Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar
Astrometric Radial Velocities II. Maximum-likelihood estimation of radial velocities in moving clusters
The Role of Purposiveness in a Strategic Theory of Organizational Capabilities
Organizational capabilities appear in both the capability-based view and in the resource-based view. Both theories are, to a varying degree, based on notions such as bounded rationality and tacit knowledge, while paying less attention to the aspects of intentionality and purposiveness that are associated with the notion of being capable of something. Based on a case-study of pricing capability in
Corporate Distress and Restructuring with Macroeconomic Fluctuations: The Cases of GM and Ford
Evolution eller erosion - Några reflektioner kring miljöstraffrätten
Policy Recommendations for Renewable Energies
energy policy; renewable energy;
The threat from non indigenous species - ecosystem vulnerability, global distribution and co-occurrence with other major threats
Popular Abstract in Swedish Främmande arter är sådana som introducerats med människans hjälp till områden de inte kan sprida sig till på egen hand. Om en introducerad art är framgångsrik och lyckas etablera och sprida sig i mottagarregionen kan den påverka de inhemska arterna genom predation, konkurrens, hybridisering, parasitism och förändring av habitat. Eftersom arterna i mottagarområdet inte hWe live in a globalised world where people and goods travel large distances. Various species are brought along on these journeys, intentionally or as hitchhikers. Some of these species establish populations in regions to which they could not have spread without human assistance, and where they are considered to be non indigenous species (NIS). These species can affect the ecosystem in the recipien
China: Water rises as sustainability priority
Computational aeroacoustics of a s eparate flow exhaust system with eccentric inner nozzle
A major issue related to our modern way of life is the noise caused by jet engine powered airliners. Methods to reduce the jet noise were proposed in the last decades starting with the introduction of high bypass turbofan engines. A numerical investigation of flow and acoustics of a separate flow exhaust system is performed in the present paper. The goal is to investigate how the noise generated b
Rena rusningen i gaser och vätskor
Experimental and computational investigation of machining processes for functionally graded materials
Experiments on dry face turning offunctionallygraded heat treatable steel are conducted. The workpieces have a hardened zone of approx. 60 HRC and a non-hardened zone of approx. 30 HRC. PCBN tools are used with different feeds, cutting speeds and depths of cut. Measurements of residual stresses in the surface layer reveal compressive stresses in the hardened zone and tensile stresses in the non-ha
Parametrization of the local scattering function estimator for vehicular-to-vehicular channels
Non wide-sense stationary (WSS) uncorrelated scatterering (US) fading processes are observed in vehicular communications. To estimate such a process under additive white Gaussian noise we use the local scattering function (LSF). In this paper we present an optimal parametrization of the multitaper-based LSF estimator. We do this by quantizing the mean square error (MSE). For that purpose we use th
Critical Aspects of CRM Learning Processes
Energy renovations of EU multifamily buildings: do current policies target the real problems?
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) require ambitious policies for existing buildings. One important aspect of policy design is to understand the decision making of building owners and investors. Governments can support such decisions with grants, but public funds can only cover part of the investments. Hence, schemes need to be well-design
Value Taxonomy
The paper presents main conceptual distinctions underlying much of modern philosophical thinking about value. The introductory Section 1 is followed in Section 2 by an outline of the contrast between non-relational value (impersonal good, or good, period) and relational value (good for someone, or—more generally—good for some entity). In Section 3, the focus is on the distinction between final and
Klostren och reformationen
Frågeteknik i utredningsarbete
Abstract is not available
An integrated 3-level fully adjustable PWM class-D audio amplifier in 0.35um CMOS
A Class-D audio amplifier utilizing a fully adjustable 3-level Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is presented. The amplifier is fully integrated in a 0.35um CMOS process, and is powered by a 3.3V power supply. The system includes an internal fully adjustable triangle-wave oscillator, which is used to generate the PWM carrier. Delivering an output power of 300mW is a differential bridge (7.5cm pMOS, 3cm
Use Of Case Studies To Determine Technical Deficiencies With Respect To Fire Spread In School Buildings
Almost every day between one and two school fires occur in Sweden. In most cases arson is the cause of the fire. The losses for these arson fires are considerable. A multidisciplinary research project has been launched in Sweden with the long-term goal to reduce these arson trends. As a part of this project a smaller project has been conducted where cases studies of arson fires in schools have bee
Two Sides of the Same Coin? A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development Opportunities Identified in National Communications of Non-Annex I Parties
The aim of this paper is to study the extent to which non-Annex I countries are implementing or exploring select actions that support both climate change mitigation and sustainable development objectives in the energy sector. The research is based on a survey of the national communications of 100 non-Annex I Parties to the UNFCCC. Although national communications are intended to provide informatio