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Gait Biomechanics While Walking Down an Incline After Exhaustion
This gait biomechanics study investigated stride length (SL), stride duration (SDN), the peak values of ground reaction forces (GRFspeak), required coefficient of friction (RCOFpeak), leg joints’ angles (anglepeak), angular velocity (angvelx.peak), angular acceleration (angaccx.peak), minimum angle (anglemin.) of the foot, and muscles’ electromyography (EMG) during the stance phase (SP) of the dom
Prevalence and functional impact of parkinsonian signs in older adults from the Good Aging in Skåne study : Parkinsonian signs in older adults
IntroductionMild parkinsonian signs (MPS) have been characterized by several definitions, using the motor part of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). We aimed to investigate the prevalence of MPS and their association with functional level and comorbidities in the oldest old.MethodCommunity-dwelling older adults (n = 559, median age 85, range 80–102 years) were examined regarding
Man tager vad man haver? : om Alfred Nobel och platsmarknadsföring i Karlskoga
Detta kapitel har som utgångspunkt den historiska relationen mellan Alfred Nobel och Karlskoga, då kommunen nu mer än 100 år efter Alfred Nobels död försöker bygga upp platsvarumärket ”Alfred Nobels Karlskoga” i syfte att generera regional tillväxt och utveckling. Att använda sig av en känd person från bygden i syfte att marknadsföra en plats är inte ovanligt. Liknande exempel kan hämtas från exem
Pain in clinical trials for knee osteoarthritis : estimation of regression to the mean
Aquaporins - Novel approaches to old problems
As all life on this planet evolves around water, it is important for our bodies to be able to regulate it. This may be done passively, but just like with water in the ocean, if we were to rely solely on passive transport (such as evaporation), the flow of water would be too slow for biological functions to uphold the homeostasis that is so important for us to survive. All organisms have thus devel
Introduction: Stuckness and Sites of Confinement
This Introduction to the special issue develops a theoretical argument around the interrelations of space and time in sites of confinement by exploring the relationships between ghettos, camps, places of detention, prisons and the like with a focus on those people who are confined, encamped, imprisoned, detained, stuck, or forcibly removed and who are doing their utmost to cope or escape. We explo
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Resistance, Materiality and the Spectre of Cartesianism : A Contribution to the Critique of Feminist New Materialism
An important camp within the emerging field of resistance studies has been characterised by a tendency to study and theorise matters of culture, language, and discourse at the expense of matter itself. For researchers interested in feminist resistance, feminist new materialism – with its focus on the entanglements of ‘natureculture’, matter, the body, sexual differ- ence, agency, and change – mighAn important camp within the emerging field of resistance studies hasbeen characterised by a tendency to study and theorise matters of culture,language, and discourse at the expense of matter itself. For researchersinterested in feminist resistance, feminist new materialism – with its focuson the entanglements of ‘natureculture’, matter, the body, sexual differ-ence, agency, and change – might app
Ancient Equality Against Modern Democracy : Resources of Critique in Hannah Arendt and Ellen Meiksins Wood
Increasing discontent with the current status of democracy has prompted a renewed interest in Athenian democracy. This article contributes with the first comparative analysis of two political theoreticians – Hannah Arendt and Ellen Meiksins Wood – whose reactivations of ancient political experiences significantly predate recent trends. Despite the fact that Arendt levelled fierce critique against
Structure, Temporality, and Theories of Revolution. Reading Alberto Melucci in Revolutionary Saint Domingue, 1791–1804
This article addresses the debate on structure, agency, and process in contemporary revolution theory, drawing on social movement theory and using the Haitian Revolution as an illustrative case. The article seeks to make three main contributions. Firstly, while accepting the critique against the failure of structuralist revolution theory to explain why revolutions can occur under difficult circumsThis article addresses the debate on structure, agency, and process in contemporary revolution theory, drawing on social movement theory and using the Haitian Revolution as an illustrative case. The article seeks to make three main contributions. Firstly, while accepting the critique against the failure of structuralist revolution theory to explain why revolutions can occur under difficult circums
Comparison of multi echo T2 relaxation and steady state approaches for myelin imaging in the central nervous system
The traditional approach for measuring myelin-associated water with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses multi-echo T2 relaxation data to calculate the myelin water fraction (MWF). A fundamentally different approach, abbreviated “mcDESPOT”, uses a more efficient steady-state acquisition to generate an equivalent metric (fM). Although previous studies have demonstrated inherent instab
The Memory of Meanings : The Images of Jewish-Catholic Relations in Interwar Lublin in Oral Histories
This work explores narratives of Jewish-Catholic relations in interwar Lublin, as recalled by its Jewish and Catholic inhabitants by the end of their lives. Thus, it concerns both memory and intergroup relations and seeks to understand the attitudes towards the religious Other. The main body of sources for this qualitative study is a collection of oral histories from the Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre
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Tilt-Induced Changes in RR Series Characteristics : An AV Node Simulation Study
In the ECG recordings during tilt test, changes in RR series characteristics can be observed. The purpose of the present study is to investigate to what extent these changes can be explained by changes in the atrial input and in the atrioventricular (AV) nodal characteristics induced by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Average RR series characteristics (mean, rmssd and sample entropy) and avera
Healthcare professionals' experiences and views of eHealth in pediatric care : qualitative interview study applying a theoretical framework for implementation
Objective: This study aims to investigate the perspectives and insights of health care professionals (HCPs) regarding the implementation of an eHealth intervention in pediatric health care while applying the NASSS framework to theorize and evaluate the conditions influencing the implementation of eHealth solutions.Methods: Semistructured interviews were performed with health care providers, includ
Primary and Community Care
Care of older persons in community and primary care differs substantially between European countries, but most countries pursue the concept of “ageing in place”, meaning that most older people do not live in institutions. More and more older people are living alone. Relatives still play an important role in the care of older people, but it differs substantially within Europe, and will probably rem
Evaluating the equity impact and cost-effectiveness of digital adherence technologies with differentiated care to support tuberculosis treatment adherence in Ethiopia : protocol and analysis plan for the health economics component of a cluster randomised trial
BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis remains a leading infectious cause of death in resource-limited settings. Effective treatment is the cornerstone of tuberculosis control, reducing mortality, recurrence and transmission. Supporting treatment adherence through facility-based observations of medication taking can be costly to providers and patients. Digital adherence technologies (DATs) may facilitate treatm
Ventricular–arterial coupling (VAC) in a population-based cohort of middle-aged individuals: The STANISLAS cohort
Background and aimsData exploring normal values of different ventricular–arterial coupling (VAC) parameters and their association with anthropometric and cardiovascular (CV) factors are scarce. We aim to report values of two different methods of VAC assessment according to age and sex and explore their association with CV factors within a large population-based cohort of middle-aged individuals.Me