

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

The Limits of Thought & the Mind-Body Problem

This paper gives an account of Colin McGinn's essay: "Can We Solve the Mind-Body Problem?". McGinn's answer to his own essay title is that the problem is forever beyond us due to the particular nature of our cognitive abilities. The present author offers a number of criticisms of the arguments which support this conclusion

Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in PPC and Diesel Engines

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots ny fordonsteknik så har koldioxidutsläppen ökat med nästan 40% i Europa sedan 1990-talet. Detta beror främst på en tilltagande transport på våra vägar. Drivmedel som används inom transportsektorn är nästan uteslutande diesel och bensin, vilka härstammar från fossila bränslen. För att hantera konsekvenserna av transportfordons miljöpåverkan så blir lagstiftningen pThis thesis deals with large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent combustion processes in direct injection internal combustion (IC) engines. Modeling of direct injection IC engine combustion involves modeling of turbulent spray/gas two-phase flow, modeling of chemical reactions of large hydrocarbon fuels and coupling of chemistry with turbulent flows. LES is chosen in this thesis for it capability

Mitochondrial ATP synthase--a possible target protein in the regulation of energy metabolism in vitro and in vivo.

The increasing prevalence of obesity in the Western world has stimulated an intense search for mechanisms regulating food intake and energy balance. A number of appetite-regulating peptides have been identified, their receptors cloned and the intracellular events characterized. One possible energy-dissipating mechanism is the mitochondrial uncoupling of ATP-synthesis from respiratory chain oxidati

Social Work in the Criminal Justice System : An Ambiguous Exercise of Caring Power

In this article the caring power in the Swedish probation service is discussed. By exploring the history of probation, formed since the early 19 th century, the structure that is constructed through human interaction and that defines the role of helper and helped is shown. Within this structure, different interpretations exist and different stories are told. This variation is highlighted through s

Tumour microvessel density as predictor of chemotherapy response in breast cancer patients

The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of intratumoural microvessel density in breast cancer. We studied immunohistochemically primary tumours of 104 patients with metastasised breast cancer who took part in a randomised multicentre trial comparing docetaxel to sequential methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil. Vessels were highlighted with factor VIII staining and counted microscopic

Instruments to foster renewable energy investments in Europe

Since capital needs are high when investing in Renewable Energy Technologies (RET), well adapted financial schemes are essential, including well fitted financial support. Supporting the dissemination of RET means supporting people, not technologies. Though, support mechanism have to be adapted to people not to technologies. A recent study for the European Parliament compares support mechanisms for

Sudden cardiac death risk factors in patients with heart failure treated with carvedilol

Background: Chronic heart failure (CHF) is associated with a high risk of sudden cardiac death (SCID). Most frequently SCID occurs in patients with NYHA class II and III. Aim: To evaluate the influence of prolonged carvedilol therapy on SCID risk in CHF patients. Methods: The study included 86 patients (81 men and 5 women) aged 56.8 +/- 9.19 (35-70) years with CHF in NYHA class II and III receivin

Physiotherapy group treatment for patients with fibromyalgia - an embodied learning process

Purpose : To study how patients with fibromyalgia (FM) experienced physiotherapy group treatment comprising pool exercise and education. Method : Nineteen patients with FM were interviewed and the transcribed interviews were analysed using a phenomenological life-world approach. The participants' mean age was 45 years and their mean symptom duration was 10 years. Results : Physiotherapy group trea

Inverse modelling of thermal conductivity from temperature measurements at the Prototype Repository, Aspo HRL

The Prototype Repository, at the Aspo HRL (Hard Rock Laboratory), is a demonstration project for the deposition of spent nuclear fuel, and provides a full-scale reference for testing predictive models relating to a spent nuclear fuel repository, both its individual components as well as the complete system. The final layout involves six deposition holes, four in an inner section and two in an oute

4-quinolone derivatives: High-affinity ligands at the benzodiazepine site of brain GABA(A) receptors. synthesis, pharmacology, and pharmacophore modeling

The 3-ethoxycarbonyl-4-quinolone compound I has previously been identified via a database search as an interesting lead compound for ligand binding at the benzodiazepine site of GABA(A) receptors (Kahnberg et al. J. Mol. Graphics Modelling 2004, 23, 253-261). Pharmacophore-guided optimization of this lead compound yielded a number of high-affinity ligands for the benzodiazepine site including comp

Sex ratio of breeding Common toads (Bufo bufo) - influence of survival and skipped breeding

Anuran sex ratio at breeding sites is typically male biased. Such sex ratios may be due to poor female survival, to females not breeding as frequently as males and/or to males becoming sexually mature earlier than females. In the present study, the first two factors are analyzed in a common toad (Bufo bufo) population in southern Sweden. Toads were captured, marked and recaptured at the breeding s

Optical spectroscopy for tissue diagnostics

Biomedical Optics as an interdisciplinary field of science has been developed during many years and is experiencing tremendous growth, to cover a wide range of optical techniques and methods, utilized for medical therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Biomedical optics contributes in the introducing methods and creation of devices used in healthcare of various specialties, such as ophthalmology, car