samt vad mark- och miljödomstolen gör i praktiken. Med vad domstolen får göra avses frivilliga initiativ domstolen tar i processen. Exempelvis att domstolen väljer att på olika sett styra processen eller inhämta bevisning. Med vad domstolen måste göra avses domstolen måste förhålla sig till när domstolen fattar beslut. ExeThe Land and Environment Court must base its decision on the procedural material and is bound to decide on the part of the cadastral procedure that is being contested. In theory, the court also have the right to provide their own evidence. In practice, the court plays a very passive role and use this right very seldomly. The rights and obligations of the court are not self-evident. Among the judg

Att arbeta som psykolog inom lasarettspsykiatri på landsorten under 1970- och 1980-talen : Anteckningar om psykologernas etablering inom psykiatrin

En personligt hållen skildring av de kliniska psykologernas etablering inom svensk psykiatri under under 1970- och 1980-talen. Utvecklingen illustreras av processer inom en sektoriserad socialpsykiatriskt orienterad landsortsklinik och analyseras med utgångspunkt i internationell och svensk samhällsutveckling under perioden. Betydelsen av förändrad psykologutbildning och psykologyrkets snabba prof

Efficacy assessment of an active tau immunotherapy in Alzheimer's disease patients with amyloid and tau pathology : a post hoc analysis of the “ADAMANT” randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multi-centre, phase 2 clinical trial

Background: Tau pathology correlates with and predicts clinical decline in Alzheimer's disease. Approved tau-targeted therapies are not available. Methods: ADAMANT, a 24-month randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, double-blinded, multicenter, Phase 2 clinical trial (EudraCT2015-000630-30, NCT02579252) enrolled 196 participants with Alzheimer's disease; 119 are included in this post-hoc s

Challenges and potentials of using a local heat pump in a 5 GDHC solution : Results from field and laboratory evaluations

In fifth generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC), the temperature range of the heat source is wider then in current common heat pump systems. The results of this study show that the heat pumps and chillers that are available in the market are not well adapted to 5GDHC applications due to the wide working range of 5GHDC. In order to maintain a high efficiency, current design parameters shou

Uncertainties in the use of synthetic CT (sCT) for daily online adaptive radiotherapy for lung cancer

Lungcancer har den högsta dödligheten för cancerrelaterade sjukdomar och är vanligare hos kvinnor än hos män. Under 2021 rapporterade cancerfonden att 4264 personer i Sverige hade insjuknat i lungcancer varav 2352 var kvinnor och 1912 var män. De senaste åren har prognosen för lungcancer förbättrats markant, där fler och fler blir långtidsöverlevare. Prognosen har framför allt förbättrats på grundBackground and purpose: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) based online adaptive radiotherapy (oART) has been clinically implemented for several anatomical sites worldwide. However, random and abrupt anatomical changes with large density alterations can occur in lung patients, leading to uncertainties with synthetic computed tomography (sCT) and dose calculation. The anatomical changes could be

Body mass index and weight gain in pregnancy and cardiovascular health in middle age : A cohort study

Objective: To examine associations between body mass index (BMI) in early pregnancy and gestational weight gain (GWG) with cardiovascular health in middle age using the ‘Life's Essential 8’ (LE8) concept of the American Heart Association (AHA). Design: Population-based cohort study. Setting: Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS). Population: A total of 8871 women from SCAPIS were include

Blood biomarkers for traumatic brain injury : A narrative review of current evidence

Introduction: A blood-based biomarker (BBBM) test could help to better stratify patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), reduce unnecessary imaging, to detect and treat secondary insults, predict outcomes, and monitor treatment effects and quality of care. Research question: What evidence is available for clinical applications of BBBMs in TBI and how to advance this field? Material and methods:

Spectral Changes of EEG Following a 6-Week Low-Dose Oral Ketamine Treatment in Adults With Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Suicidality

BACKGROUND: Ketamine has considerable therapeutic potential in alleviating major depressive disorder and chronic suicidality. However, the clinical diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders requires more robust diagnostic criteria. Electroencephalography (EEG) has shown promise in classifying depressive and suicidal patients from healthy individuals. The present study aimed to identify changes in th

Cyber Sovereignty: The Application of the Principle of Sovereign Equality of States in Cyberspace and its Impact on Human Rights

Uppsatsen siktar på att undersöka olika tolkningar av suveränitetsprincipens tillämpning på cyberoperationer som faller under trösklarna i våldsförbudet och non-interventionsprincipen. Vidare undersöks hur suveränitetsprincipens tillämpbarhet på dessa cyberoperationer kan påverka de mänskliga rättigheterna till yttrande- och åsiktsfrihet. Suveränitetsprincipen blir särskilt relevant när en cyberoThe purpose of the essay is to examine different interpretations of the applicability of the principle of sovereignty on cyber operations which fall below the thresholds of the principle of non-intervention and the prohibition of the use of force. The essay also investigates how the applicability of the principle of sovereignty on these actions in cyberspace can affect the rights to freedom of exp

“Dam- eller herrtoalett, vilken ska jag välja?” En kvalitativ studie om transpersoners och ickebinäras berättelser om att leva i en heteronormativ värld.

Studien undersöker hur samhällets könsnormer påverkar personer med normbrytande könsidentitet. Den syftar till att uppmärksamma hur samhällets könsroller och heteronormativa förväntningar påverkar transpersoner och ickebinära samt identifiera miljöer som är inkluderande och kan bidra till transpersoners och ickebinäras välbefinnande. Tidigare forskning visar att transpersoner och ickebinära upplev

Utveckling av ett fristående produktionsövervakningssystem

In a global market with increasing competition, the need for efficient production increases. By measuring production parameters, a company can identify efficiency losses and thus prevent losses and create a more efficient production. Unknown and unplanned downtime in a production process leads to disruptions and losses in efficiency. Being able to identify the causes of and remedy downtime is

Arbetsgivarens ansvar vid arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering - En studie av utformning och tillämpning av det arbetsrättsliga regelverket

Uppsatsen ämnar att undersöka arbetsgivarens ansvar vid arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering för arbetstagare med nedsatt arbetsförmåga till följd av sjukdom eller skada. Uppsatsen ämnar även att undersöka omfattningen av arbetsgivarens ansvar under rehabiliteringsprocessen. För att ge en övergripande bild av hur arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar ser ut, har en intervjustudie genomförts för att in