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Iodine Monochloride/Silver Trifluoromethanesulfonate (ICl/AgOTf) as a convenient Promoter System for O-Glycoside Synthesis.

The novel promoter system iodine monochloride/silver trifluoromethanesulfonate (ICl/AgOTf) was evaluated with various thioglycoside donors and saccharide acceptors, and O-glycosides were obtained in 46−82% yield. Several practical advantages of the ICl/AgOTf system over known promoter systems were observed, such as convenient handling of the reagents and absence of byproducts related to N-succinim

Tourism memories–a collaborative reflection on inclusion and exclusion

The purpose of this paper is to explore how people’s differentiated privileged and marginalised positions in society create instances of inclusion and exclusion in tourism. Eight authors utilised their diverse disciplinary and theoretical bases to engage in individual autoethnography and collaborative reflections of their personal experiences of being tourists and hosts. Through our Western and no

The cultural production of scalability : Music, colonialism and the Moravian missionary project

What role has music played in global colonial projects? And how has musical colonisation been implemented on a large scale? To address these questions, I analyse the work of the evangelical missionary administrators Christian Ignatius Latrobe (1756–1836) and Hans-Peter Hallbeck (1784–1840). Latrobe was a London-based music historian, composer and editor who oversaw the missionary work of the Morav

Yttrande: Remissen Förstärkt skydd för demokratin och domstolarnas oberoende (SOU 2023:12)

Remissyttrande av 2020 års grundlagskommittés slutbetänkande "Förstärkt skydd för demokratin och domstolarnas oberoende" (SOU 2023:12). 2020 års grundlagskommitté är en parlamentariskt sammansatt kommitté som har haft i uppdrag att utreda formerna för ändring av grundlag och behovet av att ytterligare stärka domstolarnas och domarnas oberoende långsiktigt.

Concrete Limits: A sociometabolic analysis of the feasibility of the Circular Economy approach for the concrete sector

The concrete sector is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions; consumes substantial amounts of natural resources and serves as a significant source of global waste. The Circular Economy approach has been put forward as the solution to these environmental issues, but the overall effectiveness of the approach has been called into question by existing research. The aim of this thesis

Inclusion and Participation in a Support Programme for Bereaved Adolescents - Relational Perspectives From an Ethnographic Field Study in a Swedish Context

The death of a parent is a life-changing event, and different programmes are developed to support children. This study explored how parental bereaved adolescents were included and (inter)acted in a Swedish support programme. The conducted ethnographic field study included six adolescents, their parents, and eight volunteers. The empirical material was thematically analysed through a theoretical le

Fusobacterium necrophorum - from tonsillar carriage to Lemierre’s syndrome

Fusobacterium necrophorum is the main causative agent of Lemierre’s syndrome, where the bacteria, following a benign initial oropharyngeal infection, cause septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein with subsequent pulmonary embolisation. Despite that data are lacking to suggest so, F. necrophorum has been described as normal tonsillar flora for decades. We investigated tonsillar carriag

Low-Power, Self-Aligned Vertical InGaAsSb NW PMOS With S < 100 mV/dec

III-V co-integration is less mature compared to Si/Ge CMOS due to their inferior pMOS device performance. This letter adopts a novel quaternary InGaAsSb channel material in a core-shell vertical nanowire structure to overcome the limitations. A gate-last process achieves self-alignment of the drain and gate contacts. The improved electrostatics with short gate length ${L}_{\text {g}}$ = 60 nm resu

Calculated conformations of sialyl-Lex- and sialyl-Lea-lactones

The minimum energy conformations of the four sterically reasonable SLex and SLea lactones were calculated using the molecular mechanics force-field MM2(91). The tetrasaccharide lactone involving the 3- and 2-position of the Gal moiety was found to be more stable than the 3,4-lactone both for SLex and SLea. © 1994.

A Market of Lived Experience : User Involvement and the Commodification of Personal Experiences of Mental Illness

Working actively to engage service users in participatory practices is both a policy expectation and a moral imperative for mental health social workers in contemporary Western mental health care. Recent research suggests that such practices of service user involvement are becoming increasingly individualised and driven by market logic. Based on an ethnographic study within a Swedish public psychi

Beam damage in operando X-ray diffraction studies of Li-ion batteries

Operando powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) is a widely employed method for the investigation of structural evolution and phase transitions in electrodes for rechargeable batteries. Due to the advantages of high brilliance and high X-ray energies, the experiments are often carried out at synchrotron facilities. It is known that the X-ray exposure can cause beam damage in the battery cell, resulting i

The Early neo2 Registry : Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation With ACURATE neo2 in a European Population

BACKGROUND: ACURATE neo2 is a transcatheter aortic valve implantation system consisting of a self-expanding bioprosthetic valve with supra-annular leaflet position and featuring innovations to facilitate placement accuracy and reduce paravalvular regurgitation. METHODS AND RESULTS: The goal of the Early neo2 (Early neo2 Registry of the ACURATE neo2 TAVI Prosthesis) was to gather real-life data on

Models of collaboration : performers and scenographers

In this composite panel, we would like to create an international and transcultural forum to reflect on several issues related to the collaboration between performers and scenographers.This panel will discuss questions arising from the themes proposed by the participants of this panel:* What legacies of the performer-scenographer relationship have we inherited? What kind of hierarchies and assumpt

Synthesis and analysis of cobalt-based N5-complexes

Sedan 1960-talet har världens befolkning ökat med nästan en miljard varje årtionde. Med denna ökande befolkning följer ökande energibehov. Fram tills år 2023 har den globala energiproduktionen dominerats av icke-förnybara energikällor som till exempel kol och olja. De kallas icke-förnybara energikällor eftersom de inte är återanvändbara och är ändliga. Utöver detta så släpper dessa energikällor utThis research focuses on synthesizing three cobalt complexes by ligands consisting of different conjugated systems and analysing their catalytic properties. These cobalt compounds are to be used to catalyse the reduction of protons generated in the reaction of water splitting. The reverse of water splitting is used in fuel cells and consists of oxidizing hydrogen gas to protons and electrons follo

Listening through and with Costume

In performance contexts, costume is often perceived as visual expression that is in service of, for example, a choreographer’s vision. I argue that costume is also an aesthetic and poetic language in its own right that allows individuals such as performers and designers to co-conceptualize and co-create performances. In co-creative performance-making processes, I argue that it is critical that des

The Effects of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth and Debt Levels.

In providing public goods, the government confronts challenges in determining the optimal pricing strategy due to the lack of information on individual preferences and the propensity of consumers to misreport their true valuations. Decentralisation of fiscal authority could be a partial solution to this problem, as lower government levels have better access the diverse regional and local preferenc

Open Letters and Climate Communication : The Professional Roles and Identities of Researchers in Times of Crisis

Open letters are seen as a politicized form of climate communication, and the professional roles of researchers who engage in these communicative events are thereby cast into question. Based on semi-structured interviews with initiators to open letters, this article argues that while communication can be seen as constitutive and influencing new and emergent professional identities, there are also

Anomeric Effect in Furanosides. Experimental Evidence from Conformationally Restricted Compounds

A series of conformationally restricted 0-, C-, S-, and N-“furanosides” have been synthesized, where the number 3 and 4 carbons are part of a norbornane ring system. All the carbons of the tetrahydrofuran ring are kept in one plane by the rigid norbornane skeleton, permitting only the ring oxygen to move above or below the tetrahydrofuran ring plane. This causes the substituents on carbon 2 to occ