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The Indian migration to Sweden began in the twentieth century with students, labour migrants, and asylum seekers settling in the country and children being adopted from India by Swedish parents. In the beginning of the twenty-first century the Indian population in Sweden has increased considerably as an effect of family reunification, natural increase, and an intensified immigration of students an
The paper concerns the furniture industry’s increased interest in opportunities and challenges to respond to demographic shifts and to meet future senior markets. A central issue discussed is how a user-centred approach in a collaborative design research project benefited the industrial partners. The paper focuses on the perspectives of the participating furniture manufacturers. The most involved
The present article departs from the increased significance ascribed to questions concerning arts and aesthetics in contemporary academic theology as well as in church life. This development is given the designation ‘aesthetical turn’ and the content of the article tries to, in a broad outline, situate this phenomenon in the history of philosophical reflection on aesthetic issues. Originally an En
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett bröstmjölksprotein som dödar tumörceller Denna avhandling beskriver den tumörcell- och bakteriedödande effekten av ett proteinkomplex från bröstmjölk. Proteinkomplexet, en veckningsvariant av humant alfa-laktalbumin, inducerar apoptos (programmerad celldöd) i tumörceller och visar sig ha liknande effekter även mot bakterier. Amning förser inte bara barnet med optiHuman milk contains a vast array of bioactive molecules, with nutritional and protective functions. This thesis describes the effects of a human milk protein complex, MAL, on tumour cells and bacteria. During our studies on the anti-adhesive properties of human milk we observed that a milk fraction killed tumour cells. The morphology of the cells indicated apoptotic cell death and this was verifie
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar förvärvsarbetande småbarnsföräldrars arbetsrättsliga ställning. Utgångspunkten i avhandlingen är att arbetsrättens regler om föräldraskap, trots sitt tämligen starkt formulerade rättighetsskydd, i praktiken har en förhållandevis svag normativ position i arbetslivet och i arbetsrätten. Föräldraskapsreglernas svaga position kan förklaras som ett resThis dissertation deals with the position of working parents in labour legislation and the protection. The starting point for the thesis is that the rules in labour law concerning employees? parenthood, despite the fairly strongly formulated protection of their rights, in practice have a relatively weak normative position in working life and in labour law. The weakness of the rules on parenthood c
Despite a growing interest in critical social and political studies of climate change, the field remains fragmented and diffuse. This is the first volume to collect this body of scholarship, providing a key reference point in the growing debate about climate change across the social sciences. The book provides a new set of insights into the ways in which climate change is creating new forms of soc