

Din sökning på "*" gav 528299 sökträffar

Patient-reported outcome after oncoplastic breast surgery compared with conventional breast-conserving surgery in breast cancer

Introduction: Oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS) has developed as an extension of breast-conserving surgery (BCS) in an effort to improve esthetic and functional outcome following surgery for breast cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of OBS, as compared with BCS, with regard to health-related quality of life (HRQoL), using patient-reported outcome measures (PR

Sektorsansvar och energiberedskap : Förslag till arbetsmodell för att utforma ett sektorsansvar med förmågor i fokus

Den återupptagna totalförsvarsplaneringen med syfte att öka beredskapen inför kriser och krig innebär ökade ansträngningar för många samhällsaktörer med olika roller, ansvar och uppgifter. Detta har aktualiserat behovet av ett förtydligat sektorsansvar.I denna rapport diskuteras vilka beståndsdelar ett sektorsansvar kan ha, med energisektorn som exempel, inklusive de styrningskedjor som kan använd

The binding mechanism of the virulence factor Streptococcus suis adhesin P subtype to globotetraosylceramide is associated with systemic disease

Streptococcus suis is part of the pig commensal microbiome but strains can also be pathogenic, causing pneumonia and meningitis in pigs as well as zoonotic meningitis. According to genomic analysis, S. suis is divided into asymptomatic carriage, respiratory and systemic strains with distinct genomic signatures. Because the strategies to target pathogenic S. suis are limited, new therapeutic approa

Sexual and functional long-term outcomes following advanced pelvic cancer and reconstruction using vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous and gluteal myocutaneous flap

Introduction: After extensive pelvic surgery for cancer two flap types are used at Skåne University Hospital (SUS), Sweden for perineal reconstruction: vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap and gluteal flap with or without vaginal reconstruction. The objective was to study the long-term outcomes in patients treated for advanced pelvic cancer receiving a flap. Method: Patients with pelvic can

Brand orientation in action – A transformational learning intervention

This article provides in-depth insight into the dynamics of a transformation from market orientation to brand orientation. By including a wide range of stakeholders in an action research intervention, a detailed description is provided regarding the transformation of a large Swedish public primary care organization during a turbulent marketization process. Brand management theory and practice are

Evaluation of non-Gaussian statistical properties in virtual breast phantoms

Images derived from a "virtual phantom" can be useful in characterizing the performance of imaging systems. This has driven the development of virtual breast phantoms implemented in simulation environments. In breast imaging, several such phantoms have been proposed. We analyze the non-Gaussian statistical properties from three classes of virtual breast phantoms and compare them to similar statist

Method for simulating dose reduction in digital mammography using the Anscombe transformation

Purpose: This work proposes an accurate method for simulating dose reduction in digital mammography starting from a clinical image acquired with a standard dose. Methods: The method developed in this work consists of scaling a mammogram acquired at the standard radiation dose and adding signal-dependent noise. The algorithm accounts for specific issues relevant in digital mammography images, such

Classifying ductal trees using geometrical features and ensemble learning techniques

Early detection of risk of breast cancer is of upmost importance for effective treatment. In the field of medical image analysis, automatic methods have been developed to discover features of ductal trees that are correlated with radiological findings regarding breast cancer. In this study, a data mining approach is proposed that captures a new set of geometrical properties of ductal trees. The ex

A virtual trial framework for quantifying the detectability of masses in breast tomosynthesis projection data

Purpose: Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is a promising breast cancer screening tool that has already begun making inroads into clinical practice. However, there is ongoing debate over how to quantitatively evaluate and optimize these systems, because different definitions of image quality can lead to different optimal design strategies. Powerful and accurate tools are desired to extend our und

Development and characterization of an anthropomorphic breast software phantom based upon region-growing algorithm

Purpose: We present a novel algorithm for computer simulation of breast anatomy for generation of anthropomorphic software breast phantoms. A realistic breast simulation is necessary for preclinical validation of volumetric imaging modalities.Methods: The anthropomorphic software breast phantom simulates the skin, regions of adipose and fibroglandular tissue, and the matrix of Cooper's ligaments a

Mammogram synthesis using a three-dimensional simulation. III. Modeling and evaluation of the breast ductal network

A method is proposed for realistic simulation of the breast ductal network as part of a computer three-dimensional (3-D) breast phantom. The ductal network is simulated using tree models. Synthetic trees are generated based upon a description of ductal branching by ramification matrices (R matrices), whose elements represent the probabilities of branching at various levels of a tree. We simulated

Effects of quantum noise and binocular summation on dose requirements in stereoradiography

In the case of a quantum-noise limited detector, signal detection theory suggests that stereoradiographic images can be acquired with one half of the per-image dose needed for a standard radiographic projection, as information from the two stereo images can be combined. Previously, film-screen stereoradiography has been performed using the same per-image dose as in projection radiography, i.e., do

Mammogram synthesis using a 3D simulation. II. Evaluation of synthetic mammogram texture

We have evaluated a method for synthesizing mammograms by comparing the texture of clinical and synthetic mammograms. The synthesis algorithm is based upon simulations of breast tissue and the mammographic imaging process. Mammogram texture was synthesized by projections of simulated adipose tissue compartments. It was hypothesized that the synthetic and clinical texture have similar properties, a