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Renal angioplasty causes a rapid transient increase in inflammatory biomarkers, but reduced levels of interleukin-6 and endothelin-1 1 month after intervention
OBJECTIVE: To examine prospectively whether inflammatory biomarkers and endothelin (ET)-1 are increased in patients with renal artery stenosis (RAS), and to investigate how treatment with percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) affects these variables during the first month after intervention. METHODS: One hundred patients with suspected RAS undergoing renal angiography were included. P
Suboptimal treatment of risk factors for atherosclerosis in critical limb ischemia
Aim. The epidemiology of critical limb ischemia (CLI) is insufficiently studied, and treatment of risk factors for atherosclerosis has received less attention in CLI patients than in patients with coronary or precerebral atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to establish the incidence of CLI and the quality of risk factor treatment in Swedish CLI patients. Methods. During 14 months, 316 conse
Results of endovascular therapy of the subclavian and innominate arteries in 63 patients
Aim. The aim of the study was to describe results from a single vascular unit of endovascular revascularisation of subclavian and innominate arterial disease. Methods. Between April 1994 and March 2010, 63 patients (mean age 61.8±10.8 years, 41[65%] women) were endovascularly treated for subclavian and innominate arterial disease. Fourteen (22%) had upper extremity claudication, 5 (8%) acute arm i
The relationship between leptin and the insulin resistance syndrome is disturbed in type 2 diabetic subjects with parasympathetic neuropathy [10]
Relationships Between Diabetes Duration, Metabolic Control and β‐cell Function in a Representative Population of Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Sweden
To clarify whether metabolic control and β‐cell function deteriorate with increasing duration of diabetes, we investigated in a cross‐sectional study Type 2 diabetic patients in an area‐based population. Type 2 diabetic patients (n = 231: 112 males, 119 females) were identified by age at onset > 35 years, fasting levels of C‐peptide > 0.04 nmol l−1, and absence of islet cell antibodies. Body weigh
Infertility, ethics, and the future: an exploration
This chapter explores current and prospective reproductive technologies and some of their likely implications for reproductive and family ethics and policymaking. The technologies discussed include uterus transplants, mitochondrial transfer, ectogenesis, the development of in vitro gametes, and solo reproduction. The chapter considers the impact of these developments on the content of concepts suc
Contested Representation : Exploring China’s State Report
Elimination of 50% Iodine and Excellent Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Enabled by TEMPO Radical Dendrimer-Iodide Dual Redox Systems
Detrimental effect of counter electrode corrosion, electrolyte leakage problem, and sublimation of iodine ions affect the performance and stability of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) based on a liquid redox electrolyte system. TEMPO/TEMPO+ is the most desirable one to replace the existing redox couples in liquid electrolyte owing to its rapid and reversible one electron kinetics, high diffusion
Reply to : Brain Amyloid Deposition in Late-Life Depression
Glass and Amber Beads from the Late Roman Iron Age in Scania
Glas- och bärnstenspärlor var en del av dräkten som signalerade bärarens sociala och ekonomiska status. I artikeln presenteras pärluppsättningarna från 25 gravar daterade till yngre romersk järnålder period C1 och C2 funna i dagens Skåne. Pärlorna har ett varierat och unikt uttryck vilket stärker hypotesen att de mindre rika gravarna i Skåne, jämfört med på Själland, beror på ett mer stabilt samhäGlass and amber beads are colourful artefacts that have been much less discussed than other accessories such as fibulae. Like these, the beads were part of the dress that signalled the wearers’ social and economic status. In the article, beads from 25 graves from modern-day Scania, dated to the Roman Iron Age periods C1 and C2, are presented. In many ways they show a varied and unique expression,
Endovascular treatment of complex abdominal aortic aneurysm disease
Breaking the patientification process - through co-creation of care, using old arctic survival knowledge
Syfte: Cancerforskning och relaterade innovationsprocesser saknar ofta en viktig komponent; patientdeltagande. Vi nyanalyserar tre studier (a-c) för att undersöka hur teorin Nuets förnöjsamhet kan användas för att förbättra patientens deltagande och psykosociala hälsa.Metod: Vi återanalyserade data från den klassiska grundade teoristudien om Nuets förnöjsamhet, baserad på fyra års observation och Purpose: Cancer research and connected innovation processes often lack a major component; patient participation. We revisit three studies (a-c) in order to explore how Momentary contentment theory may be used to improve patient participation and psychosocial health.Method: We revisited data from the initial (a) classic grounded theory study on Momentary contentment, based on four years of observat
The Ok blood group system : an update
This update of the Ok (OK) blood group system (Smart EA, Storry JR. The OK blood group system: a review. Immunohematology 2010;26:124-6) focuses on new information on the role of basigin (BSG), the carrier molecule of the Ok blood group antigens. No further antigens have been identified since the original review. However, the role of BSG in malaria continues to be explored. Immunohematology 2021;
The chirality-flow formalism for the standard model
In a recent paper we introduced the chirality-flow formalism, a method for simple and transparent calculations of Feynman diagrams based on the left- and right-chiral sl(2 , C) nature of spacetime. While our previous work focused on massless QED and QCD at tree-level, we here extend the chirality-flow formalism to the full (tree-level) Standard Model, including massive particles and electroweak in
HD 76920 b pinned down : A detailed analysis of the most eccentric planetary system around an evolved star
We present 63 new multi-site radial velocity (RV) measurements of the K1III giant HD 76920, which was recently reported to host the most eccentric planet known to orbit an evolved star. We focused our observational efforts on the time around the predicted periastron passage and achieved near-continuous phase coverage of the corresponding RV peak. By combining our RV measurements from four differen
Influence of diabetes on diagnostic performance of computed tomography angiography of the calf arteries in acute limb ischemia
Background: Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have a more extensive distal arterial occlusive disease compared to non-diabetic patients. Diagnostic imaging is a necessity to identify the location and extent of the arterial occlusion in acute limb ischemia (ALI). Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is the most commonly used modality and the diagnostic performance with CTA of calf arteries may
Lung Microenvironments Influence on Mast Cell Plasticity and Spatial Distribution of Immune cells
Inflammatory airway diseases and lower respiratory tract infections are leading causes of severe illness, disability and death worldwide. Much of today´s hypotheses about the underlying inflammatory processes and pathogenic contribution by immune cells come from in vitro experiments or animal models. As a consequence, our knowledge of the actual immunopathological events in real patient tissues is
The security implications of quantum cryptography and quantum computing
Biogas recovery for sustainable cities: A critical review of enhancement techniques and key local conditions for implementation
There is great potential to apply energy recovery from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) to achieve better energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions abatement. However, in most of the wastewater treatment plants that produce biogas through sludge digestion, there is no thermal energy recovery or electricity generation, and the biogas is flared and wasted, particularly in developing