

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

Diversifying crop rotation sequences with grain legume/cereal intercrops and legume/grass cover crops

Diversification of cropping systems creates multiple benefits for the sustainable development of agroecosystems. Notably, introducing intercrops and cover crops in crop rotations allows ecient use of resources and promotes the synergy between ecosystem processes and functions (e.g. enhancing soil quality, preventing risk of build-up of pests and diseases). We used eld experiments to assess how g

Metodik för framtagande av konsekvenskartor för klimatanpassad dagvattenplanering

Vilka konsekvenser uppstår till följd av översvämningar och var riskerar de att bli som störst? Det är två frågor som vi bör ställa oss i arbetet med att minimera de negativa effekterna på samhället. De senaste åren har nyheterna om extremväder runt om i världen avlöst varandra. I samband med det förändrade klimatet förväntas både fler skyfall och perioder av torka att bli vanligare. Under sommarThe extreme short-term precipitation in Sweden is expected to increase due to climate change. This means that there will be an increased risk of floodings in urban areas. Several cloudbursts during the past decade have caused major damage to communities all over Sweden with high restoration costs as a result. To prevent further damage, solutions for managing increased amounts of water are needed.

State-Space Gaussian Process for Drift Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations

This paper is concerned with the estimation of unknown drift functions of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) from observations of their sample paths. We propose to formulate this as a non-parametric Gaussian process regression problem and use an Ito-Taylor expansion for approximating the SDE. To address the computational complexity problem of Gaussian process regression, we cast the model in

Strategies of the Sámi movement in Sweden: mobilization around grievances related to the ecological conditions of reindeer pastoralism, 2012–2022

Reindeer pastoralism, practiced by groups of the Indigenous Sámi people in Sweden, is being threatened by a new wave of encroachments. In this paper I take stock of how the Sámi movement has mobilized around grievances related to the ecological conditions that support natural pasture-based reindeer pastoralism. I apply the contentious politics approach to social movement theory, and Felix Kolb’s c

Measures and models of visual acuity in epipelagic and mesopelagic teleosts and elasmobranchs

Eyes in low-light environments typically must balance sensitivity and spatial resolution. Vertebrate eyes with large "pixels" (e.g., retinal ganglion cells with inputs from many photoreceptors) will be sensitive but provide coarse vision. Small pixels can render finer detail, but each pixel will gather less light, and thus have poor signal relative-to-noise, leading to lower contrast sensitivity.

ENSO-like evolution of the tropical Pacific climate mean state and its potential causes since 300ka

The tropical Pacific Ocean plays a significant role in climate change, and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is considered to be closely related to extreme climate phenomenon worldwide. However, the evolution of the ENSO-like patterns in the tropical Pacific during the Pleistocene glacial cycles remains controversial. In this study, we present geochemical indices and a transient model simula

Granskning av pedagogisk skicklighet – utmaningar för sakkunniga

Bedömning av pedagogisk och vetenskaplig skicklighet ska göras med lika stor omsorg vidtjänstetillsättningar. Trots att detta har varit lagstadgat i Sverige sedan 1960-talet visar forskningatt det finns utmaningar förknippade med granskning av pedagogisk skicklighet. Svårigheten attgöra kvalificerade bedömningar gäller inte bara vid anställning och befordran. De allt vanligaresystemen för belöningAssessment of teaching and scientific competence should be done with equal care at appointments. Despite the fact that this has been legislated in Sweden since the 1960s, research shows that there are challenges associated with reviewing teaching portfolios. The difficulty in making qualified judgments does not only apply to hiring and promotion. As systems for awarding pedagogical competence at S

Investigating Low-Rank Approximations for the Finite Element-Boundary Integral Method

This paper explores acceleration of the finite element-boundary integral hybrid method using the adaptive cross approximation. Our code implementing the hybrid method in Python based on open source packages is briefly presented. A simple one-level version of the adaptive cross approximation is described and it is used to accelerate the boundary integral matrices. We present results for scattering

Att återvinna kläder och textilier. En studie om hur producentansvar etableras som en fråga på den politiska agendan i Sverige under 2010-talet

This thesis analyzes how extended producer responsibility for textiles became prominent on the Swedish national political agenda in the 2010th decennium. In January 2014 the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency was asked by the government to investigate how an extended producer responsibility for textile could be designed. This thesis aims to understand the processes which lead to this outcome.

An improved adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for hydrological drought prediction in Algeria

Drought has negative impacts on water resources, food security, soil degradation, desertification and agricultural productivity. The meteorological and hydrological droughts prediction using standardized precipitation/runoff indices (SPI/SRI) is crucial for effective water resource management. In this study, we suggest ANFISWCA, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) optimized by the wat

Multiscale multiphase simulations at the gas channel/gas diffusion layer interface inside polymer electrolyte fuel cells

A computational fluid dynamic model describing a straight channel, relevant for water removal inside a PEFC, is developed. A volume of fluid (VOF) approach is used to investigate the two-phase interface resolved flow behavior inside the gas channel including the gas diffusion layer (GDL) surface. The size and contact angle of the liquid inlet at the interface are calculated with the lattice Boltzm

Spatiotemporal variability of dust storm source susceptibility during wet and dry periods: The Tigris-Euphrates River Basin

This study develops a framework for spatiotemporal modeling of dust storm source susceptibility in a critical case study, the Tigris-Euphrates River Basin, as a significant source of dust storms in the Middle East. The study period was divided into four periods, 2000–2004 (hydrological dry year), 2005–2007 (hydrological wet year), 2008–2012 (hydrological dry year), and 2013–2021 (hydrological wet

Political Ecology of renewable energy transitions on the Åland Islands

Amidst a climate and biodiversity crisis, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources has become imperative. On the Åland Islands, planned large-scale offshore wind farms offer potential economic growth but entail environmental and social impacts. This study investigates the discourses of renewable energy transitions on Åland using a political ecology framework for energy transitio

Laser Diagnostics in Reacting Flows

Burst-mode laser systems have widely been employed in diagnostics for both reactive and non-reactive flows. Unlike the continuous pulse lasers, burst-mode lasers generate pulses in bursts lasting up to 100 ms, capable to deliver high energies up to Joules per pulse. This high energy fluency is optimal for effective wavelength conversion and tuning, enabling simultaneous measurements of various spe