

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Human Factors for Cybersecurity Awareness in a Remote Work Environment

The conveniences of remote work are various, but a surge in cyberthreats has heavily affected the optimal processes of organizations. As a result, employees' cybersecurity awareness was jeopardized, prompting organizations to require improvement of cybersecurity processes at all levels. This paper explores which cybersecurity aspects are more relevant and/or relatable for remote working employees.

Human-Material Relationships around 4000 BCE : Continuity and Change in South Scandinavian Flint Tool Production Technologies

Recent studies have found that explanations of the neolithisation of South Scandinavia based on dichotomies between migration (population replacement) and diffusion (in-group change) are insufficient if we want to understand the complexity and variation involved in what happened during the centuries around 4000 BCE. However, these contrasting narratives still overshadow discussions on change in So

Recent Advances in Optical Sensing for the Detection of Microbial Contaminants

Microbial contaminants are responsible for several infectious diseases, and they have been introduced as important potential food- and water-borne risk factors. They become a global burden due to their health and safety threats. In addition, their tendency to undergo mutations that result in antimicrobial resistance makes them difficult to treat. In this respect, rapid and reliable detection of mi

Holistic management of patients with progressive pulmonary fibrosis

Progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PF) is a complex interstitial lung disease that impacts substantially on patients’ daily lives, requiring personalised and integrated care. We summarise the main needs of patients with PF and their caregivers, and suggest a supportive care approach. Individualised care, education, emotional and psychological support, specialised treatments, and better access to info

Relative quadrupole moments of exotic shapes at ultrahigh spin in 154Er : Calibrating the TSD/SD puzzle

Transition quadrupole moments, Qt, of two ultrahigh-spin, collective structures in 154Er have been measured for the first time using the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM). Data were acquired at the ATLAS accelerator facility of Argonne National Laboratory, using the Gammasphere detector array. A thick, gold-backed 110Pd foil was bombarded by a beam of 48Ti ions at 215 MeV. The Qt for each ba

Diverging Trends in the Incidence of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Sweden 2010-2019 : An Observational Study from the Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke)

Introduction: Although ischemic stroke incidence has decreased in Sweden over the past decade, trends in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) incidence are less well delineated. In this time period, there has been a dramatic increase in use of oral anticoagulants (OAC). The aim of our study was to investigate incidence trends in spontaneous first-ever ICH in Sweden between 2010 and 2019, wit

Implementation of dosimetry for molecular radiotherapy; results from a European survey

Purpose: The use of molecular radiotherapy (MRT) has been rapidly evolving over the last years. The aim of this study was to assess the current implementation of dosimetry for MRTs in Europe. Methods: A web-based questionnaire was open for treating centres between April and June 2022, and focused on 2020–2022. Questions addressed the application of 16 different MRTs, the availability and involveme

Redemption Through Play? Exploring the Ethics of Workplace Gamification

Today, it is becoming increasingly common for companies to harness the spirit of play in order to increase worker engagement and improve organizational performance. This paper examines the ethics of play in a business context, focusing specifically on the phenomenon of workplace gamification. While critics highlight ethical problems with gamification, they also advocate for more positive, transfor

Sveriges anpassning till Europakonventionen om kommunal självstyrelse

Efter det att Sverige ratificerade Europakonventionen om kommunal självstyrelse (the European Charter of Local Self-Government) 1989, den s.k. självstyrelsekonventionen, har ett antal reformer av det lokala och regionala självstyret ägt rum. Frågan är i vilken utsträckning dessa reformer kan ses som anpassningar till konventionen. Analyser av granskningsrapporter och förarbeten indikerar att refor

Climate and dispersal limitation drive tree species range shifts in post-glacial Europe : results from dynamic simulations

Introduction: The ability of species to colonize newly suitable habitats under rapid climate change can be constrained by migration processes, resulting in a shift of the leading edge lagging behind the ameliorating climate, i.e. migration lag. The importance and extent of such migration lags during the forest expansion after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are still debated. Similarly, the relativ

Effect of polymer addition on the phase behavior of oil-water-surfactant systems of Winsor III type

Ternary oil-water-surfactant systems can give rise to an O/W microemulsion in equilibrium with excess oil, a W/O microemulsion in equilibrium with excess water, or a bicontinuous microemulsion in equilibrium with excess oil and water. This type of phase behavior has been known for a long time and the three systems are often referred to as Winsor I, Winsor II and Winsor III, respectively after the

Context Effects on Duration, Fundamental Frequency, and Intonation in Human-directed Domestic Cat Meows

In this study, we investigated the prosody of domestic cat meows produced in different contexts. Prosodic cues – i.e., variation in intonation, duration, voice quality and fundamental frequency – in humans as well as in nonhuman animals carry information about idiosyncratic traits of the signaller, including sex, age, and physical and mental state. The duration, fundamental frequency (F0) and into

A framework for national-scale predictions of forage dry mass in Senegal : UAVs as an intermediate step between field measurements and Sentinel-2 images

Monitoring available feed for livestock is a key factor for developing pastoralism in the Sahel, and satellite images has proven useful in monitoring dry mass on large spatial scales. This approach requires field measurements of dry mass (herbaceous and woody plants) to calibrate such models based on Earth observation data. However, the need for representative field measurements can be a challenge

Hur ange objektet vid fastighetsöverlåtelse? : Vad följer av formkravet och hur ska det tolkas? En diskussion i ljuset av rekvisit och några domstolsavgöranden

Vad är det som överlåts vid en transaktion avseende fast egendom? Ofta vållarden frågan inte några svårigheter att besvara och innebörden framgår vanligtvis tydligt av såväl köpeavtal som köpebrev. Men vad gäller i det fall parternainte tillräckligt tydligt har formulerat köpeobjektet i avtalet, om parterna inte äröverens om vad som ingår i överlåtelsen eller om formuleringarna ser olika ut iköpea

Carbon nanotube membranes for EUV photolithography-a versatile material platform

Next generation of high-NA extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photolithography introduces higher power levels and faster reticle accelerations, enabling breakthrough in scanner efficiency. This results in higher temperatures and mechanical stresses on the EUV pellicles. Here we demonstrate scalable carbon nanotube (CNT) membrane mass production from a floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition (FC-CVD) re

Is the fetus fit for labor? Introducing fast-and-frugal trees (FFTrees) to simplify triage of women for STAN monitoring : An interobserver agreement comparison with traditional classification

Introduction: It is a shortcoming of traditional cardiotocography (CTG) classification table formats that CTG traces are frequently classified differently by different users, resulting in poor interobserver agreements. A fast-and-frugal tree (FFTree) flow chart may help provide better concordance because it is straightforward and has clearly structured binary questions with understandable “yes” or