

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Workers building the People’s Park: experiments in movement-made leisure spaces in 19th century

Parks and other public spaces play an important role in working class formation. Yet, these placeswere often provided for urban populations by philanthropic elites who in turn set the, oftenunambiguously authoritarian, terms of use. In the Swedish city Malmö, the social democratic labormovement acquired a public park run by the movement itself in 1893 and proclaimed it “ThePeople’s Park”, mimickin

Machining performance and wear behaviour of polycrystalline diamond and coated carbide tools during milling of titanium alloy Ti-54M

Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) is currently under development as a new generation of cutting tool material for titanium alloy machining applications. The unrivaled high temperature hardness possessed by PCD offers the potential for higher levels of productivity compared to tungsten carbide, the current industry standard tool material, through facilitating higher cutting speeds. This study investiga

What Is the Role of the Body in Science Education? A Conversation Between Traditions

Bodily engagement with the material and sociocultural world is ubiquitous in doing and learning science. However, science education researchers have often tended to emphasize the disembodied and nonmaterial aspects of science learning, thereby overlooking the crucial role of the body in meaning-making processes. While in recent years we have seen a turn towards embracing embodied perspectives, the

Environmental, geographical and time-related impacts on avian malaria infections in native and introduced populations of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), a globally invasive species

Aim: The increasing spread of vector-borne diseases has resulted in severe health concerns for humans, domestic animals and wildlife, with changes in land use and the introduction of invasive species being among the main possible causes for this increase. We explored several ecological drivers potentially affecting the local prevalence and richness of avian malaria parasite lineages in native and

I will help you, but will you help me? How the Perception of a Teachable Agent May Influence Performance

Learning by teaching someone else has proven to be beneficial in both human-human and human-agent interaction. Instructing someone else, that is, taking the role as a tutor, has a series of positive effects on students' learning and performance. For example, the fact that someone else is in need of help seems to affect students to put more effort into the task at hand, trying harder, being more th

PM2.5 and Dementia in a Low Exposure Setting : The Influence of Odor Identification Ability and APOE

BACKGROUND: Growing evidence show that long term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of dementia. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate associations between PM2.5 exposure and dementia in a low exposure area, and to investigate the role of olfaction and the APOE ɛ4 allele in these associations. METHODS: Data were drawn from the Betula project, a longitudinal study on aging,

Den taktiska fördelen med få större ytstridsfartyg jämfört med fler mindre inom ramen för en kustförsvarsoperation

The ambition of this study is to assess whether it is most tactically advantageous to have fewer larger surface combatant ships compared to more smaller ones within the framework of a coastal defense operation in Swedish waters. The study notes that since the torpedo was first fired in anger in battle more than 135 years ago, small warships have for long had the ability to sink larger warships. Th

Trade Unions, the Social Democratic Party and Labor Market Conflicts in Malmö, 1890–1910

According to labor movement historian Axel Uhlén, two local conflicts in Malmö have created a huge interest all around Sweden (Uhlén, A. (1949) Facklig kamp i Malmö under sju decennier (Malmö: Framtiden), p. 259). The first labor dispute is the woodworker’s strike in 1890, called the Malmö revolt when thousands of people demonstrated in the streets and squares in the city center. Both local police

Self-management from the perspective of people with stroke – An interview study

ObjectiveSelf-management support can improve quality of life, mood, self-efficacy, and physical function following a stroke. Knowledge of how people with stroke understand and experience self-management in different contexts is crucial to developing effective self-management support. This study explored how people with stroke understand and practice self-management during the post-acute phase.Meth

Evaluation of genetic demultiplexing of single-cell sequencing data from model species

Single-cell sequencing (sc-seq) provides a species agnostic tool to study cellular processes. However, these technologies are expensive and require sufficient cell quantities and biological replicates to avoid artifactual results. An option to address these problems is pooling cells from multiple individuals into one sc-seq library. In humans, genotype-based computational separation (i.e., demulti

Elements of cognition for general intelligence

What can artificial intelligence learn from the cognitive sciences? We review some fundamental aspects of how human cognition works and relate it to different brain structures and their function. A central theme is that cognition is very different from how it is envisioned in classical artificial intelligence which offers a novel path toward intelligent systems that in many ways is both simpler an

Påverkar utdelningar värderingen?

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether dividends have an impact on the valuation of firms. A classic framework deeming dividends irrelevant given certain assumptions provides a rationale for investigating the subject following deviations from such assumptions. To answer the question data consisting of 222 firms listed on the Swedish stock exchange were collected and subsequently used

FDI:s effekt på ekonomisk tillväxt i utvecklingsländer - En empirisk studie med fokus Subsahariska Afrika

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida FDI-inflöde har en effekt på ekonomisk tillväxt i utvecklingsländer i Subsahariska Afrika. Studien bygger på en panel av totalt 29 länder under tidsperioden 1996-2020. Metoden som används är en multipel regressionsanalys som dels utreder om FDI har en direkt effekt på ekonomisk tillväxt, dels om inhemska faktorer kan vara avgörande för att uppnå de

The street-jihadi spectrum : Marginality, radicalization and resistance to extremism

For over a decade, jihadi terrorism in Europe, and the recruitment of Europeans to fight for ISIS in Syria, have increasingly involved marginalized youths from a social context of street culture, illegal drug use and crime. Existing theoretical models of the crime-terrorism nexus and radicalization arguably do not sufficiently explain the fluid and dynamic ways by which the street cultural come to