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I väntan på ett beslut : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på arbetet på ett HVB-hem
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva och analysera hur arbetet med ensamkommande barn bedrivs. Forskningsfrågorna fokuserade på hur integrationshandledare arbetar för att tillgodose barnens behov, hur de arbetar med integrationsprocessen och slutligen vilka utmaningar de möter i arbetet. En kvalitativ ansats valdes med semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem integrationshandledare som primärdatThe purpose of this study was to describe and analyse how the work with asylum-seeking children without parents or guardians is conducted. The underlying questions focused on how the integrations handlers work to fulfil the needs of the children, how they work regarding the children’s integration processes, and finally what challenges they encounter in their work. A qualitative approach was chose
How is development affecting sustainable livelihoods and disaster risk: A case study of a coastal community in Fiji
The aim of this study was to investigate how development have affected access to sustainable livelihood capitals and how the perceived access to these capitals have changed in the past decades in Dravuwalu, a coastal society in Fiji. A case-study was conducted in the village of Drawuvalu. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews and observations. The composition of livelihoods at the t
”Någonstans får man ändå bara bita ihop” : En kvalitativ studie om servitriser och servitörers upplevelser av sexuella trakasserier.
Fear and Loathing in the Iron Closet: The right to freedom of assembly for LGBT rights activists in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, and the role of the Moscow Patriarchate in the invention of “gay propaganda” legislation
The Iron Closet has always been deep, and although never leading to Narnia it has on occasions had the potential to be a one-way ticket to a forced labour camp. After the decline of the Soviet Union, however, the Western world rejoiced; the second parenthesis had been set out and we now lived in the main narrative again where everything ought to make sense. Countries in the post-Soviet space would
Det yttersta ansvaret - en jämförelse av socialtjänstens ansvar och en förälders ansvar över ett barn med funktionsnedsättning
Ett barn med funktionsnedsättning kan ansöka om bistånd för att avlasta föräldrarna i vårdnadsansvaret. Vid bedömning om bistånd ska beviljas eller inte, ska beslutsfattaren bedöma föräldraansvarets omfattning. Föräldraansvaret är ett begrepp som syftar till att jämföra det ansvar en förälder till ett barn med funktionsnedsättning har och det ansvar en förälder till ett barn utan funktionsnedsättnA child with functional impairment can apply for social assistance in order to relieve their parents from the responsibility of care to either Social Services Act (2011:453) (SoL) or Support and Service for Person with Certain Functional Impairments act (1993:387) (LSS). During the assessment of whether the social assistance shall be granted or not, the decision-making officer must assess the scop
‘Right not to be subject’ to automated decision-making and profiling - solving the riddle of Article 22 GDPR
Processing of personal data encompasses any operation performed on personal data. Nowadays, processing is increasingly done by automated or autonomous means thanks to the emergence of new technologies such as algorithms, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). This is not surprising, considering that application of these technologies provides many benefits for organisations, such a
The Serendipitous Sail Along the Hegemonic Trail: Discerning American Exceptionalism in U.S. Foreign Policy by Studying the Political Use of the Concept of Freedom
The primacy of hegemonic structures that shape political processes is relevant to purvey an extensive grasp of which central power dynamic is in effect. The United States has a significant role in the international context and frequently incurs the attention of the world when dealing with issues of global nature. This paper studies how American Exceptionalism, a tendency on the U.S. part to view i
Gendered Empowerment? A Case Study of iDE's Women's Economic Empowerment Model in Gimbuchu, Oromia, Ethiopia
As empowerment retains its status as a buzzword among international development agencies, it has lost its essential element – power – intended to highlight the unequal structures and relations allowing disempowerment. Nonetheless, it has proliferated in the discourse and practice of women’s empowerment, as gender equity has become an important cross-cutting issue for many organizations and governm
From action plan to actionable plans
Implementation is a complex matter that has changed its foci within research over time. It has moved from being a subject standing by itself to something present in all parts on an organisation. However, we must ask; How is implementation created? This thesis aims to understand how managerial and political influence impacts implementation. It does so by focusing on the implementation of project PR
Strength in weakness - A new institutional design perspective on the Swedish Trust Reform
To address the problems that had sprung from the detail management of the welfare sector, a result of control in the vein of New Public Management (NPM), the Swedish government commissioned the Trust Delegation (Tillitsdelegationen) to develop a trust-based steering and launched the Trust Reform (Tillitsreformen). As this new reform seeks to remedy the failures of the previous system, this thesis
Vem har format din åsikt om djurförsök? En kritisk diskursanalys av djurförsöket vid Göteborgs universitet
During the first quarter of the year of 2019 a non-profit organization, Djurrättsalliansen, exposed Gothenburg University of researching on Labradors. Six dogs were subjects in a study of dental implants with a new type of experimental surface modification. Though experimentations on dogs have been done frequently since 1996, and at least 200 dogs have been used, this case of animal testing create
Who are the Gilets jaunes?
This study has two purposes. The first one is to explain in what consists the originality of the Gilets jaunes movement. This is done by comparing it to four earlier French protest movements. It is found that the original feature of the movement is its lack of organization and refusal to take political sides. The second purpose of the study is to explain which societal factors acted as prerequisit
När partier svänger - En rationalistisk analys av Centerpartiets agerande under regeringsförhandlingarna 2018/2019
The phenomenon of political parties that fluctuate on various issues is nothing new in either Swedish or other countris’ politics. Why do parties change stance on different issues and how can we understand this? The aim of this paper is to create an understanding of why the Center party's leadership acted as they did during the government negotiations of 2018/2019. The purpose of this essay is
Military influence on democratization
This thesis aims to address the military’s role in democratization studies by identifying the variable that determines whether the military’s role in the transition is successful or unsuccessful. The study has been done through a comparative study by most similar case design, by studying Benin and Nigeria. By looking at previous literature and thus structuring the thesis around their theories, the
Legislative participation in the European Parliament: A study of the least active Members of the 8th European Parliament
Five years after the “eurosceptic earthquake” of 2014, the anti-EU far-right is set to make further gains in the upcoming elections for the European Parliament. Eurosceptic MEPs have been accused of not participating in the Parliament's legislative work, which, if so is the case, could damage the future legitimacy of the European Parliament as a democratic institution. This thesis has studied
Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis - En idéanalys av Centerpartiets kyrkopolitiska utveckling under tidsperioden 1921–2018
The Centre Party is one of the oldest political parties in Sweden that is still represented in the Swedish parliament. They are also currently the only party that originally developed from interest groups in the countryside. This paper focuses on the Centre Party’s church politics. The purpose of the paper is to find out how this agrarian party has shifted its’ policies regarding their church poli
Constructing the future of Cambodia: A Study on the Impact of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Construction Sector in Phnom Penh
This qualitative research aims to address the impacts of China’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Cambodian labor in the construction sector by choosing the Diamond Island, a hub of China’s real-estate investment in Phnom Penh, as a case study. Based on the interviews with 35 Cambodian construction workers and nine key informants from the government, private sector, international organizations,
The Curse of Corruption - A quantitative analysis of the association between Administrative Capacity and Violence
It is not uncommon that states repress and oppress its citizens by exerting violence upon them. Sometimes this violence leads to cases where states abuse their power. This abuse can lead to terrible consequences which several historical and contemporary cases shows. When analyzing state violence, it ought to be put in the context of violence from non-state actors, which often eclipse the violence
Den enda vägens politik: En kritisk idéanalys av Gula Västarnas krav om framtiden
Since November of 2018, the city of Paris has undergone dramatic disruption over political conflict between The Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) and the French government. The Yellow Vest-movement has managed to mobilize thousands of people on a weekly basis, initially protesting against tax reforms that was believed to be especially detrimental towards those economically vulnerable and/or of rural re