

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

The Chameleon Effect: Rethinking Innovation as an Adaptive Resemblance

The purpose of this study is to extend our knowledge of the elusive concept of innovation by investigating meanings and experiences of it among members in a small med-tech organization. This involves examining how individuals interpret and make sense of innovation and, if or how, they relate to their own organization as an innovative one. A single organization has been studied through an abductive

Meaningful work: Leadership Influence and Individual Discovery

Purpose: The main purpose of this research is to get a better understanding of how leadership influences individual perceptions of meaningful work. The interplay between leadership and individuals in meaningful work is also investigated. Methodology: This is a qualitative study following the abductive approach and interpretivism research philosophy. Data is collected through 12 semi-structured in

Establishing credibility in the HRM-line manager relationship: Towards a better understanding of fundamental collaboration

The credibility of HRM has been put into question, essentially since the birth of the HRM rhetoric in the 1980's. This paper argues that line management plays a crucial role in proving the credibility of HRM, weighing the current status of the credibility relationship within the context of a multinational construction organization. The purpose of this research thus lies in the attempt to under

Säljarens utfästelseansvar - En jämförelse mellan 4 kap. 19 § 1 st. jordabalken och 40 § 3 st. köplagen

När köpeavtal ingås är det för parterna viktigt att det är tydligt vad som gäller vid ett avtalsbrott. Oklar lagstiftning är något som kan försvåra för parterna att förutse vilket ansvar som kan aktualiseras. För lös egendom finns i köplagen ett antal bestämmelser om vad som gäller vid fel i varan. En särskild svårighet här är att skilja mellan vad som utgör en utfästelse och en särskild utfästelsWhen a contract of sale is concluded, it is important that the parties are aware of what applies in the event of a breach of contract. Unclear legislation can make it difficult for the parties to foresee which liability may arise. For moveable property, the Swedish Sale of Goods Act (Sw. köplagen) contains a number of provisions on what applies in the event of defective goods. A particular difficu

Market for Reuse - Investigating reuse of acoustic ceilings from a market perspective

Context: Today, 96% of Sweden’s materials come from virgin resources and only 3.4% of resources used in Sweden are retained in the value chain. From a total of 266 million tonnes fed into the economy each year, 46.9% consist of construction materials. Hence, there is a need to adapt circular strategies, such as reuse of construction products, to meet Sweden’s goal of becoming net zero by the year

“well for starters this isnt the mona lisa” : Virtuella reproduktioner av verkliga konstverk på museet i Animal Crossing: New Horizons

In this thesis I conduct a study on the real-world artworks exhibited in the museum in the Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The in-game museum features an art exhibition consisting of virtual recreations of 43 different artworks from the 19th century all the way back to ancient times. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the museum as a phenomenon is portrayed in the

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This master's thesis is about how three museums, the Glyptoteket in Copenhagen, the National Museum in Oslo and the Munch Museum in Oslo, have in each case shown their work with difficult history and how newspapers have portrayed the debate related to the museums' actions. Using critical discourse analysis and authorized heritage discourse, I have carried out a case study in which I examin

Pirates of the Academia? : Students attitude towards illegally downloading academic material at Lund University

The illegal downloading of copyrighted material digitally has existed ever since the internet's inception. At first this was ignored because it was a small enough problem but as the internet grew the amount of illegal file sharing grew with it. The practice of downloading illegal academic material is especially interesting to look at because there is a moral gray area where large publishers ea

“Clean Girl” : den nya utgångspunkten för kvinnliga ideal? - en kvalitativ studie av hur kvinnliga ideal konstrueras på TikTok, mediafenomenet “Clean Girl”, och hur detta fenomen påverkar unga kvinnliga användare

Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur användare av plattformen TikTok uppfattar att kvinnliga ideal konstrueras på plattformen med ett fokus på det aktuella mediafenomet “Clean Girl”. Studien ämnar även att urskilja fenomenets eventuella påverkan på dess användare på både en samhällelig och individuell nivå. Vi har valt att utgå från en kvalitativ metod där vi med hjälp av fokusgrupper har inte

Det vita snuset, wellness och femininiteter : en semiotisk bildanalys av hur wellness och femininiteter framställs och konstrueras för att marknadsföra vitt snus på Velo, ZYN och Loops Instagram-konton

B-uppsatsen, Det vita snuset, wellness och femininiteter - En semiotisk bildanalys av hur wellness och femininiteter framställs och konstrueras för att marknadsföra vitt snus på Velo, ZYN och Loops Instagram-konton, är skriven av Hanna Thomasson Dykert och Tilde Strömberg Rye i ämnet Medie- och Kommunikationsvetenskap, vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet. Uppsatsens h

Bildning och assimilering : En diskursanalys av sverigedemokratisk bibliotekspolitik

The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how the increased influence of the radical right party the Sweden democrats in Swedish politics may change how the democratic role of the public libraries is understood. The research questions asked are which discourses concerning cultural politics and library politics that can be discerned in cultural policy statements from the Sweden dem

“One can imagine one’s making a conscious choice” : AI and algorithmic awareness among Swedish public librarians

I denna uppsats ger jag en inblick i hur bibliotekarier på folkbibliotek uppfattar, förstår och interagerar med algoritmer och AI i relation till sitt yrke. Mitt främsta fokus ligger på hur bibliotekariernas uppfattningar av algoritmer och AI i slutändan formar deras handlingar. För att uppnå detta syfte tar jag min utgångspunkt i deras personliga syn på algoritmer och AI. Materialet för denna uppIn this thesis I provide insight into how librarians at public libraries perceive, understand, and interact with algorithms and AI in relation to their profession. My main focus lies in how librarians’ perceptions of algorithms and AI ultimately shape their actions. To achieve this aim I take my starting point from their privately held views of algorithms and AI. The material for the thesis is gat

Vem är en auktoritet? : Hur katalogisatörer inom LIBRIS-samarbetet söker, värderar och använder information

This master’s thesis is about cataloguing and information practices. In Sweden, most cataloguing is done in LIBRIS, a national database containing the collections of most public and academic libraries in the country. The people who catalogue books and other types of media in this database work at libraries that span the entire nation. It is a national collective engaged in the joint enterprise of

Sommaren är skör : En studie om lovverksamhet på folkbibliotek - i policy, forskning och verkligheten

This master’s thesis is about public libraries and how the work they do for children and youth in the summer holidays relates to public policy and reading research. Triangulation of methods is used with literature review, policy analysis, questionnaire survey and interviews. My primary theoretical framework is Carol Bacchi’s ’What’s the problem represented to be’ (WPR) approach, which is also us

"Samtidens tillfälliga nycker?" : En studie om förutsättningar för hbtqia+-inkluderande arbete på folkbibliotek

The aim of the thesis is to make visible how Swedish public libraries work with LGBTQIA+-inclusion, how the conditions for this work are affected by factors such as municipality size, economy and political support, and what importance the two forms of LGBTQIA+ certifications have for the extent of the LGBTQIA+- inclusive work. The theoretical framework consists of queer theory and organizational

Att se det förgivettagna : En studie av bevarandet och tillgängliggörandet av Sveriges fotografiska kulturarv

Despite the enormous and ever-increasing amount of photographs, and their importance as historical source material, Sweden has never had any national plan for the preservation of this cultural heritage. And there is not longer any public institution, or institutions, that has a central and advisory role in regards to photography in general. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge

Coordination of chemical analyses under the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) : Concepts, procedures and lessons learnt

The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) ran from 2017 to 2022 with the aim of advancing and harmonizing human biomonitoring in Europe. More than 40,000 analyses were performed on human samples in different human biomonitoring studies in HBM4EU, addressing the chemical exposure of the general population, temporal developments, occupational exposure and a public health intervention on m