

Din sökning på "*" gav 535464 sökträffar

Composition of human faecal microbiota in resistance to Campylobacter infection

In mice, specific species composition of gut microbiota enhances susceptibility to Campylobacter jejuni but little is known about the specific composition of the human gut microbiota in providing protection from infections caused by enteropathogens. Healthy adult individuals, who travelled in groups from Sweden to destinations with an estimated high risk for acquisition of Campylobacter infection,

Interaction between pH and Cu toxicity on fungal and bacterial performance in soil

pH is an important parameter affecting heavy metal toxicity in soil. Bacterial and fungal growth, and respiration, during 60 days were determined in response to Cu additions (up to 32 mmol Cu kg-1 soil) in four soils with pH varying between 4.5 and 7.8. We hypothesized that at higher pH the toxic effect of Cu would decrease. In soil with pH 7.8, no negative effects on microbial growth were found u

Influence of colchicine on the synthesis and secretion of proteoglycans and collagen by fetal guinea pig chondrocytes

Fetal guinea-pig epiphyseal chondrocytes were cultured in monolayers and as aggregates in the presence of antimicrotubular agents. Colchicine and vinblastine caused a dissociation of the Golgi complex, in addition to the disappearance of microtubules. Synthesis and secretion of proteoglycans and collagen were studied using radioactive precursors. Colchicine inhibited the synthesis of proteoglycans

An experimental study to improve the design of brine discharge from desalination plants

An experiment was performed in water resources engineering department laboratory at Lund University of Sweden to investigate the behavior of inclined negatively buoyant jets. Such jets arise when brine is discharged from desalination plants and improved knowledge of their behavior is required for designing discharge systems that cause a minimum of environmental impact on the receiving waters. In t

Structural relationship between α1-microglobulin from man, guinea-pig, rat and rabbit

Rabbit α1-microglobulin was purified from the urine of sodium-chromate-treated animals by the use of gel chromatography on Sephadex G-100 affinity chromatography on concanavalin-A - Sepharose and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex. Rabbit α1-microglobulin had a molecular mass of 25.6 kDa on SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. α1-microglobulin has previously been purified from the uri

Hydrogen adsorption on two catalysts for the ortho- to parahydrogen conversion : Cr-doped silica and ferric oxide gel

Molecular hydrogen exists in two spin-rotation coupled states: parahydrogen and orthohydrogen. Due to the variation of energy with rotational level, the occupation of ortho- and parahydrogen states is temperature dependent, with parahydrogen being the dominant species at low temperatures. The equilibrium at 20 K (99.8% parahydrogen) can be reached by natural conversion only after a lengthy process

Nedbrytning av golvmaterial på betong

Senaste rön om nedbrytning av golvmaterial på betong presenterades på Chalmers före jul, i samband med författarens licentiatseminarium omkring temat "Transportprocesser och reaktioner i belagda betonggolv - olika faktorers inverkan på emission från golvkombinationer". I denna artikel redogörs för de båda viktigaste parametrarna för nedbrytning av limmet, pH-värdet (alkaliteten) och fuktnivån hos

Hesselgren, van Kleeck och IRI : Från industri till planekonomi

The International Industrial Relations Institute (IRI) was established in 1925 at a congress of welfare and personnel workers in Holland. At first the organisation focused attention on scientific management and industrial relations but during the Great Depression its activities began to centre upon economic planning. The IRI was dominated by Mary van Kleeck from the United States and its radicalis

A large icelandic family with early osteoarthritis of the hip associated with a susceptibility locus on chromosome 16p

Objective. To describe a large kinship with inherited hip osteoarthritis (OA) and its associated susceptibility locus. Methods. Four generations of a kinship with familial hip OA were identified and characterized by family history and by clinical, radiographic, and histopathologic examination. In the genome-wide search for a susceptibility locus, OA cases were defined as those who had undergone to

Substantial disability 3 months after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy: : A prospective study of patient-relevant outcomes

To our knowledge, this is the first prospective study using validated questionnaires to assess patient-relevant outcomes after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Data from the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), the SF-36 Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey, and the Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale were available for 74 consecutive patients (50 males, 24 females; mean age, 4

Using a Predator-Prey Model to Explain Variations of Cloud Spot Price

The spot pricing scheme has been considered to be resource-efficient for providers and cost-effective for consumers in the Cloud market. Nevertheless, unlike the static and straightforward strategies of trading on-demand and reserved Cloud services, the market-driven mechanism for trading spot service would be complicated for both implementation and understanding. The largely invisible market acti

Difference in cartilage proteoglycan level in synovial fluid in early rheumatoid arthritis and reactive arthritis.

Cartilage proteoglycans were measured, by the use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in synovial fluids obtained from 109 unselected patients attending an outpatient rheumatology clinic because of inflammation of the knee. The content of proteoglycans in synovial fluid was inversely related to the degree of joint destruction shown on X-ray. The proteoglycan concentrations in knee-joint exuda