Din sökning på "*" gav 532065 sökträffar
P90 ribosomal S6 kinases : A bona fide target for novel targeted anticancer therapies?
The 90 kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) family of proteins is a group of highly conserved Ser/Thr kinases. They are downstream effectors of the Ras/ERK/MAPK signaling cascade. ERK1/2 activation directly results in the phosphorylation of RSKs, which further, through interaction with a variety of different downstream substrates, activate various signaling events. In this context, they have been shown t
Rapid formation of new migration route and breeding area by Arctic geese
Many Arctic-breeding animals are at risk from local extirpation associated with habitat constriction and alterations in phenology in their Arctic environment as a result of rapid global warming.1 Migratory species face additional increasing anthropogenic pressures along their migratory routes such as habitat destruction, droughts, creation of barriers, and overexploitation.2,3 Such species can onl
Metabolomic analysis of normal (C57BL/6J, 129S1/SvImJ) mice by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry : Detection of strain and gender differences
Previous studies have shown that the C57 and 129 strains of mice display marked differences in behavioural performance, neuroanatomy, neurochemistry and synaptic plasticity. However, few metabolomic studies of their biofluids have been performed. As part of a series of metabolic phenotyping, the effects of gender and strain upon serum metabolite composition and variation are examined in this study
Fresh and Aged Organic Aerosol Emissions from Renewable Diesel-Like Fuels HVO and RME in a Heavy-Duty Compression Ignition Engine
A modern diesel engine is a reliable and efficient mean of producing power. A way to reduce harmful exhaust and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and secure the sources of energy is to develop technology for an efficient diesel engine operation independent of fossil fuels. Renewable diesel fuels are compatible with diesel engines without any major modifications. Rapeseed oil methyl esters (RME) and o
Initiatives to raise awareness of paediatric palliative care in Sweden
Participatory urban art and workplace democracy: A conversational teaser
Building on the experiences from organising participatory urban art in the stigmatised suburbs of various Swedish cities, the article discusses the ways in which such processes democratise space and develop democratic praxis. It then points at the implications of such lessons for organising workplace democracy.
Effectiveness of women-led community interventions in improving tuberculosis preventive treatment in children : results from a comparative, before-after study in Ethiopia
OBJECTIVES: Our objective was to evaluate the impact of a service delivery model led by membership-based associations called Iddirs formed by women on tuberculosis preventive treatment (TPT) initiation and completion rates among children.DESIGN: Comparative, before-and-after study design.SETTING: Three intervention and two control districts in Ethiopia.PARTICIPANTS: Children who had a history of c
Temporal dynamics of TNF-mediated changes in hematopoietic stem cell function and recovery
While tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a critical mediator of appropriate immune response and tissue repair, its misregulation is linked to cancer, autoimmunity, bone marrow failure, and aging. Understanding the context-dependent roles of TNF is essential for elucidating normal and pathogenic conditions and to guide clinical therapy advancements. Prior studies suggested that TNF restricts the self-r
Long-term effect of stepped-care vs in-person cognitive behavioral therapy for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder
Long-term follow-up data from trials of digital mental health interventions are rare. This study reports 2-year follow-up data from a non-inferiority trial (N = 152) comparing stepped-care (internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT] followed by traditional in-person CBT if needed) vs in-person CBT for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder. Both treatment groups had comparable long-ter
Real-world long-term effects on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors for patients in digital therapeutics
Purpose Hypertension is a leading causeof premature death worldwide and a major public health problem. This study investigated the long-term effects (>1 year) of digital hypertension monitoring by home blood pressure (HBP) measurements in combination with individualized remote treatment via a Swedish Digital Therapeutics platform in a large patient population. Methods The primary endpoint, HBP, an
Age-related and amyloid-beta-independent tau deposition and its downstream effects
Amyloid-β (Aβ) is hypothesized to facilitate the spread of tau pathology beyond the medial temporal lobe. However, there is evidence that, independently of Aβ, age-related tau pathology might be present outside of the medial temporal lobe. We therefore aimed to study age-related Aβ-independent tau deposition outside the medial temporal lobe in two large cohorts and to investigate potential downstr
Autonomous cortisol secretion – Mortality, morbidity and diagnostics
ContextUp to half of patients with adrenal adenomas found as incidentalomas show biochemical signs of subtle cortisol hypersecretion without having clinical signs or symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome. A condition called autonomous cortisol secretion (ACS). Previous studies have indicated that ACS might be associated with increased mortality.ObjectivesExplore if ACS is an independent risk factor for i
En mineraliesamling i stenriket
Spåren efter Gustav Möller : Om socialpolitiska bakgrunder
Gustav Möller (1884-1970) var Sveriges socialminister under en korttid kring mitten av 1920-talet samt mellan åren 1932 och 1951 medett par kortare avbrott. Han var folkhemmets ”arkitekt” eller ”Socialsverigesskapare” som förre statsministern Tage Erlander uttryckte det.Möller var en kraftfull socialminister med en tydlig ideologi. Vägledandeprinciper för Möller var bland annat att socialpolitiken
Prolonged and intense neuroinflammation after severe traumatic brain injury assessed by cerebral microdialysis with 300 kDa membranes
Background: A neuroinflammatory response that may lead to edema and secondary brain damage is elicited in severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Previous studies using microdialysis (MD) membranes with 100 k Dalton (kDa) cut-off found a transient intracerebral release of cytokines and chemokines without significant correlations to clinical course, intracranial pressure (ICP) or metabolites. In this
Perinatal risk factors for developmental coordination disorder in children born extremely preterm
Aim: Children born extremely preterm frequently have developmental coordination disorder (DCD). We aimed to evaluate perinatal risk factors for DCD. Methods: Swedish national cohort study including 226 children born before 27 gestational weeks without major neurodevelopmental disabilities at 6.5 years. Outcome was DCD, defined as ≤5th percentile on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Seco
Water remains a blind spot in climate change policies.
For the first time in the latest Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), water has been the focus of dedicated chapters in both Working Group 1 (Chapter 8) and 2 (Chapter 4). Nevertheless, we argue here that water has not yet received the full attention it deserves from both scientists and policymakers for several reasons. Firstly, the historical focus on tempera
Degradation of multi-layer CVD-coated cemented carbide in finish milling compacted graphite iron
Stricter regulations on emissions and higher demands on engine performance drive automotive industries to replace conventional gray cast iron with compacted graphite iron (CGI). CGI has a higher wear resistance, strength, elastic modulus, and almost double fatigue strength as to gray cast iron, yet the same positive properties make CGI more difficult to machine. This study focuses on finish millin
We looked at 1,154 climate science results and found no evidence of ‘publication bias’
It is rare to encounter a scientific fact that stirs widespread debate and distrust quite like the matter of climate change.Despite consensus among climate specialists about a theory that is supported by a mountain of facts from the physical, natural, and cultural sciences, the debate continues to be perpetrated by politicians, industrialists, academics, and armchair scientists.When governments re