Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar
Validation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) diagnoses in healthcare databases : A systematic review protocol
Introduction Healthcare databases are useful sources to investigate the epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), to assess longitudinal outcomes in patients with COPD, and to develop disease management strategies. However, in order to constitute a reliable source for research, healthcare databases need to be validated. The aim of this protocol is to perform the first systemati
Crystal structure of human chondroadherin : Solving a difficult molecular-replacement problem using de novo models
Chondroadherin (CHAD) is a cartilage matrix protein that mediates the adhesion of isolated chondrocytes. Its protein core is composed of 11 leucine-rich repeats (LRR) flanked by cysteine-rich domains. CHAD makes important interactions with collagen as well as with cell-surface heparin sulfate proteoglycans and α2β1 integrins. The integrin-binding site is located in a region of hitherto unknown str
Csp3−H Activation without Chelation Assistance in an Iridium Pincer Complex Forming Cyclometallated Products
Cyclometallation of 8-methylquinoline and 2-(dimethylamino)-pyridine in an iridium-based pincer complex is described. The C−H activation of 2-(dimethylamino)pyridine is not chelation assisted, which has not been described before for Csp3−H bonds in cyclometallation reactions. The mechanism of the cyclometallation of 2-(dimethylamino)pyridine was studied by DFT calculations and kinetic measurements
Information, trust and diffusion of smallpox vaccination : the case of Scania, Sweden 1802-1835
This study deals with the diffusion of a new medical technology — vaccination against smallpox — in nineteenth-century Scania in Sweden. Using an aggregated sample of parishes as well as a micro-level dataset for four parishes, we investigate the socioeconomic as well as the geographical patterns of diffusion of vaccination in the province. We also relate the adoption of vaccination across geograp
An obligatory role for neurotensin in high-fat-diet-induced obesity
Obesity and its associated comorbidities (for example, diabetes mellitus and hepatic steatosis) contribute to approximately 2.5 million deaths annually and are among the most prevalent and challenging conditions confronting the medical profession. Neurotensin (NT; also known as NTS), a 13-amino-acid peptide predominantly localized in specialized enteroendocrine cells of the small intestine and rel
Chemogenetic stimulation of striatal projection neurons modulates responses to Parkinson's disease therapy
Parkinson's disease (PD) patients experience loss of normal motor function (hypokinesia), but can develop uncontrollable movements known as dyskinesia upon treatment with L-DOPA. Poverty or excess of movement in PD has been attributed to overactivity of striatal projection neurons forming either the indirect (iSPNs) or the direct (dSPNs) pathway, respectively. Here, we investigated the two pathway
Arbetskraftsmigration från tredje land i låglöneyrken
Sverige har sedan december 2008 liberalare regler för arbetskraftsinvandring från ”tredje land” (länder utanför EU/EES) än kanske något annat land. De nya reglerna gäller alla yrken oberoende av kvalifikationsgrad eller om det är fråga om ett bristyrke eller inte. Artikeln handlar om de cirka 500 arbetskraftsmigranter från tredje land som 2012 beviljades arbetstillstånd i restaurang- och städbrans
Flytten gav en vecka ledigt
Recension av S Gray, Hermeneutics of Hymnody : A Comprehensive and Integrated Approach to Understanding Hymns
Recension av M Fischer, Religion, Nation, Krieg : Der Lutherchoral Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott zwischen Befreiungskriegen und Erstem Weltkrieg
Review of Vyvyan Evans. The language myth - why language is not an instinct
No title
Optimal Epinephrine Concentration and Time Delay to Minimize Perfusion in Eyelid Surgery : Measured by Laser-Based Methods and a Novel Form of Extended-Wavelength Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy
OBJECTIVE:: This study investigates the hypoperfusion effects of epinephrine in local anesthesia in eyelid surgery. A novel form of extended-wavelength diffuse reflectance spectroscopy was evaluated. METHODS:: Blood perfusion in porcine eyelid flaps was measured using laser Doppler velocimetry and laser speckle contrast imaging, whereas the tissue response was measured using diffuse reflectance sp
Recombinant alpha-1-microglobulin : A potential treatment for preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy-specific condition, affecting 10 million women annually worldwide. No specific treatment is currently available. Recent studies have demonstrated abnormal production and accumulation of free fetal hemoglobin in the preeclamptic placenta, and identified subsequent leakage into the maternal circulation as an important factor in the development of preeclampsia. A r
Supply Chain Risk Management : En modell för riskbedömning och riskhantering
Dagens moderna samhälle är ett i många avseenden sårbart samhälle. Det har inte varit någon medveten strävan utan är en konsekvens av att samhället till stor del kommit att bli uppbyggt kring försörjningskedjor (supply chains). I dessa hårt integrerade kedjor med ett flertal ofta globalt utspridda led flyter en ständig ström av fysiska varor, tjänster samt kombinationer av varor och tjänster.Det e
One-nucleon removal reactions at the FRS
The fragment separator FRS at GSI was used as an energy-loss spectrometer to study the nuclear structure of exotic light nuclei via nucleon-removal reactions. The measurements performed include the longitudinal momentum distributions of fragments after one-nucleon removal, the one-nucleon removal cross-sections and in some cases the coincident detection of gamma rays emitted from the breakup fragm
Systematic investigation of the drip-line nuclei 11Li and 14Be and their unbound subsystems 10Li and 13Be
Fragmentation reactions in a carbon target with beams of 11Li and 14Be at relativistic energies have been studied in a kinematically complete experiment at the ALADIN-LAND setup at GSI. Excited states in 11Li and 14Be were obtained from the data in the inelastic channel. The measured cross sections with the core nucleus in the final state show that in the 14Be case core polarization plays an impor
The isothiocyanate produced from glucomoringin inhibits NF-kB and reduces myeloma growth in nude mice in vivo
Glucosinolates (GLs), natural compounds extracted from Brassicaceae and precursors of isothiocyanates (ITCs), have been studied in the last decades mostly due to their chemopreventive activity and, more recently, for their potential use as novel chemotherapeutics. The aim of the present study was to investigate the in vitro and in vivo activity of glucomoringin (GMG), an uncommon member of the GLs
Dynamics of cell cycle phase perturbations by trabectedin (ET-743) in nucleotide excision repair (NER)-deficient and NER-proficient cells, unravelled by a novel mathematical simulation approach
OBJECTIVES: Trabectedin (ET-743, Yondelis) is a natural marine product, with antitumour activity, currently in phase II/III clinical trials. Previous studies have shown that cells hypersensitive to ultraviolet (UV)-rays because of nucleotide excision repair (NER) deficiency, were resistant to trabectedin. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether this resistance was associated with diff