

Din sökning på "*" gav 533223 sökträffar

Tracking the Civic Subject in the Media Landscape: Versions of the Democratic Ideal

Research on media and democracy mobilizes a range of conceptual versions of the subject. This is often done implicitly, or out of habit, with a specific model becoming established in any given research tradition. This presentation argues that different theories of the subject can have different implications for our understanding of citizenship and democracy. The text surveys a number of versions,

Influence of tidal volume on pulmonary gas exchange during general anaesthesia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Intubationer (nedsättande av andningsslang i luftstrupen) i samband med generella anestesier kan påverka lungfunktionen med en sänkt arteriell syresättning (SpO2) som följd. Medel för inhalationsanestesi administreras och elimineras via andningsvägarna. Anestesimedlen tas upp i blodet från lungans alveoler genom diffusion och transporteras löst i blodplasma till hjärnanBackground and objective: General anaesthesia impairs respiratory function. The present studies were performed to compare arterial concentration of sevoflurane, oxygen and carbon dioxide in normal and overweight patients ventilated with increased tidal volume (VT), or normal tidal volume with and without PEEP. Methods: Prospective, randomised, clinical studies. ASA І and II abdominal surgery patie

Stadsbarndom: om barns erfarenheter av platser i staden

Artikeln presenterar två kvalitativa studier som fokuserat barns användning av och relation till platser utomhus utifrån barns perspektiv. Studierna genomfördes vid olika tidpunkter, i mitten av 1990-talet och under åren 2008–2009, med barn i ungefär samma åldrar (9–11 år), med liknande metoder och i snarlika typer av bostadsmiljöer, men i två olika svenska städer. Teoretiska utgångspunkter hämtas

P-selectin glycoprotein-ligand-1 regulates pulmonary recruitment of neutrophils in a platelet-independent manner in abdominal sepsis

Neutrophil-mediated lung injury is an insidious feature in sepsis although the mechanisms regulating pulmonary recruitment of neutrophils remain elusive. Here, we investigated the role of P-selectin glycoprotein-ligand-1 (PSGL-1) in sepsis-induced neutrophil recruitment and tissue injury in the lung. Bronchoalveolar infiltration of neutrophils, levels of myeloperoxidase, oedema formation and CXC c

Optimal PI and PID Parameters for a Batch of Benchmark Process Models Representative for the Process Industry

This report presents a large number of optimal PI and PID parameters for a batch of 134 benchmark process models representative for the process industry. This information can e.g. be used as a reference for other controller design methods. The optimal parameters have been derived using the MATLAB®-based software called SWORD, which determines the PI or PID controller that gives the best load distu

Numerical computations and optical diagnostics of unsteady partially premixed methane/air flames

The structures and dynamics of unsteady laminar partially premixed methane/air Bunsen flames are studied by means of numerical simulations, OH and CH PLIF imaging, and high speed chemiluminescence imaging employing a high framing speed intensified charge coupled device camera. The Bunsen burner has a diameter of 22 mm. Rich methane/air mixtures with an equivalence ratio of 1.5 are injected from th

Benefit distribution and equity in Ecuador's Socio Bosque Program

In this article we analyze the equity and distribution of financial incentives in Ecuador's Programa Socio Bosque (PSB). PSB aims to conserve native ecosystems on privately owned lands while reducing rural poverty. Based on the analysis of 1,563 conservation contracts, representing nearly 900,000ha of land in Ecuador and more than 90,000 beneficiaries, we scrutinize the regional distribution of be

Finding Our Way through Phenotypes.

Despite a large and multifaceted effort to understand the vast landscape of phenotypic data, their current form inhibits productive data analysis. The lack of a community-wide, consensus-based, human- and machine-interpretable language for describing phenotypes and their genomic and environmental contexts is perhaps the most pressing scientific bottleneck to integration across many key fields in b

Visualization of multi-regime turbulent combustion in swirl-stabilized lean premixed flames

Simultaneous two-species imaging using single-shot planar laser-induced fluorescence have been performed to record high quality image pairs of CH/OH, CH/CH2O and OH/CH2O to visualize the flame front structures in swirl-stabilized lean premixed methane/air flames. The results show that the investigated flames exhibit various flame front structures distinctly in space, which covers: (1) the corrugat

Characterization of mutations in complement factor I (CFI) associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome

Recent studies have identified mutations in the complement regulatory gene factor I (CFI) that predispose to atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). CFI is a two-chain serine protease in which the light chain carries the catalytic domain while the heavy chain's function is unclear. It downregulates the alternative and classical complement pathways by cleaving the alpha' chains of C3b and C4b in

Business excellence models: limitations, reflections and further development

The use of business excellence models (BEM) has become popular in the last two decades, and several companies have learned how to use them and gained from such models. More companies, we assume, have experienced problems when using such models because of various weaknesses such as too-sophisticated assessment criteria, excessive paperwork, cumbersome procedures and a lack of focus, which have limi

Cytokine gene polymorphisms and the risk of adenocarcinoma of the stomach in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC-EURGAST)

Background: The relative contribution to gastric cancer (GC) risk of variants in genes that determine the inflammatory response remains mostly unknown and results from genotyping studies are inconsistent. Patients and methods: A nested case-control study within the prospective European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort was carried out, including 248 gastric adenocarcinomas

Studies on the formation of aluminides in heated Nb-Al powder mixtures

The formation of aluminides during the heating of Nb-Al powder mixtures with different initial compositions (25, 33.3 and 75 at.% Al) has been studied using a differential scanning calorimeter. The effect of parameters like particle size, compaction and heating rate on the onset temperature of reaction has been determined. The results show that an increase in heating rate leads to an increase in o

Lithic technology and behavioural modernity: New results from the Still Bay site, Hollow Rock Shelter, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

The Hollow Rock Shelter site in Western Cape Province, South Africa, was excavated in 1993 and 2008. This study presents new results from a technological analysis of Still Bay points and bifacial flakes from the site. The results show that Still Bay points from the site are standardized tools. The points in the assemblage consist of a complex mixture of whole and fragmented points in all phases of

Measurement Based Channel Characterization and Modeling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication is a challenging but fast growing technology that has potential to enhance traffic safety and efficiency. It can also provide environmental benefits in terms of reduced fuel consumption. The effectiveness and reliability of these applications highly depends on the quality of the V2V communication link, which rely upon the properties of the propagation channel