

Din sökning på "*" gav 531285 sökträffar

Från kasematt till allmänhet : En studie i filmarkivens arkivförmedling

The aim of this thesis is to map and explore how Swedish film archives work with archival intermediation and archival access activities, wherein the contemporary and transitional nature of film and film archives – from analogue to digital milieus – is considered. The intention is to deepen the knowledge concerning how these processes affect film archives as institutions of memory and film heritage

Vilka positiva effekter kan komma av ett etableringsstopp av friskolor med konfessionell inriktning?

Detta projekt kommer beskriva de rättsliga problemen med konfessionella friskolor samt hur dessa kan påverka barn som växer upp i auktoritära religiösa samfund. Jag kommer belysa hur några sådana barn har blivit påverkade.This project will describe the legal issues regarding schools with a religious profile and how those could effect children growing up in relious closed communities. I will showcase how some of those children have been effected.

Arabiska Våren i Maghreb Regionen: En komparativ demokratiseringsstudie av Tunisien och Libyen

This essay aims to examine the main factors behind why the transition to democracy during the Arab Spring succeeded in Tunisia whilst it failed in Libya. Tunisia is often referred to as the birthplace of the Arab Spring and later inspired regional neighbours to demand democratic reforms. Through a comparative approach this essay aims to provide a broader understanding as to how and why the outcome

Tourism in Time of Epidemics

The aim of this research project is to study the role played by communication strategies on organisational reputation among the different stakeholders involved during the current COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. In doing so, this master thesis aims to understand how crisis communication aids the management of service processes and the construction of organisational image during crises. This study has

Djur, natur och miljöstraffrättens antropocentriska struktur - En moralfilosofisk utvärdering av miljöstraffrätten och dess framtid

Varje år blir klimat- och miljösituationen på vår planet värre. Mänsklighetens aktiviteter ökar kontinuerligt planetens genomsnitts¬temperatur och globala klimatsystem är satta ur balans. Sammanvävt med klimatkrisen orsakar vi dessutom en massutrotning av arter som idag har nått skrämmande nivåer. Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur miljöstraffrätten förhåller sig till klimat- och miljökrisen på ettThe environmental and climate crisis deteriorates every year. Human activities keep increasing the average temperature of our planet and as a consequence, global environmental systems have been put out of balance. Simultaneously and intertwined with the climate crisis, human behavior is also causing a mass extinction of species with a terrifying speed. This thesis investigates how Swedish environ

The best a brand can be? P&G’s femvertising meeting hegemonic masculinity

This thesis uses Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis and Multimodal Discourse Analysis to study how a house of brands, like Procter & Gamble (P&G), handles femvertising, that it is produced by its own brands. The paper analyses the phenomenon using examples from commercials that belong to P&G’s #WeSeeEqual campaign and the controversial commercial video from Gillette The best men can

Customized Processor Design for 5G Data Link Layer Processing

This thesis aims to explore the workflow related to designing an application specific instruction-set processor (ASIP). An ASIP is a processor similar to a hardware accelerator (HAC) in terms of performance and efficiency, but containing elements of general purpose processors (GPPs) when it comes to programmability and flexibility. The thesis centers around the design of an ASIP which will handle

Towards the construction of a multivalent protein scaffold for influenza antigen display

Influenza is the causative agent of the flu. Symptoms usually include fever, coughing, and general malaise. Besides the general societal burden, influenza can also threaten global health when mixing its genome with influenza viruses in birds or pigs, as exemplified by the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. The virus uses its proteins haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) to get in or away from host c

Declining abundance and shifting distribution for Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, in the western Antarctic Peninsula

Krillens barnkammare hotas av smältande havsis i Antarktis I den västra delen av den antarktiska halvön smälter havsisen. Den delen av södra oceanen är känd för sin stora rikedom och mängd av antarktisk krill, Euphausia superba. Krillen är beroende av havsisen för föda och beskydd. Den globala uppvärmningen försämrar krillens lekområden. Man ser nu en nedgång i krillbeståndets storlek och krillenAntarctic krill, Euphausia superba, a polar ocean specialist, thrives in the Antarctic severe physical conditions. The krill life cycle consists of strategies that have enabled and supported the species’ dominance of the Antarctic Ocean. Sea Ice extent and duration creates condition that are crucial for survival of the Furcilia larvae. The species has flexibility to food resources and is omnivorou

Intrång i den trygga zonen: En studie om hur äldres trygghetsperspektiv förändras av ett stöldbrott

Brott mot äldre är ett allt vanligare ämne i samhällsdebatten, men ändå finns det begränsad kunskap kring vilka typer av brott som är riktade till äldre. Oavsett ålder så blir samhällsmedborgare utsatta för alla typer av brott och det finns egentligen ingen speciell typ av brott som endast drabbar äldre. Däremot finns det tillvägagångssätt hos gärningspersonerna använder sig av speciellt mot äldre

An Exploration of Galois Theory with some Classical Results

Målet med denna uppsats är att bidra med en koncis introduktion till ämnet Galoisteori som kulminerar i ett bevis för olösbarheten av den generella femtegradsekvationen med radikala uttryck. Vidare används den kroppteori som behandlats till att kortfattat diskutera geometriska konstruktioner, där omöjligheten av kubens fördubbling, vinkelns tredelning och cirkelns kvadratur bevisas. Innehållet ochGalois theory unites field theory and group theory to solve some field theoretical problems. The aim of this thesis is to provide a concise introduction to the topic, culminating in the proof of the insolubility of the general quintic equation by radicals. Using the developed field theory, a short discussion about geometric constructions is included, in which the impossibility of duplicating the c

#GamerGate: En tematisk innehållsanalys av GamerGate och det internetbaserade kvinnohatet

This essay examines the online based misogyny within the Twitter hashtag GamerGate created in late 2014 as a response to the allegations made against female video game developer Zoe Quinn regarding infidelity and using sexual relations as a way to gain favourable commentary with respects to a game of hers. Using a method of thematic content analysis combined with GamerGate as our case study we wer

Production and power structure in the landscape of the Ulu Belu geothermal area, Indonesia

Recently, the Government of Indonesia has committed to intensifying geothermal development. In its event, geothermal development is part of global demands and national interests to reduce dependence on fossil fuels as commitments to respond the climate change. However, many geothermal areas in Indonesia are located in peripheral regions which populated with an established settlement of people. In

Do Colon Cancer Screening Programs Reduce Mortality? Evidence from Spain

The two main objectives of colon cancer screening programs are to prevent and early detect possible cancers in the medium-risk population. Hence, with this paper, I study the following two questions. First, is the program successful at reducing colon cancer mortality rate? Second, what are the key roles early detection and prevention have in reducing mortality rate? To answer these questions, I us

Form före frihet? - Motiven bakom grundlagens tillämpning på podcasts

Sedan några år tillbaka har podcasts blivit en viktig uttrycksform för utbytet av idéer och åsikter. Precis som många andra framställningar på internet brottas emellertid medieformen med svårigheter att bli omfattad av de svenska yttrandefrihetsgrundlagarna. Tillämpningsfrågan berörs varken av lagtext eller förarbeten och området är i princip oprövat av rättspraxis. Uppsatsen syftar därför till atFor the past few years, podcasts have grown to become an important form of expression for exchange of ideas and opinions. However, similarly to other publications on the internet, podcasts struggle to fall under the Swedish constitution; the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression. The question of how the constitution applies to podcasts remains unnoticed in the preparatory works as well as in Sw

Landsbygden och hållbarheten i transportinfrastrukturplanering : en fallstudie över regionala och nationella infrastrukturprioriteringar

Based on regional differences in cities and countryside this bachelor thesis intends to explore regional and national prioritization in transport planning. With new investments effecting both growth and sustainability, an urban focus can leave minor municipalities and smaller towns unable to compete, possibly making a sustainable lifestyle exclusive to cities. Using a case study approach and con

Groundwater flow modelling to address hydrogeological response of a contaminated site to remediation measures at Hjortsberga, southern Sweden

Pentaklorfenol (PCP) är en klorerad aromatisk förening som användes flitigt för att behandla trä mot mikrobiell nedbrytning innan den blev förbjuden på 70-talet. På grund av dess höga löslighet förekommer PCP som en grundvattenförorening kring äldre sågverk. Hjortsberga i södra Sverige är ett exempel på denna typ av förorening och är det område som undersöks i arbetet. Förorenat grundvatten spridsPentachlorophenol (PCP) is a chlorinated aromatic compound that was commonly used for treatment of wood against microbial degradation before it got banned in the 1970s. Due to its solubility in water, PCP is a common groundwater contaminant around old sawmills, for example near Hjortsberga in southern Sweden where this study was performed.. The contaminated groundwater is spreading and leaking int

Resilient Disaster Recovery: An exploration of operationalizing climate change adaptation measures in disaster recovery at the community level on Grand Bahama and Abaco

This explorative case-study examines the dynamics of operationalizing climate change adaptation (CCA) measures in the aftermath of climate change induced natural disaster at the community level in a low-lying coastal Nation State with fragile institutional capacity. It explores the roles and responsibilities different stakeholder groups take and identifies constraints and facilitators for operatio

Avtal om att föra annans talan - en processrättslig problematisering

Den som har ett rättsligt anspråk gentemot någon annan kan väcka talan i domstol för att låta anspråket komma under rättslig prövning. Rätten till domstolsprövning garanteras genom artikel 6(1) EKMR. Det förekommer emellertid att en kärande eller en potentiell svarande ingår avtal med någon utomstående med innebörden att den senare ska föra kärandens eller den potentielle svarandens talan vid domsA person who has a legal claim against another party can bring his claim before a court. The fundamental right of access to court is expressed in Article 6(1) of the ECHR. However, it is common that a plaintiff or a potential defendant enters into agreement with a third party implying that the latter shall bring the claim before court instead of the plaintiff/defendant. The purpose of this essay h