

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

Economic Inequality and the Ecological Footprint: Time-Varying Estimates for the United States and France, 1962–2021

This paper studies the nexus between income and wealth inequality, and the ecological footprint in the United States and France from 1962 to 2021. Based on theoretical considerations, we allow the relationship to vary over time. We find some support for income inequality affecting the ecological footprint in the United States and that the relationship has changed over time. We find no such result This paper studies the nexus between income and wealth inequality, and the ecological footprint in the United States and France from 1962 to 2021. Based on theoretical considerations, we allow the relationship to vary over time. We find some support for income inequality affecting the ecological footprint in the United States and that the relationship has changed over time. We find no such result

Calibrated Adaptive Probabilistic ODE Solvers

Probabilistic solvers for ordinary differential equations assign a posterior measure to the solution of an initial value problem. The joint covariance of this distribution provides an estimate of the (global) approximation error. The contraction rate of this error estimate as a function of the solver's step size identifies it as a well-calibrated worst-case error, but its explicit numerical value

Rolling with Pain – A Sociological Investigation Into the Meaning-Making of Physical Pain

In this thesis, I investigate the experience of physical pain. Through an analysis and assessment of the data in the form of qualitative interviews collected for this thesis, the aim has been to show that meaning-making is fundamental to our experience of (physical) pain. At its core, this thesis contends that physical pain can not be reduced to physiological stimuli and that an investigation must

Egypt Ignited : How Steam Power Arrived on the Nile and Integrated Egypt into Industrial Capitalism (1820s-76)

Hur nådde fossildriven teknik Egypten på sin väg mot global dominans? Denna avhandling presenterar en socioekologisk historia av energiteknologier i förkoloniala Egyptens jordbruksproduktion (1820-talet-76). Den placerar dem i 1800-talet, början på Kapitalocenens epok; och i Egyptens fall är detta samtidigt en del av Storbritanniens fossila imperiums uppkomst. Denna avhandling behandlar hur ångmasHow did fossil-fuelled technology find its way to Egypt on its way to global dominance? This thesis presents a socioecological history of energy technologies in agrarian production in pre-colonial Egypt (1820s – 76). It situates them in the nineteenth century, understood as the beginning of the epoch of the Capitalocene; and in Egypt’s case, this is simultaneously part of the rise of Britain’s fos

Can Future Shopping Experiences Be Present in the Past? The Case of a Local High Street

Kan framtidens shoppingupplevelse redan ha varit här? Ja mycket av det som av både upplevelse- och hållbarhetsskäl anses tillhöra framtidens konsumtion dominerade butikslokalerna i svenska städer för hundra år sedan. Det såldes livsmedel i lösvikt, man behövde handla dagligen eftersom ingen hade kylskåp hemma och det fanns många verkstäder och skräddare där man beställde precis det man behövde (ocThis chapter is a contemplation on the future experiences of local high streets based on analysing the past and present of one such local street, Södergatan in Helsingborg, Sweden. This street was established in the mid-nineteenth century, in an emerging working-class district, Söder, whose initial residents lived in crowded conditions. Without any modern technologies for storing food, or any cars

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RESUMEN EN ESPAÑOL: La lengua que utilizamos para comunicarnos está estrechamente relacionada con la manera en la que pensamos y cómo percibimos nuestro entorno. Aprender a pensar en una nueva lengua por lo tanto conlleva cambios cognitivos que van más allá del uso y dominio puramente lingüístico de la lengua. No sólo aprendemos nuevas formas de comunicación, sino que también adquirimos nuevas manLanguages are used to communicate and to perceive the environment. Therefore, they are related to the way in which human beings think and conceptualize the world. Consequently, learning a new language entails cognitive changes that go beyond the purely linguistic use and mastery of it. Thus, not only new forms are learned, but also new ways of describing and perceiving the world are acquired, sinc

Complement Components in Peripheral Blood from Adult Patients with IDH Wild-Type Glioblastoma

Background: The complement system seems to influence cancer pathophysiology. The primary aim of this study was to explore complement components associated with the classical pathway (CP) of the complement system in peripheral blood from patients with IDH–wild-type (IDH-wt) glioblastoma. Methods: Patients undergoing primary surgery due to glioblastoma in the years 2019–2021 were prospectively inclu

Carl Snoilsky’s Svenska bilder and Cultural Memory in the 19th Century

This article presents the research project “Searching for a New National Identity: The Construction of Swedish Cultural Memory in Carl Snoilsky’s Poems Svenska bilder", and functions as an introduction to the four subsequent articles in this issue of "Studia Litteraria", which are the result of the project. The principal aim of the project was a comprehensive analysis of the construction of culturThis article presents the research project “Searching for a New National Identity: The Construction of Swedish Cultural Memory in Carl Snoilsky’s Poems Svenska bilder”, and functions as an introduction to the four subsequent articles in this issue of Studia Litteraria, which are the result of the project. The principal aim of the project was a comprehensive analysis of the construction of cultural

Genetically identical twin-pair difference models support the amyloid cascade hypothesis

The amyloid cascade hypothesis has strongly impacted the Alzheimer's disease research agenda and clinical trial designs over the past decades, but precisely how amyloid-β pathology initiates the aggregation of neocortical tau remains unclear. We cannot exclude the possibility of a shared upstream process driving both amyloid-β and tau in an independent manner instead of there being a causal relati

805P Tumor-informed ctDNA detection as a predictive marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer: A feasibility study

BackgroundComplete tumor resection is the most relevant prognostic factor for overall survival in high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) patients. The current standard for classification of postoperative residual disease (RD) is surgeon´s subjective evaluation at the end of surgery. Thus, a reliable objective predictive marker is currently missing.MethodsIn this prospective single-center feasibi

Riksbanken måste erkänna sina misstag

Riksbanken behöver ta ansvar för den experimentella penning­politik som lett till miljard­förlusterna på värdepapper vi nu ser. Det skriver Fredrik N G Andersson och Lars Jonung.

The economic well-being of nations is associated with positive daily situational experiences

People in economically advantaged nations tend to evaluate their life as more positive overall and report greater well-being than people in less advantaged nations. But how does positivity manifest in the daily life experiences of individuals around the world? The present study asked 15,244 college students from 62 nations, in 42 languages, to describe a situation they experienced the previous day

A Planar Metasurface Cloaked Dipole Antenna Designed for Multifunction Apertures

We designed and simulated a 1 GHz planar dipole antenna that is cloaked in a band around 10 GHz. Relative to an uncloaked antenna it has a reduced extinction cross-section for the co-antenna polarization, at the cost of an increased cross-polarization. This reduced extinction cross-section characterizes a reduction in scattering and absorption, and so reduced interference to electromagnetic waves

Variability of the Modified Rankin Scale Score between Day 90 and 1 Year after Ischemic Stroke

Objective Studies indicate that the functional outcome evolves in the year after ischemic stroke onset. However, the traditional outcome measure in stroke trials is the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at 90 days from onset. To determine mRS fluctuations in the first year after stroke, we examined data from 3 major stroke trials.MethodsIn a secondary analysis, we evaluated intrapatient mRS between 90 d

Mosaic Loss of Chromosome Y Is Associated With Functional Outcome After Ischemic Stroke

BACKGROUND: Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) is associated with cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases in men, and genetic predisposition to LOY is associated with poor poststroke outcome. We, therefore, tested the hypothesis that LOY itself is associated with functional outcome after ischemic stroke. METHODS: The study comprised male patients with ischemic stroke from the cohort studies S

Semi-Conservative Treatment Versus Radical Surgery in Abdominal Aortic Graft and Endograft Infections

Objective: Abdominal aortic graft and endograft infections (AGIs) are rare complications following aortic surgery. Radical surgery (RS) with resection of the infected graft and reconstruction with extra-anatomical bypass or in situ reconstruction is the preferred therapy. For patients unfit for RS, a semi-conservative (SC), graft preserving strategy is possible. This paper aimed to compare surviva