

Din sökning på "*" gav 526291 sökträffar

Socio-economic determinants of under-five mortality in urban and rural areas in Tanzania

Under-five mortality in rural and urban areas in Tanzania is of critical national concern as is also the case in other developing countries. Within Tanzania, mortality rates vary greatly by region, with some regions having much higher mortality rates than others. The government of Tanzania has made substantial progress in reducing the under-five mortality rate. Despite the strategies introduced by

Waste Field, Front Field

For years the body of Tarlabası community has been squeezed into a container to protect the neo-liberal socio-economical representation of Istanbul. Today a subject of Turkish regeneration policies its deteriorating architectural heritage is sunken in piles of waste and entirely cut off from the municipal waste management system. Waste Field, Front Field proposes a rehabilitation of Tarlabası,pre

Approaching the New Plastic Economy: Solutions and Their Implications on Creating New Markets Around the Plastic Packaging Industry

Background: Today, plastic packages can be found from the nature all around the world, hence it is a topic which is widely discussed among consumers, the media and politics, to name a few. Furthermore, solutions to the waste issue are pondered upon these different groups. The packaging industry constitutes for a large share of the total plastic waste, which is why the study was narrowed down to th

Tidig träning av känseln vid nervavskärning i handledsnivå -en metodstudie

Bakgrund: Handen är människans viktigaste redskap. Efter en nervavskärning i handledsnivå skadas både rörelse- och känselförmåga i handen vilket påverkar individens aktiviteter i vardagen. Arbetsterapeuter genomför tidig känselträning som är viktigt för att återfå känselförmåga i handen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att jämföra och utvärdera olika bilder för användning i tidig känselträning. MetoBackground: The hand is humans’ most important tool. After a nerve injury at wrist level, both movement and sensory abilities of the hand are damaged, affecting the individual´s everyday activities. Occupational therapists conduct early sensory relearning which is important to regain sensory abilities. Aim: The aim was to compare and evaluate different images for use in early sensory relearning. M

SuperAcoustics - Development of Android application to measure sound reduction index

Urban bosättning är vanligt i dagens samhälle och en övervägande andel av befolkningen bor i lägenheter, där ljudisolering är en viktig aspekt rörande trivseln i bostaden. Användning av smartmobiler för akustiska mätningar blir allt vanligare, men inget enkelt verktyg finns idag för att mäta och räkna ut reduktionstalet. För att räkna ut reduktionstalet behövs ljudtrycksnivå, bakgrundsljud och efUrban dwelling is common in our society today and a considerable portion of the population reside in apartment buildings, making sound insulation an important aspect regarding the comfort of urban living. While using smartphones for acoustic measurements is becoming more and more common, there is an absence of a simple tool for measuring sound reduction index. Sound reduction index is a measuremen

Development and characterization of tissue-mimicking phantom materials for photoacoustic imaging

Tissue-mimicking phantoms are of great interest in the development of bio-medical applications. Instead of applying to biological tissues directly, phantoms enable stable and easy accessibility to validate spectroscopy systems and measuring processes. This thesis project is centered on the development and characterization of phantoms. The interaction between light and biological tissue is mainly

Barnperspektivet på ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas erfarenheter av att arbeta med barnperspektivet vid handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers experiences of the work with a child perspective when dealing with financial aid. A qualitative study with four semi-structured interviews with social workers was performed. The sample was made through purposive sampling of social workers in the department of financial aid in different municipalities in northwest Skåne. The results of the int

Arbetsmarknadens kunskapskrav på systemvetare - tidigare och idag

IT-branschen är föränderlig och under ständig utveckling. Det råder även stor kompetensbrist inom området, vilket skapar ett behov för att undersöka hur de kunskapskrav som finns på arbetsmarknaden ser ut. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilka krav på kunskap som arbetsmarknaden har på systemvetare och hur kraven har sett ut i tidigare studier. Uppsatsen bygger på teori om begreppen kunskap

What Mechanisms drive the first-day Return of IPOs?

The mechanisms behind the positive first day market-adjusted return of IPOs on the American and Canadian markets is examined from 2000 through 2018. A set of financial variables is tested as well as the industry-specific effect and the effect of being venture capital backed. Interaction terms between industry and venture capital backing are created to identify the effect of being venture capital i

Vägen till arbete : Tre ungdomar berättar

The aim of this study was to examine youth entry to the Swedish labor market. Young people´s own experiences of their entry into the labor market were in focus as well as their experiences regarding the importance of social actors through their path. The study was intended to highlight the impeding and enabling factors that a youth can face along their path to the labor market. This has been made

Investigation of a CO-Production of Substitute Natural Gas and Biomethanol Plant Compared to Stand Alone Biomethanol Plant

Klimatförändringar är en av mänsklighetens stora utmaningar, över hela världen obbar forskare och företag på att ta fram nya tekniker och innovationer för att bidra till en fosilfri framtid.Climate change is one of humanities greatest challenges; the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are still increasing. There is not one solution that will fix this problem several different products, raw material and technologies are required to take the steps towards a renewable society. Biomethanol and substitute natural gas, are two fossil free energy carrier, they can both be produced through g

Att invandra sent i livet : En studie om copingstrategier hos sent-i-livet invandrare från Bosnien-Hercegovina

The aim of this study was to examine how seniors with Bosnian & Hercegovinan ethnicity handled the challenges that occurred in their migration to Sweden after the Bosnian war. It also focuses on the analysis of coping strategies that have been seen as important to this group, and also show how their age affected this process, provided by their respective context and circumstances. Six intervie

Neoclassical Realism and Role Theory Revisited -The Comparative Case of. U.S. and Chinese Foreign Policies

This thesis explores how structure and national role conceptions (NRC) shape foreign policy behavior. U.S. and Chinese foreign policy behaviors are studied from a system-level and state-level of analysis to investigate how U.S.-Chinese relations are affected by a shifting international structure and roles in the context of rising nationalism under President Xi and Trump. Neoclassical realism and t

Klädsam kommunikation – Musiklärares uppfattning och användning av retorikens idéer i ensembleundervisning

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka musiklärares retoriska medvetenhet och användning av retoriska verktyg i ensembleundervisning. Bakgrunden till studien är vår vilja att fördjupa kunskapen om retorikens fördelar i musikundervisning. Studien bygger primärt på kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer och sekundärt på observationer. Dessa är genomförda med fyra musiklärare som undervisar på gymThis study aims to investigate the rhetorical awareness of music teachers and the use of rhetorical tools in ensemble teaching. The background to the study is our desire to deepen the knowledge of the advantages of rhetoric in music education. The study is primarily based on qualitative, semi-structured interviews and secondarily on observations. These are completed with four music teachers who te

Configuring the Corporate Accelerator for Synergies: A Multiple Case Study on the Relation Between Configurations of Corporate Accelerators and Potential for Synergies with Startup Support Institutions

Title: CONFIGURING THE CORPORATE ACCELERATOR FOR SYNERGIES: A Multiple Case Study on the Relation Between Configurations of Corporate Accelerators and Potential for Synergies with Startup Support Institutions Date of the seminar: 27 May, 2019 Course: ENTN39 Master’s Programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Internship and Degree Project (Master’s thesis 15 ECTS) Authors: Jacob Szemberg and G

Exploring the connections between Cloud computing and Electronic waste

In 2019 it was estimated that 50 million tonnes of e-waste was produced of which only 20% was officially recycled which has made the e-waste problem one of the most pressing environmental issues. As the current approaches to deal with the accelerating e-waste issue seemingly is falling short, the importance of utilizing alternative measures can no longer go unrecognized. Cloud computing has the ca

Does Medical Marijuana Availability Reduce Prescription of Anxiety Medication and Improve Mental Health?

The number of drug prescriptions has increased dramatically over the past 20 years, benzodiazepine prescriptions being a prime example with an increase of 67 percent between 1996 and 2013. Benzodiazepines are usually prescribed for anxiety; a disease marijuana has been proven to have a small yet observed effect on. Simultaneously with the increase in benzodiazepine prescriptions, mental health has

Making an Archive come to Life : a comparative case-study of Three Documentary Film Directors as Archival Users

This is a qualitative case study, comparing the experiences of three documentary film directors, each using archival sources in their works. Their experiences are communicated through a series of semi-structured interviews and compared for textual analysis. The research is intended as a contribution to the archival science by expanding our knowledge on this group of archival users and by applying

Bibliotekets silversurfare : en studie av sociala praktiker på surfcaféer för äldre

The main purpose of this master's thesis is to explore how public libraries in Sweden work to increase digital skills among older people. This is done by studying social practices in digital technology workshops at local meeting places for older people. Public librarians participated as instructors and the purpose of these workshops was to enhance the digital skills of older people. This stu