Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar
Medias roll vid effektivitetsrevision i statsförvaltningen
Vid effektivitetsrevision i statsförvaltningen används genomslag ofta som ett mått på framgång för en NAO (National Audit Office). Media spelar en viktig roll för genomslaget, i synnerhet när det saknas beredningskrav för granskningarna i riksdagen. Relationen till media kan vara problematisk på flera vis och äventyra granskningsmyndighetens oberoende och trovärdighet. I detta papper diskuteras m
Ways of Value Creation in B2B Interactions - A micro-level sales perspective
Research streams in industrial- and service marketing have announced the increasing intangibility and servitization of business exchanges and as a consequence their more interactive nature. Even though, early interaction models support the idea of exchanges as social interaction processes, little is known about this social, individual level between companies. The study therefore aims to increase t
The Missing Jus Cogens and Inter-Temporal Law Arguments: Operation Enduring Freedom Considered at Some Distance
Parallella stater något att överväga
Impacts of ozone on regulating services
Meningslös byråkrati drabbar sjukskrivna
Abstract in Undetermined Ny undersökning visar: Försäkringskassans avstämningsmöten till ingen nytta. De lagstadgade möten som ska få långtidssjukskrivna ut på arbetsmarknaden leder inte till att de får jobb i större utsträckning jämfört med dem som inte kallats till sådana möten. Inte heller blir sjukskrivningstiden kortare. Avskaffa dessa möten, de fyller ingen funktion, skriver professor Antoin
Characterization of first and second hand vapor from electronic cigarettes
Estimation of Deformable Structure and Motion
Summing up
Sociological Jurisprudence
This chapter examines the relevance of ideas developed by Petrazycki and Ehrlich to the current concerns of the sociology of law. It starts by briefly describing the academic and political contexts in which these ideas were born. Then it goes on to present some aspects of the theories of Petrazycki and Ehrlich and to examine their imprints on empirical research. The final part of the chapter bring
The origin and chemical evolution of iron-peak and neutron-capture elements in the Milky Way disk
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Big Bang skapades 3 grundämnen: H, He, och spår av Li. Alla andra grundämnen har bildats i stjärnor. Lågmassiva stjärnor som vår sol kan genom kärnreaktioner skapa grundämnen upp till och med syre i det periodiska systemet, medan mer massiva stjärnor kan skapa grundämnen ända upp till järn. Tyngre grundämnen än järn produceras in slutstadierna av stjärnornas liv, tillAll the elements heavier than Li are created during stellar evolution. Even if our knowledge of this process is good, many questions still remain. For instance, the odd-Z iron-peak elements Sc, V, Mn, and Co together with neutron-capture elements Sr, Zr, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, and Eu have still unclear production sites because theoretical models and observational evidences are not in agreement. Having a
The Politics of War Memory in Sino-Japanese Relations: Negotiating the Contents of War Exhibitions
Indigenous Real Wages and Standards of Living in Colonial Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1900-1960
The economic history of colonial Bechuanaland has generally been under researched. In this article we aim at redeeming this situation by constructing real wage series for various occupations 1900-1960 using records from the colonial archives. We calculate nominal wages, subsistence consumption baskets and real wages. Our mapping means that we fill an existing knowledge gap. Throughout the text we
Uppföljning av tillgänglighet, aktivitetsutövande och upplevt välbefinnande i samband med bostadsanpassningar.
Samarbetssamtal – leder de till en “sann” överenskommelse för barnets bästa, eller bara en förhandlingslösning?
A generic hardware MAC for wireless personal area network platforms
This paper presents a generic hardware-MAC for systems designed based on high rate (IEEE 802.15.3) and low rate (IEEE 802.15.4)Wireless Personal Area Networks. functionality that are better run in hardware are moved over from the software part of the MAC layer. An easy to access memory like interface has been defined for data and control transfer between the software and hardware parts of theMAC l