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Beroende, lydnad och tio år av vansinne: i kölvattnet på en organisationsförändring
Några utvecklingslinjer inom den allmänpsykiatriska vården under 1970-talet.
Humanities of the lesser-known : New directions in the description, documentation and typology of endangered languages and musics, 10-11th September 2010, Lund University, Sweden
Objective detection and time-frequency localization of components within transient signals
An automatic component detection method for overlapping transient pulses in multi-component signals is presented and evaluated. The recently proposed scaled reassignment technique is shown to have the best achievable resolution for closely located Gaussian shaped transient pulses, even in heavy disruptive noise. As a result, the method automatically detects and counts the number of transients, giv
Pierre Janet and the Enchanted Boundary of Psychical Research
Among the founders of French psychology, Pierre Janet (1859 –1947) is recognized forboth his scientific and institutional roles. The psychology born at the turn of the 20thcentury was initially partly receptive to, but then engaged in, a battle with the “psychical marvelous,” and Janet was no exception. He was involved in the split between psychology and parapsychology (or “metapsychics” in France
The biogeochemical consequences of litter transformation by insect herbivory in the Subarctic : a microcosm simulation experiment
Warming may increase the extent and intensity of insect defoliations within Arctic ecosystems. A thorough understanding of the implications of this for litter decomposition is essential to make predictions of soil-atmosphere carbon (C) feedbacks. Soil nitrogen (N) and C cycles naturally are interlinked, but we lack a detailed understanding of how insect herbivores impact these cycles. In a laborat
Introgressive hybridization between the Atlantic and Pacific herrings (Clupea harengus and C. pallasii) in the north of Europe.
We present evidence of mitochondrial and nuclear introgression from the Atlantic herring Clupea harengus into the Pacific herring C. pallasii in northern European seas, where the two species have come into secondary contact following the post-glacial trans-Arctic invasion of Pacific herring to the Atlantic realm. Although the breeding areas of the two species are thought to be separate, 7 % of the
Impact of the tcf7l2 genotype on risk of hypoglycaemia and glucagon secretion during hypoglycaemia
Introduction: In healthy carriers of the T allele of the transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2), fasting plasma glucagon concentrations are lower compared with those with the C allele. We hypothesised that presence of the T allele is associated with a diminished glucagon response during hypoglycaemia and a higher frequency of severe hypoglycaemia (SH) in type 1 diabetes (T1DM). Material and method
EURO-B.O.S.S. : A European study on chemotherapy in bone-sarcoma patients aged over 40: Outcome in primary high-grade osteosarcoma
INTRODUCTION: The EUROpean Bone Over 40 Sarcoma Study (EURO-B.O.S.S.) was the first prospective international study for patients 41-65 years old with high-grade bone sarcoma treated with an intensive chemotherapy regimen derived from protocols for younger patients with high-grade skeletal osteosarcoma.METHODS: Chemotherapy based on doxorubicin, cisplatin, ifosfamide, and methotrexate was suggested
Effects on the glucagon response to hypoglycaemia during DPP-4 inhibition in elderly subjects with type 2 diabetes : A randomized, placebo-controlled study
Aims: Maintainance of glucagon response to hypoglycaemia is important as a safeguard against hypoglycaemia during glucose-lowering therapy in type 2 diabetes. During recent years, DPP-4 (dipeptidyl peptidase-4) inhibition has become more commonly used in elderly patients. However, whether DPP-4 inhibition affects the glucagon response to hypoglycaemia in the elderly is not known and was the aim of
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Electrical and optical evaluation of n-type doping in InxGa(1-x)P nanowires
To harvest the benefits of III-V nanowires in optoelectronic devices, the development of ternary materials with controlled doping is needed. In this work, we performed a systematic study of n-type dopant incorporation in dense InxGa(1-x)P nanowire arrays using tetraethyl tin (TESn) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as dopant precursors. The morphology, crystal structure and material composition of the na
Submerged Landscapes in the Hanö Bay : Early Holocene shoreline displacement and human environments in the southern Baltic Basin
Under istider, när stora mängder havsvatten var bundet i inlandsisar, var den globala havsnivån lägre än idag och stora delar av kontinentalsockeln torrlagd. Den senaste istiden (cirka 115 000–12 000 år sedan) var inget undantag, då torrlagda områden utvecklades till ekologiskt rika kustområden som möjliggjorde människans spridning över världen. När inlandsisarna smältesteg havsnivån och dessa lanDuring times of lower global sea level, vast areas of the coastal shelf were exposed and converted into ecologically diverse coastal landscapes that wereattractive for human occupation. The landscapes were subsequently flooded during the deglaciation, but well-preserved remains of these landscapes andtheir inhabitants can today be found on the seafloor. In the southern Baltic Basin, where the comp
Grupprelationer : Texter om förhållandena mellan individ, grupp och organisation
The Genetics of Urinary Tract Infections and the Innate Defense of the Kidney and Urinary tract
The urinary tract is a sterile organ system. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and often serious infections. Research has focused on uropathogen, environment, and host factors leading to UTI pathogenesis. A growing body of evidence exists implicating genetic factors that can contribute to UTI risks. In this review, we highlight genetic variations in aspects of the innate immune system cri
Building Performance and Post Occupancy Evaluation for an off-grid low carbon and solar PV plus-energy powered building. A case from the Western Desert in Egypt
Current trends in energy supply and use within the building sector in Egypt are patently unsustainable and uneconomical; they are not environmentally and sometimes not even socially viable. Renewable energy has recently started to attract considerable attention as a future energy source. After major problems with electricity blackouts the photovoltaic (PV) market, in particular, has been growing s
An Epigenetic Approach to Semantic Categories
It is argued that early language learning in children emerges from five primary knowledge structures: Space, objects, actions, number and events. These structures constitute the basis for the semantic domains that are used to form categories that represent the meanings of early words. The domains are naturally modeled in conceptual spaces that are based on geometric notions rather than on symbolic
Daily intake of milk powder and risk of celiac disease in early childhood : A nested case-control study
Milk powder and gluten are common components in Swedish infants’ diets. Whereas large intakes of gluten early in life increases the risk of celiac disease in genetically at-risk Swedish children, no study has yet evaluated if intake of milk powder by 2 years of age is associated with celiac disease. A 1-to-3 nested case-control study, comprised of 207 celiac disease children and 621 controls match