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A simplified oral glucose tolerance test in pregnancy: compliance and results.
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De närvarande döda. Människan som ting.
Statistically Guided Visualization and Exploratory Analysis of Omics Data
Popular Abstract in Swedish Många av dagens stora folksjukdomar, såsom cancer, diabetes och hjärt-kärlsjukdomar, kopplas i allt högre grad samman med olika riskfaktorer som beror på förändringar i arvsmassan. Dessa nya kopplingar har möjliggjorts tack vare den extrema utveckling av genetiska mätmetoder som har skett under de senaste 15 åren. Med de nya metoderna kan förekomsten och aktiviteten hosThis thesis deals with methods for extracting robust and relevant information from high-dimensional data sets, and statistically guided visualization methods for representing the data in an informative and easily accessible way. High-dimensional data sets are becoming increasingly prevalent in many different scientific disciplines. In this thesis, we focus particularly on so called "omics" data. T
Muslim Middle Eastern clients' reflections on their relationship with their occupational therapists in mental health care.
Persons with a Middle Eastern background represent a minority in Sweden which has significantly increased in size over recent years. The purpose of the present study was to explore the elements that shape the experiences and perceptions of clients with a Middle Eastern background living by Muslim norms who received occupational therapy in mental health care at the time of participating in the stud
Desensitization and Heart Transplantation of a Patient With High Levels of Donor-Reactive Anti-Human Leukocyte Antigen Antibodies.
BACKGROUND.: To prepare a highly immunized recipient for heart transplantation, reduction of high levels of cytotoxic antibodies against human leukocyte antigen (HLA) was deemed essential to prevent antibody-mediated graft failure. METHODS.: Antibodies were analyzed by lymphocytotoxic and solid-phase assays. The pretransplant desensitization treatment protocol included daily tacrolimus and mycophe
Between homeworld and alienworld : a primer of cultural semiotics
The Structure-Function Relationship and Evolution of Deoxyribonucleoside Kinases
Popular Abstract in English Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) are the building blocks of DNA and the balanced cellular dNTP pools are of extreme importance to maintain the genomic stability and overall function of the cell. Primarily, two different pathways exist in most of the organisms that are responsible for providing dNTPs. One is called the de novo pathway where dNTPs are formed fromThe synthesis of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs), building blocks of DNA, can be achieved by two different pathways in the cell. One is called de novo synthesis and the other is known as salvage pathway. The de novo pathway involves synthesis of dNTPs by utilizing basic molecules like sugars, amino acids, CO2, NH3, etc., while in the other pathway, dNTPs are formed by salvaging intra- or
The mandibular third molar. Dentists' judgement in the removal of asymptomatic molars
The aim was to study dentists' judgement on the removal of and on the development of pathology associated with asymptomatic mandibular third molars. Thirty general dental practitioners (GDPs) and 10 oral surgeons were asked to judge 36 molars with equal distribution of three cues: patient's age, angular position and degree of impaction of the molar. Rating on a VAS was found to be an appropriate m
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To investigate the molecular deficiency in MMR genes associated to Lynch syndrome.
Om svenskt äktenskapsförords rättsverkan efter att svensk rätt slutat vara tillämplig på makarnas förmögenhetsförhållanden
Mothers and children
Sikherna stoppar diskriminerande TV-spel
Tidigt tempel i Uppåkra?
Johan III. En biografi.
Convergence of the T-matrix approach in scattering theory. II
Convergence of the T-matrix scheme is proved under more general assumptions than in Ramm [J. Math. Phys. 23, 1123–5 (1982)] and for more general boundary conditions. Stability of the numerical scheme towards small perturbations of data and convergence of the expansion coefficients are established. Dependence of the rate of convergence on the choice of basis functions is discussed. Dependence of th
Particle-hole structure of nuclear isomers at high angular momenta
Flow optimization in IP networks with fast proactive recovery
The post-failure convergence of shortest path routing (SPR) protocols used in IP networks can be too slow to meet the restrictive requirements (i.e. maximum allowable delay, jitter, etc.) of the multimedia services and therefore new protection/restoration mechanisms combined with IP routing are of interest. The article addresses the optimization of three potential rerouting mechanisms based on the
Guidelines for environmental due diligence of renewable energy technology investments
Retoriska övningar vid den sista måltiden (Luk 22:14-38)
Luke’s account of the last supper (22:14–38) is here analyzed according to the pattern of chreia elaboration, which was one of the preparatory rhetorical exercises known as Progymnasmata in the Hellenistic school. The study begins with a brief overview of the preserved progymnastic textbooks or manuals and their contents, and then proceeds to show how influences from the exercises can be detected