

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Operando Investigation of WS2 Gas Sensors : Simultaneous Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Electrical Characterization in Unveiling Sensing Mechanisms during Toxic Gas Exposure

Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) is combined with simultaneous electrical measurements and supported by density functional theory calculations to investigate the sensing mechanism of tungsten disulfide (WS2)-based gas sensors in an operando dynamic experiment. This approach allows for the direct correlation between changes in the surface potential and the resistivity of th

Porpoises and their prey : Diet and foraging behaviour of Belt Sea harbour porpoises

Förlust av biologisk mångfald är ett av de största hoten mot ekosystem och derasfunktioner. Nästan 500 arter i den marina miljön i Sverige anses idag vara hotade ellersårbara. En av dessa är Sveriges enda val, tumlaren (Phocoena phocoena), som lever längs hela Sveriges kust och rör sig över stora områden i sin jakt på fisk att äta. Mänsklig påverkan, framför allt genom oavsiktliga bifångster vid gThe harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is a small toothed whale with a mainly coastal distribution in the northern hemisphere. As a marine top predator, the species can act as an indicator for early warning signs of ecosystem changes. At the same time, harbour porpoises are globally threatened by human activities and in need of conservation. Successful protection of harbour porpoises requires un

Towards a Complete Safety Framework for Longitudinal Driving

Formal models for the safety validation of autonomous vehicles have become increasingly important. To this end, we present a safety framework for longitudinal automated driving. This framework enables the calculation of minimum safe inter-vehicular distances for arbitrary ego vehicle control policies in a computationally efficient manner. We use this framework to enhance and generalize the Respons

New Directions in Digitalisation: Perspectives from EU Competition Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights

This open access book brings together experts from both EU competition law as well fundamental rights backgrounds, discussing the most recent developments in EU legislation on digitalisation. Most prominently, it explores the recently introduced Digital Markets Act (DMA), including a discussion on other related legislative acts and the respective case law. It is aimed mostly at academics and resea

An evaluation of best practices in an air quality student science project in Ethiopia

A science project as part of a student’s curriculum, which we call student science, might be the answer to two problems for a low-income country like Ethiopia: conventional science can be expensive and many students lack training in practical skills. Earlier studies have been conducted with respect to lay people (citizens or students) conducting (parts of) research (e.g. citizen science), but rare

HPV testing, methylation and genotyping in cervical cancer screening and treatment follow-up

HPV testing has a higher sensitivity than cytology for identification of women at risk of cancer. Primary HPV testing was introduced in the organized screening program in Skåne, Sweden in 2017 for women 30 years and older. High-risk HPV E6/E7 mRNA was detected in 7.0% of these women. Primary HPV-screening identified a similar proportion of abnormal cytology (ASCUS+) as cytology-based screening (3.

Vad ska bli av sanatoriet i Hällnäs?

I början av 1900-talet byggdes enorma sjukhus runt om i Europa i hopp om att bekämpa den förödande spridningen av tuberkulos. Innan framtagandet av antibiotika och vaccin låg fokuset på att isolera de insjuknade och förse dem med näringsrik mat och frisk luft, i tron om att det hade en läkande effekt på lungorna. Trots att det saknades medicinska belägg för detta resulterade det i att sanatoriernaIn the beginning of the 20th century, enormous hospitals were built all over Europe to cope with the devastating spread of tuberculosis. Before the invention of antibiotics and vaccines, emphasis was placed on isolating the sick and providing them with fresh air, assuming it had healing effects on infected lungs. Despite never being clinically proven, sanatoriums were often located far from cities

Rethinking Neo-familism: An Analysis of Extended Family Life Experiences of the Left-behind Rural Elderly in Contemporary China

The research seeks to answer the research question of How do we interpret the life experiences of the left-behind rural elderly in relation to extended family? And particularly, it inquiries about that: in their family life, what kind of strategies do they apply to navigate the balance between individual and family interests? To answer the question, the research combined neo-familism and life cour

Position tracking of optical modules in multidirectional network cameras by using ultrasonic waves

In products with multiple, movable components it is often important to know the position of them. Such an example is to localize the different optical modules used within a multidirectional surveillance camera. This thesis explores the feasibility of using ultrasound distance-measuring technology for that particular application. Various methods and technologies were examined before developing a co

Powertrain System Design for an Ultra-Light Electric Vehicle

This thesis focuses on the optimization of a dual-motor powertrain for an electric vehicle known as the LEVKART, a lightweight four-wheeled vehicle developed for both indoor and outdoor usage. The study examined the effect of different battery voltages, specifically 36 V, 39.6 V, and 43.2 V, on the vehicle’s performance. The main focus lies on reducing the energy consumption and increasing the ran

Gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation : Beyond classic food science

Several digestive system models have been developed, varying in sophistication. These models measure under dynamic, semi-dynamic, or batch conditions, with notable distinctions between them. This chapter covers models for gastrointestinal digestion, including static and dynamic models, and important aspects of digestion and fermentation, such as bioaccessibility, bioavailability, and bioconversion

Cannibalization within a Multi-brand Portfolio – The Case of L'Oréal Group

Purpose: To investigate how the L'Oréal Group manages its multi-brand portfolio within the beauty market, focusing on how they navigate the complexities of brand cannibalization. Methodology: This paper employs a qualitative research method. Empirical data about the case object L'Oréal Group was collected through secondary data from their latest annual report, websites and online sources

The Role of Brand Logics in Shaping the Success of Brand Extensions: Apple vs. Colgate

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of brand logics on the success of brand extensions. Methodology: This study has examined two different case studies to better understand the effect of brand logic. An extensive literature review was done on “brand logics”, specifically Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and the Golden Circle, “brand extensions” as well as “brand identit

Let's Get (Hyper)Physical: Defining a New Phenomenon

Purpose: To define hyperphysical retail, and present theoretical aspects which should be considered when a company wants to create their own hyperphysical installation. Methodology: A qualitative dual case study with secondary data utilizing an abductive method to develop the interpretation of the phenomenon by consistently working between the cases and the selected theories. Findings: This paper