

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Miljöpåverkan av hund- och kattfoder ur ett livscykelperspektiv

Med den pågående miljödebatten är det fler som vill göra miljöanpassade val i sin vardag och därmed kunna leva mer hållbart. Många hushåll i Sverige har ett eller flera husdjur och därmed utgör ett av dessa val vilket foder man ska köpa. För att öka kunskapen om hur stor miljöpåverkan som hund- och kattfoder genererar har detta examensarbete utförts. Studien undersöker miljöpåverkan ur ett livscyThis study investigates the environmental impact from dog food and cat food produced in Sweden. With over 2.5 million dogs and cats in Sweden the potential environmental effect from their food is relevant to investigate. The aim of this study is therefore to quantify the environmental impact of 1 kg dog and cat food sold by Granngården. This has been done with the life cycle assessment (LCA) metho

The political ecology of wildfires, at the intersection of climate change and landscape - A case study of rural Tuscany, Italy

Wildfires are a climate change indicator whose increasing activity poses a threat to biodiversity and to ecosystem and human wellbeing. In the Mediterranean region, examination of the foundational drivers of intensifying wildfire regimes is necessary for the identification of sustainable wildfire mitigation measures. Literature review, semi-structured interviews, and focus group interviews with lo

Another Diplomacy for Health Equity: Finding the Necessity to Strengthen Capacity for Global Health Diplomacy in Low- and Middle-Income Countries via Indonesian Experiences

Despite the hegemonic status of global health governance that favors the high-income countries (HICs), global health diplomacy (GHD) as a critical tool to manage health is an understudied subject particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This research illustrates how GHD is exercised in Indonesia by exploring the actors, their capacities, and the surrounding context. The aim of the

Making Artisanal Gold Miners ‘Investable’ - A Novel Means of ‘Improving’ Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining? A neoliberal eco-governmentality analysis of ‘responsible’ artisanal and small-scale gold mining: the case of the Lake Victoria Gold Programme in Migori County, Kenya

Objectives: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) - a labour-intensive and low-tech mode of minerals extraction and processing - has received increasing attention amidst global commodity booms and its concurrent expansion. Infamously associated with negative social and environmental impacts, responsible mining initiatives have emerged to promote, measure, and enforce sustainable mining practices

Divergence before the Division: The colonial origins of separate development paths in Korea

This study revisits the question of what impact Japanese colonialism had on the long-term economic development of North and South Korea. Factor endowments, economic activity and economic performance are compared between the regions that later became parts of North and South Korea, respectively. The study finds that important elements of the economic history of the peninsula have not been sufficien

Reindeer control over shrubification in subarctic wetlands : spatial analysis based on unoccupied aerial vehicle imagery

Herbivores can exert a controlling effect on the reproduction and growth of shrubs, thereby counter-acting the climate-driven encroachment of shrubs in the Arctic and the potential consequences. This control is particularly evident in the case of abundant herbivores, such as reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus), whose grazing patterns are affected by management. Here, we tested how different rein

Usability of Sentinel-1 C-band VV and VH SAR data for the detection of flooded oil palm

Flooding in oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia is a common problem. The oil palm’s habitable range is restricted to lowland equatorial areas, and the high rainfall and degraded landscapes associated with oil palm cultivation leaves oil palm prone to flooding. Flooding diminishes yields in mature palms, increases mortality in young palms, and disrupts operational processes. This reduces the ec

Drivers of the Farmer’s Suicides in Western Indian State, Maharashtra, India

Even though agriculture is the backbone of India´s economy, farmers from various parts of the country are committing suicide. It is not a phenomenon by itself; instead, it is an intense demonstration of the underlying distress (the agrarian crisis) present in the nation for a long period of time. The statistical information provided by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) in India suggests tha

Prevalence of SDG-Washing: An Empirical Analysis on Large Listed European Companies

The sustainable development goals (SDGs) were introduced in 2015 to steer worldwide progress towards a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous path. Since then companies have gradually taken up the goals and are today actively reporting contributions to the goals. However, with this, also a novel concept of SDG-washing has emerged – companies claiming to contribute to the SDGs but in reality not doi

The Correlation Between CO2 Emissions and GDP in Bhutan - A Threat to Carbon Neutrality?

The nexus between environmental degradation and economic growth is becoming of greater importance globally and in order to limit global warming at an increase of 1.5 ° C there needs to be a net zero-transition towards carbon neutrality. The Kingdom of Bhutan has over the last decades experienced continuous economic growth while being carbon negative and adhering to its unique Gross National Happin

Exploring the Emergent Servicescape of Unmanned Stores: A Constructivist Analysis of Unmanned Stores in the Age of Digitalization

Unmanned stores are increasing in popularity as the prominence of digitalization is changing not only the customer-retailer interface but also the servicescapes of the stores. The current stakeholders within the industry are (1) tech-positive entrepreneurs that want to innovate the industry or (2) convenience-focused retailers adopting technological solutions to ease the workload. These innovation

Sensory modality profiles of antonyms

Adjectives that are used to describe sensory experiences are often used to express more than one modality. The adjective sweet, for instance, may primarily be associated with taste (i.e., taste is the dominant modality of sweet), but it can also be used for smell, sound or sight, and possibly even for touch. It has also been shown that some sensory modalities combine more easily than others. Many

Prosecuting the Russian Aggression – Assessing Proposals to Enable the Prosecution of Russian Leaders for the Crime of Aggression

Den ryska invasionen av Ukraina har orsakat ofattbart mänskligt lidande och har destabiliserat den europeiska säkerhetsordningen. I gengäld har världsledare och internationella organisationer krävt att den ryska aggressionen beivras. Den rättsvetenskapliga debatten om lämpliga åtgärder för att säkerställa straffrättsligt ansvar för aggressionsbrottet har emellertid uppvisat stor oenighet bland forThe Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought immense suffering to the Ukrainian people and has destabilised the European security order. In response, world leaders and international organisations have called for the prosecution of the Russian aggression. However, the scholarly debate on the appropriate measures to ensure criminal accountability for the crime of aggression has demonstrated widesprea