

Din sökning på "*" gav 528306 sökträffar

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This report aims to develop a prototype for an intuitive microwave oven adapted for people with a cognitive illness. Cognitive disorders manifest themselves as a deterioration of mental abilities such as memory and planning. It is a category of disease that is becoming more widespread. A major problem among people suffering from a cognitive disorder is malnutrition. The disease might affect the ap

The effect of education on entrepreneurship: Examining the influence of new venture creation programs on entrepreneurial intention and behaviour

Although venture creation programs (VCPs) are becoming increasingly popular within entrepreneurship education, still little is known about how effective these programs actually are and if they foster more and better entrepreneurs compared to entrepreneurship master that do not oblige VCPs in their curriculum. Therefore, this thesis aims to analyse the differences in entrepreneurial intention and b

The Application of Artistic Creative Type in Entrepreneurial Context: The motivation and creative behavior process

This thesis aims to explore whether an artistic creative type model can be applicable in an entrepreneurial setting. Meta Wagner’s model was selected as the artistic creative type model in this study. Conducting qualitative research through a case study approach on startup founders, who share a common background in entrepreneurial education, allows us to deepen our understanding of the founder

EU PUBLIC PROCUREMENT LAW - Can sustainability lawfully limit competition?

This thesis has as a purpose the investigation of sustainable requirements compliance with regards to competition in public procurement contracts. This paper looks into Directive 2014/24 and notably its primary law influence in order to understand the legal foundations underlying sustainability and competition. It showcases, firstly, that Article 18(1) wording and legal interpretation provides a l

Green brands & Greenwashing: A narrative journey towards legitimacy

The aim of this thesis is to develop knowledge and identify legitimacy attempts for green brands to construct themselves in order to circumvent greenwashing challenges. The researcher studied the promotional content of Patagonia and the Slovenia destination brand (I Feel Slovenia) based on a pragmatic and moral legitimacy framework, supported by narrative analysis. Results showed that green brands

Civilkurage mot våld i nära relationer? En rättssociologisk studie om initiativet Huskurage

This paper sought to examine the experiences of an intimate partner violence policy, created in order to spread both awareness and implications to act among residents of apartment communities. The initiative, called Huskurage, has been introduced in a Swedish crime prevention context. When implemented, the policy engages neighbors to look out for each other. Our study scrutinizes the experiences o

Strategies for yield improvement of filamentous fungi in submerged culture

The demand for alternative sources of protein has increased; the so-called “protein shift” is an inevitability. Mycoprotein, a foodstuff produced from the mycelium of filamentous fungi, has gained popularity among consumers. Mycoprotein is grown in submerged culture, in either a simple or a complex, undefined medium. Strategies for yield increase in either medium were studied in this paper. For s

Våldtäkt tillsammans och i samförstånd - Om ansvarsfrågan vid fleras deltagande i våldtäkt

Sexuallagstiftningen har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste åren och inte minst vad gäller våldtäktsbrottet. Lagstiftningens tydliga skyddsintresse att skydda den enskildes personliga och sexuella integritet och självbestämmande, samt den nya utgångspunkt som baseras på frivilligt deltagande, har inneburit fler infallsvinklar i bedömningen av vad som utgör en våldtäkt. Våldtäktsbrottet behanRape crime is in Swedish law regulated in Chapter 6 Section 1 of the Penal Code. The regulation has been through extensive changes during the past decade. Our current rape law does no longer require violence or threats, but is instead built upon the lack of voluntary participation. When it comes to sexual offences, crimes committed by a group of people is not unusual. In a situation where more th

Fråga om eventuella framtida fordringar uppkomna ur avtalsgrundade garantiutfästelser är föremål för preklusion

Uppsatsen tar sikte på en mycket specifik situation nämligen huruvida eventuella framtida fordringar som är uppkomna ur avtalsgrundade garantiutfästelser är föremål för preklusionsbestämmelsen i 6 § lagen (1981:131) om kallelse på okända borgenärer (”Kallelselagen”). Utredningen har visat att preklusionsbestämmelsen i Kallelselagen ytterst är en avvägning mellan olika intressen som mycket vitt sThis bachelor’s thesis aims at a very specific situation, namely whether any future claims arising from contractual guarantee commitments are subject to the preclusion provision (Sw. preklusionsbestämmelsen) in section 6 of the Notice to Unknown Creditors Act (1981: 131) (the "Notice Act"). The study of the issue herein has shown that the preclusion provision in the Notice Act ultimatel

Statligt stöd i ekonomiska kriser: En analys av rättssäkerheten i kommissionens tillämpning av artikel 107.3 b FEUF under covid-19-pandemin

I artikel 107.1 i FEUF stadgas ett förbud för EU:s medlemsstater att vidta statliga stödåtgärder som skapar, eller kan skapa, konkurrenssnedvridande effekter på EU:s inre marknad. Det breda förbud mot statligt stöd som artikel 107.1 FEUF stadgar, har dock några undantag som ska möjliggöra för medlemsstaterna att i vissa situationer utge statligt stöd, trots att det kan få konkurrenssnedvridande efArticle 107.1 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) stipulates that the member states of the European Union are prohibited to grant state aid which distorts or threatens to distort competition on the single market. The prohibition of distorting state aid does however have exceptions, article 107.3 b TFEU being one of them. The provision states a justification for distorting

Allmänna avtalsrättsliga principer - Vigilans- lojalitets- och skyddsprincipen i ljuset av deras funktion i förutsättningsläran

Uppsatsens tema är allmänna avtalsrättsliga principer. Syftet är att genom doktrin- och praxisanalys konkretisera rättslig argumentation för att göra rättsläget mer förutsebart. Undersökningen kommer utgå från principer om vigilans, lojalitet och skydd. För att på ett tillfredsställande sätt genomföra utredningen tas utgångspunkt i en frågeställning om vilken funktion principerna fyller var och The theme for this essay are principles of contract law. The purpose is to concretize legal argumentation by analyzing the doctrine and precedents to make the legal situation more predictable. The essay will be based on the principles of vigilance, loyalty, and protection. To carry out the investigation in a satisfactory manner, the first question that will be dealt with is what function the prin

Spelvinster och Tävlingsvinster- Beskattning av olika typer av vinster skillnader mellan dessa

Sammanfattning Spelbranschen växer varje år och är en stor ekonomisk faktor på den svenska marknaden. Uppsatsen syfte är att undersöka beskattningen av olika sorters vinster med vadhållning utgångspunkt. Vidare vill uppsatsen även utreda begreppet tävlingsvinster i 8:4§ Inkomstskattelagen och hur en gränsdragning görs till begreppet spelvinster i samma lag. Spelformer vars vinster har likheter medThe Swedish gambling industry grows every year and is a big factor on the Swedish market. The aim of this essay is to understand the difference in taxation between different kinds of winnings with a focus on betting. The essay also aims to understand the difference between the words gambling winnings and competition earnings in the Swedish Law Income Tax Act. Forms of winnings which are closely

Arbetsbrist i bemanningsbranschen - En arbetsrättslig studie

Sedan bemanningsbranschen avreglerades i början av 1990-talet har utvecklingen varit stor och är idag en integrerad del av svensk arbetsmarknadsmodell. En anledning till den allt större efterfrågan är att inhyrning av personal ökar företagens flexibilitet. Att arbeta som bemanningsanställd skiljer sig från den traditionella anställningsformen eftersom det råder ett unikt anställningsförhållande meSince the staffing industry was deregulated in the early 1990s, the growth of the industry has been great and is today a part of the Swedish labor market. One reason for the increased demand is that staffing companies increases the client companies' flexibility. Working as a staffing employee differs from the traditional form of employment because there is a unique employment relationship betw

Den eftertraktade medarbetaren, man eller kvinna? - En kvantitativ undersökning av de egenskaper som arbetsgivare söker i socionomer ur ett genusperspektiv.

The aim of this study was to examine whether employers maintain the stereotypical gender norms in their recruitment of employees. The case that we were interested in examining was the recruitment of social workers in Sweden. We conducted a quantitative content analysis where we created an analytical instrument based on previous research, which we then applied to a total selection of recruitment ad


On the financial markets, there are a large number of financial instruments. Two of these instruments is the European and Bermudan option, where the Bermudan option can be seen as a discrete version of the American option. Meaning, if one can price the Bermudan option one can also estimate the price of an American option. A method used to estimate the Bermudan option price is the Least-square Mont

Föräldrars upplevelse av att ha ett barn med cancer och som vårdas palliativt

Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbas cirka 370 barn av någon form av cancer varje år. Av dessa överlever idag ungefär 85% men för vissa barn övergår den kurativa vården till palliativ vård. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka föräldrarnas upplevelse av att ha ett barn med cancer och som vårdas palliativt. Metod: Studien är en icke-systematisk litteraturundersökning där 12 artiklar har inkluderats. D

"Bakom varje bortgift flicka så finns också en bortgift pojke"- Socionomers beskrivningar av pojkar och mäns upplevelser av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.

Boys and men who are victims of honour-related violence and oppression are today overlooked and little research exists. The aim of this study was therefore to explore, based on descriptions from social workers who work with helping and supporting people affected by honour-related problems, boys’ and men’s experiences of honour-related violence and oppression. The method chosen for this study was q

Anpassningsåtgärder i arbetslivet för arbetstagare med funktionsnedsättning - Vad är en skälig anpassningsåtgärd, som arbetsgivaren behöver införa, för arbetstagare med hörselnedsättning respektive en neurologisk funktionsnedsättning?

This essay addresses the subjects of reasonable adjustments, related to the workplace, for persons with physical or mental disabilities. The author goes through the established Swedish legal sources to answer two main questions. The first one is what a reasonable adjustment is, that the employers are obliged to adopt, according to the two laws Diskrimineringslagen and Arbetsmiljölagen. What are th

Community driven development in Timor-Leste : a case study of the National Village Development Program from 2015 to 2020.

This research paper is a mixed-methods single case study that contributes to filling a gap within the literature surrounding the implementation of the National Village Development Program (PNDS-Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku) in the village of Fahilebo, Timor-Leste. The research goals were to first identify the major differences between PNDS’ effects and Community-Driven-Development theory