Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar
Spelar logopedens röst roll för barns språkförståelse
Health-Health Analysis - An Alternative Method for Economic Appraisal of Health Policy and Safety Regulation - Some Swedish Estimates
Is entrepreneurship education crusading for the holy grail? Insights from Sweden
Mellan kung och allmoge. Ämbetsmän, beslutsprocess och inflytande på 1700-talets Island
Classification of the nucleonic states in deformed nuclei
Studies on chondrocyte integrins and mechanical signaling
Popular Abstract in Swedish Brosk är en typ av vävnad som finns på många olika ställen i vår kropp. Karakteristiskt för brosk är att det är mycket hållfast samtidigt som det medger en hög grad av flexibilitet. Ledbrosket är det tunna brosklager som klär kortändarna på benen i skelettet. Dess uppgift i leden är att fungera som stötdämpare för att skydda det underliggande benet samt att utgöra den gIntegrins are a family of cell surface receptors known to bind matrix proteins and to mediate signals such as mechanical signals between the cell and the surrounding matrix. We have studied integrins that are expressed by chondrocytes, with specific focus on the integrins that interact with the cartilage matrix protein collagen type II. It was found that chondrocytes isolated from articular cartil
Structural and physicochemical studies on metal and porphyrin binding by the Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase
The enzyme ferrochelatase (EC is the terminal enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of heme b and catalyzes the insertion of Fe(II) into protoporphyrin IX. In this dissertation ferrochelatase from Bacillus subtilis was studied. A new purification method via inclusion bodies was developed that enabled simple purification of recombinant enzyme without tags or modifications that might affect t
Egg-laying tactic in Phyllomorpha laciniata in the presence of parasitoids
Olyckligt använda ordet kulturarv
Identification of Human Postural Dynamics
Redesign of an Electrical Rear Wheel Drive (E-RWD) for a hybrid vehicle in a given drive cycle
This article presents the redesign of a traction motor of an Electrical Rear Wheel Drive (E-RWD) unit, modifying its torque and power capabilities in order to improve the vehicle efficiency with given drive cycles in a hybrid vehicle application. It is shown that a peak-to-average power ratio of 3 is suitable and that this is best accomplished with a reduced slot area in combination with cooling d
Psychological outcomes in severely obese adolescents short term after gastric bypass
Individual strategies of pauses and reading during writing.
The influence of the Mediterranean climate on vernacular architecture: a comparative analysis between the vernacular responsive architecture of southern Portugal and north of Egypt
No title
Abstract in German Grundlegende Daten zur Beurteilung der thermischen Beanspruchung während der Arbeit in Schutzkleidung wurden im europäischen Verbundprojekt THERMPROTECT (EU Contract-No. G6RD-CT-2002-00846) mit Untersuchungen des durch die Kleidung erhöhten Energieumsatzes und des Transports von Wärme und Feuchte unter Kältebelastung sowie bei Einwirkung von Wärmestrahlung erhoben. Der Eingang d
Teknologisk förändring och lönens bestämningsfaktorer i den andra industriella revolutionen - Några metodiska problem vid användandet av tvärsnittsanalys för studiet av dynamiska förlopp
High spatial resolution imaging of solar photospheric structure
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