Din sökning på "*" gav 532970 sökträffar
Attachment coherence, but not parental support in sport, predicts children’s capacity to envisage coping with stressful sports situations.
Thermodynamically based Fictitious Crack/Interface Model for General Normal and Shear Loading
A crack model that considers general normal and shear loading is proposed. It involves elasticity, plasticity and damage and it is thermodynamically based. An essential feature of the model is its consistency with the concepts behind the fictitious crack model.
Learning to Become a Female or Male: Vietnamese Children and Processes of Gender Socialization
Arguments pros and cons the extension of the application of IAS/IFRS to the local level in Sweden and Germany - the battle between professions
Question to myself
Läxhjälp ett hån mot lärarnas kompetens
Läxhjälp bör bygga på att det är kvalificerad personal som svarar för verksamheten. I debatten om rut-avdrag har två viktiga frågor inte ställts: 1. Varför har svenska skolan hamnat i en situation av sviktande måluppfyllelse? 2. Varför ska de som behöver extra stöd, oberoende av vilken nivå de ligger på studiemässigt, inte få den mest kvalificerade hjälpen, det vill säga utbildade lärare?
Fire Safety Risk Analysis of a Health Care Facility
A methodology for deriving individual risk to people in a health care facility due to fire, is presented. The risk is expressed by the First Order Second Moment reliability index ß. The evacuation time for the patients is compared to the time to untenable conditions arise. Subjecting variables to uncertainty results in a reliability index value for the escape time margin. The influence on reliabil
Performance indicators for microgrids during grid-connected and island operation
Collective Memory as a Security Issue in Sino-Japanese Relations
Imaging of slow viruses.
On Integration of Maintenance Management and Manufacturing
This th esis is about management of equipment maintenance in maufactiring firms.
Travelling Concepts on Interdisciplinarity, Selves and Interculturality: Collaborative Learning
Hallowed Obsessions
An Even-Odd DFD Technique for Scan Chain Diagnosis
FiFi: Simulation of Dendrite Formation of Aerosol Particles on a Single Fibre
A personal computer program, FiFi, that makes a real-time, two-dimensional simulation of the dynamic deposition process of particles on a single fibre, has been developed. The formation of dendrites and the particle transport as a function of different parameters are simulated. The trajectory of a spherical particle as a function of external forces and diffusion is calculated by integration and th
Power Takes, Take Power: On the Ontological Foundations of Peacebuilding
There is ample evidence that the Middle East Peace Process (MEPP) has come to a deadlock. Recent turns within peace research towards critical approaches to peacebuilding, as opposed to the liberal peace paradigm, acknowledge the failure of state-oriented practices and advocate for, more or less sophisticated, attempts to capture the local dimension of peacebuilding. In these terms, the focus is on
Numerical evaluation of potential integrals containing higher order hierarchical H(div) Legendre basis functions for parameterized quadrilateral surface cells
The singularity cancelation scheme initially introduced by Khayat and Wilton for evaluating singular and near-singular potential integrals with 1/R singularities has in this paper been applied to parameterized quadrilateral cells containing higher order hierarchical H(div) Legendre basis functions. The singular and near-singular potential integrals treated in this paper appear in the method of mom