

Din sökning på "*" gav 529155 sökträffar

Tribute to a great obstetrician: in memory of Ingemar Ingemarsson.

Ingemar Ingemarsson, grew up in a rural area in Småland in the southern part of Sweden. He studied and graduated at the Medical Faculty at Lund University and started his career in obstetrics and gynecology in 1972 at the University Hospital in Lund. He defended his PhD thesis in 1975, was appointed consultant and later became Head of the Department and Professor in Obstetrics at Lund University.

Selective silicate-directed motility in diatoms.

Diatoms are highly abundant unicellular algae that often dominate pelagic as well as benthic primary production in the oceans and inland waters. Being strictly dependent on silica to build their biomineralized cell walls, marine diatoms precipitate 240 × 10(12) mol Si per year, which makes them the major sink in the global Si cycle. Dissolved silicic acid (dSi) availability frequently limits diato

Frequency estimation from crossings of an observed mean level

By counting the number of upcrossings of the mean level by a stationary Gaussian process one can estimate the mean frequency of the process. If the mean level is unknown and estimated from the observed mean level, then this crossing estimator is more or less biased, depending on the length of the observation interval. It is shown that if the interval is at least two mean wavelengths, then the bias

Replik, etik och marknadsföring: Inte för sent för reformer

Först vill jag tacka Anders Blanck och Rikard Pellas för repliken. Det finns mycket att tjäna på en öppen och faktabaserad dialog. De ifrågasätter inte våra resultat, men menar att slutsatsen att det finns många och allvarliga överträdelser är felaktig eftersom det finns mycket marknadsföring – något som vi också noterar som en begränsning i vår studie. Men (som vi också skriver) vi grundar vår s

Depersonalization disorder may be related to glutamate receptor activation imbalance.

Low-dose ketamine administration mimics, both clinically and on gross neuroimaging, depersonalization disorder. The perceptual effects of ketamine may be due to secondary stimulation of glutamate release and lamotrigine, possibly by inhibited glutamate release, may reduce some of ketamine's so-called dissociative effects. However, lamotrigine does not seem to be useful in the treatment of deperson

The rate of crossings of a quadratic form of an n-dimensional stationary Gaussian process

Consider a quadratic form of a vector valued differentiable stationary Gaussian process. The crossing intensity of a fixed level depends on the joint correlation structure of the process and its derivative, but no simple exact form is known for the general case. We give the first and second terms in an asymptotic expansion, which is valid as the level tends to infinity, and show how to find higher

Myeloid and lymphoid contribution to non-haematopoietic lineages through irradiation-induced heterotypic cell fusion.

Recent studies have suggested that regeneration of non-haematopoietic cell lineages can occur through heterotypic cell fusion with haematopoietic cells of the myeloid lineage. Here we show that lymphocytes also form heterotypic-fusion hybrids with cardiomyocytes, skeletal muscle, hepatocytes and Purkinje neurons. However, through lineage fate-mapping we demonstrate that such in vivo fusion of lymp

Clustering ECG complexes using Hermite functions and self-organizing maps

An integrated method for clustering of QRS complexes is presented which includes basis function representation and self-organizing neural networks (NN's). Each QRS complex is decomposed into Hermite basis functions and the resulting coefficients and width parameter are used to represent the complex. By means of this representation, unsupervised self-organizing NNs are employed to cluster the data

Vilken religion är sann och frågan om språkets obestämbarhet

There is nothing strange in asking what is true. There is nothing strange in asking whether what different religions proclaim is true, and if there is one of them that would be truer than others. Such questions surface when religions meet in various ways. How definite the answers can be depends on the level of linguistic stability, or so it is argued in this article. Therefore, understanding the f

Reading strategies and cognitive skills i children with cochlear implants

Abstract in UndeterminedThe present study investigated working memory capacity, lexical access, phonological skills and reading ability in 6 children with cochlear implants (CI), attending grades 1-3. For each test measure, the individual performance of the children was compared to a grade-matched comparison group of children with normal hearing. Performance was also studied in relation to demogra

Sperm chromatin structure assay in prediction of in vitro fertilization outcome.

Sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) assessed by sperm chromatin structure assay is a valuable tool for prediction of fertility in vivo. Previous studies on DFI as predictor of in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcome, based on relatively small materials, gave contradictory results. The present study examines, in a large cohort, the association between sperm DFI and the outcome of IVF/ICSI procedure. T

Airway responsiveness to mannitol in asthma is associated with chymase-positive mast cells and eosinophilic airway inflammation.

Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) to inhaled mannitol is associated with indirect markers of mast cell activation and eosinophilic airway inflammation. It is unknown how AHR to mannitol relates to mast cell phenotype, mast cell function and measures of eosinophilic inflammation in airway tissue. We compared the number and phenotype of mast cells, mRNA expression of mast cell associated genes and nu