

Din sökning på "*" gav 536806 sökträffar

Blekinges Flora

Blekinge är ett landskap som trots sin litenhet hyser en variationsrik natur. Skärgården blandas av små, kala skär och större trädbevuxna öar. Kusttrakternas mosaik av lummiga lövskogar, samt öppna ängs- och åkermarker, övergår norrut i barrskogar och slingrande åar eller små sjöar. Floran presenterar alla Blekinges arter med beskrivning av deras utbredning, miljö, samt förändringar i frekvens. Et

Testing English Collocations : Developing Receptive Tests for Use with Advanced Swedish Learners

Popular Abstract in Swedish Forskningsprojektet som rapporteras i denna avhandling har två övergripande mål. Det första målet är att utveckla testinstrument avsett för avancerade svenska inlärare av engelska, som genererar reliabla och valida testpoäng kopplat till receptiv kunskap avseende engelska kollokationer som en specifik förmåga. Med kollokationer avses konventionaliserade och frekvent förThe research reported in this thesis has two main aims. The first aim is to develop tests capable of yielding reliable and valid scores of receptive knowledge of English collocations as a single construct, for use with advanced L2 learners of English. Collocations are seen as conventionalized, recurring combinations of words, and the targeted types are adjective + NP and verb + NP. The second aim

Inner-city Renewal. Revanchist Utopianism and Stadtschmerz

This dissertation seeks to describe, analyse and explain the contemporary poverty urban deprivation research and policies. By looking at the post-war planning policy of two specific urban neighbourhoods, the South Bank in London and the Leopold Quarter in Brussels, it seeks to demonstrate and clarify: 1) the growing political impotence of urban strategies, plans, policies and research projects tha

Market-Oriented Programming and its Application to Power Load Management

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen studerar en ny programmeringsmetod, kallad marknads-orienterad programmering, och undersöker hur den kan användas i praktiska tillämpningar.Market-oriented programming is a new approach to design and implementation of resource allocation mechanisms in computer systems. It has its roots in different disciplines, such as economics and computer science (in particular the area of multi-agent systems). This thesis is divided into two different parts, focusing on: 1) central foundations and mechanisms of market-oriented programming, and 2)

Free Volume and Mesopores in Polymer Nanocomposites

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den fria volymen i en polymer är kopplad till flera fundamentala fysikaliska egenskaper som till exempel densitet, viskositet och gas diffusivitet. De fysikaliska egenskaperna hos polymerer i närheten av, eller i kontakt med, en solid yta har visats vara väsentligt olika dess bulkegenskaper. De fysikaliska egenskaperna hos polymerer i närheten av, eller i kontakt med, yThe free volume in polymers is coupled to several important physical properties, such as density, viscosity and gas diffusivity. The physical properties of polymers close to a solid surface have been shown to be significantly perturbed as compared to their bulk state. The behavior of polymers close to surfaces comes into play within the field of polymer composites, where the properties of the inte

Genetic Variation and Migration of Waders

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fåglars spektakulära flyttningresor fram och tillbaka över jordklotet har länge fascinerat forskarna, men många frågor kring fåglarnas flyttningsbeteende är ännu obesvarade. Vadare är en av de fågelgrupper som flyttar allra längst, ofta från nordliga häckningsområden uppe på den arktiska tundran till övervintringsområden på södra halvklotet. I avhandlingen används moderThe migratory behaviour of birds has received much scientific interest, though many questions still remain unsolved. One of the reasons for this is the difficulty of following the birds as they move between breeding and wintering localities. Populations may mix on migration and the origin of individual birds is difficult to assess. One way to address this problem may be to develop genetic populati

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Abstract in Danish Præsentation af kliniske arenaer for klinisk praksis/VFU

Where have all the Settlements Gone? Field Survey Methods for Locating Bronze and Iron Age Settlements in a Cultivated Landscape

The article is a description and evaluation of extensive and intensive field survey as a means of locating sites from the bronze and early iron ages in the cultivated landscape of southern Sweden. It includes a discussion of other field survey efforts and recommendations about survey technique. Surface survey in December proved to be a fairly successful means of locating bronze age remains in clay