

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Att hjälpa eller stjälpa? En arbetsgivares hantering av en arbetstagares narkotikabruk

This thesis aims to examine the possibilities and obligations that an employer in the private sector has towards an employee who uses or has used drugs. Swedish labour law lacks regulation and case law concerning the measures that may be taken in the event of an employee’s drug use. Due to the absence of specific legislation, an analogical interpretation is made based on the provisions that regula

Omreglering av anställningsvillkor: Sänkt sysselsättningsgrad vs. sänkt lön och borttagning av förmåner

Omreglering av anställningsvillkor har inte omfattats av LAS förrän vid införandet av 7 a-7 b §§ år 2022. Arbetstagaren gavs ett skydd vid hyvling som innebär omreglering till sänkt sysselsättningsgrad. Det finns fler anställningsvillkor som kan omregleras och som leder till ekonomisk förlust för arbetstagaren, såsom sänkt lön eller borttagning av förmåner. Uppsatsen kommer att utreda skälen till

Uppsägning av anställning till följd av psykisk ohälsa

Arbetet hade som primärt syfte att undersöka de olika aspekter och kriterier som tas i beaktande vid uppsägning till följd av psykisk ohälsa hos arbetstagare och därmed vad som krävs för att sakliga skäl ska föreligga. Uppsatsen undersökte även hur vidsträckt arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsskyldighet är och när den anses vara fullgjord. Den rättsdogmatiska metoden användes för att fastställa gällanThe primary purpose of the presented paper was to analyze the different aspects and criteria taken into account in cases of dismissal due to mental illness and consequently what the legislative requirements for fair reasons (sakliga skäl) is. The analysis also examined to what extent the employer has an obligation to rehabilitate and which criteria are taken into account in the assessment if the e

Lönejämställdhet i Sverige - Befintliga regleringar samt en inblick i Lunds kommuns lönejämställdhetsarbete

Vi lever i ett samhälle där frågan om jämställdhet är mer omdebatterad än någonsin. Sverige utger en bild av att vara i framkant när det kommer till lönejämställdhet. Stämmer detta verkligen, finns det tillräckliga regleringar för att säkerställa en likvärdig lön för lika arbete oavsett kön och följer Sverige dessa regleringar? Syftet med uppsatsen är att reda ut vilka regleringar som finns gällanWe live in a society where the issue of equality is more debated than ever. Sweden portrays itself as a frontrunner in wage equality. Is this really the case? Are there sufficient regulations to ensure equal pay for equal work regardless of gender, and does Sweden comply with these regulations? This essay aims to examine the regulations that exist regarding wage equality efforts in Sweden and how

Uppsägning som hänför sig till arbetstagarens uppförande och bristande arbetsinsats - En utredning om vad som anses utgöra sakliga skäl vid uppsägning på grund av bristande arbetsprestation, samarbetssvårigheter och misskötsamhet

Enligt 7§ LAS behöver det föreligga sakliga skäl för att en uppsägning ska vara godtagbar. Sakliga skäl har i och med 2022 år reform ersatt saklig grund. Innan reformen var 7§ LAS en tvingande lagregel, men genom införandet av 2c § LAS blev 7 § LAS semidispositiv. Ändringen har lett till att kollektivavtal, med avvikande bestämmelser från 7§ LAS, numera kan slutas på huvudavtalsnivå. Den 22 juni 2

Leverantörs tillgång till information vid överprövning av upphandling – Metoder för anskaffning och tillgång till information efter parts- och domstolsaktivitet i mål om överprövning av offentlig upphandling

Vid överprövning av en offentlig upphandling är information absolut nödvändigt för sökande leverantör. För bifall till yrkandet krävs att sökanden åberopar rättsligt relevanta omständigheter och för dessa i bevis. Hela sökandens processföring som sådan emanerar från den information som denna har tillgång till. Denna uppsats utreder hur en leverantör – efter egen aktivitet samt med hjälp av domstolInformation is an absolute necessity for a supplier when applying for a review procedure of a procurement. To succeed with the application, the supplier needs to fulfil its burden of invoking certain legally relevant facts, as well as its burden of proof for said facts; all of which require access to information. This paper investigates how said supplier – on its own in addition to with the assist

Conformational dynamics and enzyme evolution

Enzymes are dynamic entities, and their dynamic properties are clearly linked to their biological function. It follows that dynamics ought to play an essential role in enzyme evolution. Indeed, a link between conformational diversity and the emergence of new enzyme functionalities has been recognized for many years. However, it is only recently that state-of-the-art computational and experimental

Evolutionary repurposing of a sulfatase : A new Michaelis complex leads to efficient transition state charge offset

The recruitment and evolutionary optimization of promiscuous enzymes is key to the rapid adaptation of organisms to changing environments. Our understanding of the precise mechanisms underlying enzyme repurposing is, however, limited: What are the active-site features that enable the molecular recognition of multiple substrates with contrasting catalytic requirements? To gain insights into the mol

Epoxide hydrolysis as a model system for understanding flux through a branched reaction scheme

The epoxide hydrolase StEH1 catalyzes the hydrolysis of trans-methylstyrene oxide to 1-phenyl-propane-1,2-diol. The (S,S)-epoxide is exclusively transformed into the (1R,2S)-diol, while hydrolysis of the (R,R)-epoxide results in a mixture of product enantiomers. In order to understand the differences in the stereoconfigurations of the products, the reactions were studied kinetically during both th

Evolution of chalcone isomerase from a noncatalytic ancestor

The emergence of catalysis in a noncatalytic protein scaffold is a rare, unexplored event. Chalcone isomerase (CHI), a key enzyme in plant flavonoid biosynthesis, is presumed to have evolved from a nonenzymatic ancestor related to the widely distributed fatty-acid binding proteins (FAPs) and a plant protein family with no isomerase activity (CHILs). Ancestral inference supported the evolution of C

Nurses' experiences of text-based digital triage at primary healthcare centres in Sweden : a qualitative interview study

BACKGROUND: Telehealth services are becoming increasingly popular at primary healthcare centres. Some examples include text-based digital triage and health guidance using chats, emails, images and pre-filled forms. Telephone-based communication has until recent years been the predominant means for triage and health guidance, but now includes written communication via computer or smartphone. Hence

From pastures to plates: The thorny path to achieving deforestation-free cattle from Brazil to European consumers

The EU regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) enacted in 2023 aims to reduce deforestation connected to commodities imported to the EU, including cattle products. In Brazil, the EUDR pressures the local cattle supply chain towards more sustainable production. However, the potential effects of the EUDR on reducing deforestation in this sector are unclear and require scrutiny. Drawing on t

Empirical Valence Bond Simulations Suggest a Direct Hydride Transfer Mechanism for Human Diamine Oxidase

Diamine oxidase (DAO) is an enzyme involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and the immune response. This enzyme performs oxidative deamination in the catabolism of biogenic amines, including, among others, histamine, putrescine, spermidine, and spermine. The mechanistic details underlying the reductive half-reaction of the DAO-catalyzed oxidative deamination which leads to the reduced enz

Different situations, similar outcomes : Heritage grammars across the lifespan

The rise of scientific inquiry focusing on bilingualism over the past few decades has also borne witness to an increase in the study of individuals and communities who speak a native language that is not the sociolinguistically dominant language of the environment in which they grew up. While it is common practice to refer to these diverse groups and individuals as “heritage speakers”, it is uncle

Amyloid-β Peptide Interactions with Amphiphilic Surfactants : Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Effects

The amphiphilic nature of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide associated with Alzheimer's disease facilitates various interactions with biomolecules such as lipids and proteins, with effects on both structure and toxicity of the peptide. Here, we investigate these peptide-amphiphile interactions by experimental and computational studies of Aβ(1-40) in the presence of surfactants with varying physicochemica

Role of Ligand-Driven Conformational Changes in Enzyme Catalysis : Modeling the Reactivity of the Catalytic Cage of Triosephosphate Isomerase

We have previously performed empirical valence bond calculations of the kinetic activation barriers, Δ G‡calc, for the deprotonation of complexes between TIM and the whole substrate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP, Kulkarni et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017 , 139 , 10514 - 10525 ). We now extend this work to also study the deprotonation of the substrate pieces glycolaldehyde (GA) and GA·HPi [HPi = pho

Computer simulations of the catalytic mechanism of wild-type and mutant β-phosphoglucomutase

β-Phosphoglucomutase (β-PGM) has served as an important model system for understanding biological phosphoryl transfer. This enzyme catalyzes the isomerization of β-glucose-1-phosphate to β-glucose-6-phosphate in a two-step process proceeding via a bisphosphate intermediate. The conventionally accepted mechanism is that both steps are concerted processes involving acid-base catalysis from a nearby

Challenges and advances in the computational modeling of biological phosphate hydrolysis

Phosphate ester hydrolysis is fundamental to many life processes, and has been the topic of substantial experimental and computational research effort. However, even the simplest of phosphate esters can be hydrolyzed through multiple possible pathways that can be difficult to distinguish between, either experimentally, or computationally. Therefore, the mechanisms of both the enzymatic and non-enz