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Rättslig diskurs i etnokulturella frågor

Hur mycket kostar det i Sverige att “sätta en jude på plats“? Enligt dagens rättspraxis ett tusen kronor i skadestånd, för psykiskt lidande, samt 50 till 80 dagsböter. Detta pris är, enligt Skövde tingsrätt, ett kraftigt straff. Den 28 augusti 1991 åtalades två unga män, E och F, vid Skövde tingsrätt för “ofredande“ av S, en värnpliktskamrat av judisk härkomst. De två unga männen hade “smädat“ S g

Replicated host-race formation in bogus yucca moths: genetic and ecological divergence of Prodoxus quinquepunctellus on yucca hosts

Goal: Assess host-race formation in certain moths by examining their genetic and ecological differentiation. Organisms: Stalk-feeding moths, Prodoxus quinquepunctellus, collected from sympatric populations of Yucca elata and Y rostrata in west Texas, USA. Results: Moths on the two yuccas differed significantly in mtDNA haplotype frequencies, emergence time, wing dot number, body size, and ovipos

Sexual experiences in childhood: young adults' recollections

Childhood sexuality and children's sexual experiences have become increasingly important to study because our knowledge on the impact of sexually abusive experiences on children's developing sexuality has increased. The main aim of this paper was to study aspects of young adults' recollections of their sexual experiences before the age of 13, solitary and shared, mutual as well as coercive. Anonym

Structure of Normally Deformed States in 80Sr

High-spin states were populated in Sr-80 With the reaction Ni-58(Si-28,alpha 2p), using a 130 MeV Si-28 beam from the 88-Inch Cyclotron at LBNL. Gamma rays were detected with Gammasphere. and evaporated alphas and protons were detected with the Microball. The level scheme has been extended, and angular distributions of many of the transitions have been measured. A portion of the data was taken usi

Urodynamic effects of a novel EP(1) receptor antagonist in normal rats and rats with bladder outlet obstruction.

Purpose: Prostaglandin E-2 and its EP1 receptor were suggested as endogenous modulators of bladder function in the normal physiological state and under pathophysiological conditions. We investigated if the new EP1 receptor antagonist PF-2907617-02 would influence the regulation of normal micturition in rats, and if it affects bladder function in animals with partial bladder outlet obstruction. Mat

An Improved Procedure for the Synthesis of Bicyclo[2.2.2]octane- 2,6-dione

Conjugate addition of Meldrum's acid to 2-cyclohexenone followed by direct cyclization in PPA/acetic acid constitutes a shorter, more reproducible and higher yielding route to bicyclo[2.2.2]octane-2,6-dione than previous methods. The crude dione could be used as substrate for the baker's yeast reduction to (IR, 4S, 6S)-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane-6-ol-2-one.

Effects of long-term treatment with estrogen and progesterone on in vitro muscle responses of the female rabbit urinary bladder and urethra to autonomic drugs and nerve stimulation

Ovariectomized virginal rabbits were treated with either estrogen or progesterone for 4 to 6 months. In vitro responses of muscle strips of the bladder and circular urethra were examined. Estrogen resulted in bladder contractions in response to noradrenaline and phenylephrine, whereas these agonists were without effect or evoked weak relaxations in castrated animals (and normals). Estrogen also ca

BRCA2 germ-line mutations are frequent in male breast cancer patients without a family history of the disease

Breast cancer is a rare disease in men, affecting less than 0.1% of the male population. Two heritable gene defects have been associated with a predisposition to male breast cancer development, ie., germ-line mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2 and the androgen receptor (AR) gene. In this study, the entire coding regions of BRCA2 and AR were screened for mutations in 34 consec

Den nationella modern : moderskap i konstruktioner av svensk nationell gemenskap under 1900-talets första hälft

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens syfte är att analysera relationen och interaktionen mellan genus och nation i en svensk kontext under 1900-talets första hälft. När kvinnor mobiliseras nationellt inom olika typer av nationalism är det oftast moderskapet som åberopas. Detta är en av utgångspunkterna i avhandlingen. Föreställningar om ett nationellt moderskap återfinns också i flera olika sThe aim of this thesis is to analyse the relationship and interaction between gender and nation in a Swedish context, during the first half of the twentieth century. When women become mobilised on a nationwide basis within different types of nationalism, it is often motherhood that is invoked. This is just one point of departure in my dissertation. Perceptions of a national motherhood are also fou

Diabetes duration may modify the association between genetic variation in the glycoprotein la subunit of the platelet collagen receptor and risk of severe diabetic retinopathy: a working hypothesis

Genetic factors appear to contribute to the severity and progression of diabetic retinopathy. We assessed the associations of the C807T and Glu505Lys variants of the glycoprotein Ia (alpha(2) integrin) subunit of the platelet/endothelial collagen receptor and risk of retinopathy in a population-based survey of 288 diabetic patients in one Swedish community. Neither variant was associated with reti